The owners of this beautiful restaurant have done the space part of the ancient heritage anymore. Incorporated in the warm and inviting space in Hellenistic spirit that is spread throughout the region. Performances of ancient images, to top that of God who was worshipped especially in Atios Amphipolis. PA281627-OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

A great place to feel a bit from the ancient spirit of the region. The sense of the historical past is compounded by the performances of space. You can imagine the Athenian fleet close to the Iiwna. Invasion and conquest of Amphipolis course. On the South side of the Hill, in new Amphipolis all roads passing by the intersection. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA



The restaurant of Yannis and Angeliki


Friendly atmosphere, warm and willing people, dishes tended with the family way. Serves all hours, offering breakfast Serraϊko, coffee and lunch, with enthusiasm and great care. With views of the Museum and the visitors continued to suffer, Since it is situated a few meters across. IMGP0932

A historic restaurant in a historic place. Besides here you might see executives of the Ministry of culture, people who have touched the Caryatids, you have walked in the basement space of a large Mound and I have seen to the naked eye the extraordinary mosaic of 2400 years. People who have already entered the history book of ancient Greece, but also of world history, due to the semantics of m. Alexandrou.
