The tomb, the largest ever uncovered in Greece, measures 500 metres in length and 33 metres in height. Workers unearthing it have revealed twin sphinxes, a pair of Cartylids – or scuplted female figures – an elaborate mosaic floor and the remains of a skeleton.
Katerina Peristeri, the chief archaeologist at the Ancient Amphipolis site, said that the identity of the skeleton is still unknown, but certainly belongs to an important figure, possibly a general.
“You are aware that the most difficult task begins now – and that is carrying out the DNA analysis which will give us the answers we are waiting for,” she told journalists during a press conference.
She said several coins dating to the period of Alexander the Great were also discovered in the tomb.
Officials have said the tomb most likely belongs to a distinguished male public figure or a general, prompting excited speculation that it might house the remains of Alexander the Great, who died in 323 BC and whose final resting place remains a mystery.
Alexander died in Babylon, aged 32. Some experts speculate that he was buried in Alexandria, Egypt.
The king’s wife, Roxanne, and their son, Alexander, were exiled to Amphipolis after his death and slain there along with his mother, brother and sister-in-law, leading some experts to believe their remains might be discovered there.