Intakt mazedonischen Grab entdeckt in Nordgriechenland

Greek-Tomb-Gold-BowlVERGINA, GREECE—According to The Greek Reporter, eine intakte Grab aus dem vierten Jahrhundert v. Chr. Es wurde in der Nekropole in Aigai in Nordgriechenland entdeckt. Archäologe Angeliki Kottaridi, Leitung der Grabung, found a gold-plated bronze vessel and a gold-plated bronze wreath among the tomb’s burial offerings. The krater, used for mixing wine and water, was found surrounded by pieces of wood that may have been a piece of furniture. The artifacts will become part of a new archaeology museum in Aigai. To read about Roman-era funeral customs in Macedonia, see “Burial Customs.”

Quelle: Archäologie Magazin

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