Continuing the excavation work at the Tomb, in the Tumulus Kasta from ZB Ephorate of prehistoric and classical Antiquities, in Amphipolis. Today, evacuated, with extreme caution, soils which were in the air and behind the statues of Sphinxes, in depth about, two measures , and in width proportional to the input of the Tomb, i.e. 4.50 m. I So, proceeded, the largest portion of the dome's eswrrachioy's apochwmatwsi.
At The Same Time, continued removal of five lithoplinthwn , from the sixth row of the wall sealing, with the help of instrument engineering . After their removal, It was revealed under the basis of Sphinxes, the upper section of the marble thyrwmatos.
Covered with fresco fragment in imitation of ionic. Bear decorating with red, Blue and black color. Immediately, below the Ionic architrave, uncovered two Ionic capitals of the Antis of port, also overlapped with fresco and epizwgrafismena with the same colors. The work will continue tomorrow with priority the strengthening and maintenance of current findings.