Alexander the Great never spoke and wrote West-Bulgarian Dialects like the language you speak and write in F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje and we see here below. Everybody can read from independent sources that Bulgarians came in the Balkans from Volga Steppe 1.000 years later after Alexander's death. 1.000 years later!!! Ex-Prime minister of F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje Ljubčo Georgiewski knows this very well and lives now as proud Bulgarian citizen in Sofia/Bulgaria. Stop play the role of historical clowns. Stop steal the culture heritage of all your neighbors if you don't have and need a new one.
Here some independet sources
Ex-Prime Minister of F.Y.R.O.M. / Skopje Ljubčo Georgiewski explain Greek history of Ancient Macedonia to his countrymen in Skopje.
Mutter Teresa is from Albanian Ethnicity
Tsar Samuel was a Bulgarian Tsar
Cyril and Methodius were byzantine Greek brothers from Thessaloniki
Ancient Kingdom of Macedonia in Greece