Work continued on the Archaeological Serres, in particular in Kasta Hill and third Ward. At a depth of 1, 60 m. from the saved stones of the floor, revealed large CIST Tomb, made of limestone (Sketch, foto 1, 2).
The external dimensions of the tomb is of length 3, 23 m., width 1, 56 m. and saved EUR 1 m. However, found, during excavation, stanchions from the reconstruction of the Tomb, that allow us to believe that his height reached at least 1.80 m.
Within the Tomb created a deepening of width 0, elongate 54zn. and length 2, 35 m. (Photo 3). This is the position in which it was placed a wooden coffin. Found, scattered, iron and bronze nails, and bone and glass ornaments the coffin (foto 4). Note that the total amount of the third Chamber on the top of the canopy to the bottom of the tomb is 8, 90 m.
Inside and outside of the Tomb, found the skeleton of a dead. It is obvious that the anthropological material will be examined by specialists. Is, equally, obvious that all investigations will be made which requires modern science.
The burial complex on the Hill is a public work Kasta, that was used for the construction of the largest quantity of marble, that has ever been used in Macedonia. To remind you of the elements of the uniqueness of the: Tumulus of 33 pm, and this ep᾽ the pedestal with the oversized lion, totaling 15,84. The Sphinxes, the caryatids and the wonderful mosaic with the abduction of Persephone, but marble painted epistylia, which, at the moment, maintained in the laboratory of the Museum of Amphipolis. Note the unprecedented level of construction set.
Therefore, This monument is a unique and original composition varying characteristics. It is a highly accurate construction, the cost of which is obviously unlikely to have undertaken by private.
Probably, This is afirwϊsmenoy dead monument, i.e., mortal whom were devotional figures from the society of his time. The dead was a prominent personality, only thus explained the construction of this unique funerary complex.
In order to implement the rehabilitation work of the monument, systematically studied the scattered architectural, which have been identified and attributed to the precinct. This is for 500 about marble members, located in the surrounding area, where today is located the lion, While as withdrawn, a few days ago, the waters of Lake kerkini, discovered more than a hundred members of the enclosure, like cornices, uprights and stepseis. Had been transferred, the 1936 by Oylen, which had taken over the construction of the dam of kerkini ( foto 5,6).
In the context of archaeological research in the Tomb was checked and sediment sampling, Interior and exterior of the Tomb, as the drilling control of subsoil, in order to determine the geological background. The sediments consist of alternating sand and marl, source limnaias.
For the next few days provided complete sieving of soil, the completion of the task ypostylwtikwn and the continuation of maintenance work on the monument , but the findings in the laboratory of the Museum of Amphipolis. Special emphasis is placed on maintenance of parts of the missing part of the mosaic.
At 22 November, the Minister of culture and sport,. K. Tasoylas will give an interview in the Museum of Amphipolis, on one afternoon on the findings and the next phase of work on the tumulus Kasta.
At 29 November, Sabbath day and time 11.00 will be presented the results of the excavation period in Hill Kasta, from Serres, curator. Peristeri and its partners, in Athens, at the Auditorium of the Ministry of culture.
Geophysical diaskopiseis
Geophysical diaskopisi will become the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in particular by the laboratory of applied Geophysics, which is headed by Professor Gregory Tsoka, After a proposal of Pericles Mitka Professor valid. It should be noted that the UNIVERSITY has put at the disposal of the Ministry of culture not only know-how and resources of the University.
For the investigation of the Mound Kasta I used, mainly, the method of electrical resonance, in the development of which contributes the specific workshop. The method consists of electrical imaging of the subsurface, similar to medical tomography. He doesn't get to explore other tumuli- eg. Apollonia, Kilkis, Vergína, Argolida etc.) Results from the examination of Kasta mound in next update.