Alexander the Great never spoke and wrote West-Bulgarian

Alexander the Great never spoke and wrote West-Bulgarian Dialects like the language you speak and write in F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje and we see here below. Everybody can read from independent sources that Bulgarians came in the Balkans from Volga Steppe 1.000 years later after Alexander’s death.1.000 years later!!! Ex-Prime minister of F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje Ljubčo Georgiewski knows this very well and lives now as proud Bulgarian citizen in Sofia/Bulgaria. Stop play the role of historical clowns. Stop steal the culture heritage of all your neighbors if you don’t have and need a new one.

Here some independet sources

Ex-Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje Ljubčo Georgiewski explain Greek history of Ancient Macedonia to his countrymen in  Skopje.

Mutter Teresa is from Albanian Ethnicity

Tsar Samuel was a Bulgarian Tsar

Cyril and Methodius were byzantine Greek brothers from Thessaloniki

Ancient Kingdom of Macedonia in Greece

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