Questions to the Secretary General. Ministry of Culture and Sport Mr. L. Mendoni
Question: The tomb is syllimenos;
Reply: The tomb has clearly accepted human intervention, so here we are. Since the beginning of the renovation we said-and we often repeat- that we have very strong evidence of grave robbers action.
Question: How is it possible after so much luxury to have a measly floor,the third Chamber; Is it horizontal wall seal;
Reply: It is for our working hypothesis. So we can not exclude, nor to confirm with the current data.
Question: The monument has created great expectations. Is it someone buried archaeological King;
Reply: Who is buried archaeological, We can't say before the excavation is complete and quite possibly before it could be completed and the study of the monument which can keep some years. All our expectations, however, the monument has already satisfy, because of the uniqueness of the. Is extremely important as a development resource for the place. It is a unique find for science of history and Archaeology, which will employ, for many years, Special scientists.
Question: Step of EGNATIA SA visited the monument;
Reply: Yes, in consultation with the Secretary-General of the Ministry of infrastructure. Strato Simopoulos, engineers of EGNATIA S.A., skilled in tunnels, with whom we have cooperated in other archaeological projects, visited the monument in order to enhance the installation log machinery of static behavior of. The EGNATIA SA offered to dispose of the necessary equipment for the dastima need.
Question: How would you comment on the suspension of Mr. d. Kigk about the discovery of inscriptions in perivolos;
Reply: The 2013 , When it was revealed the marble part of enclosure, photos which gave published the digger, Masonic symbols found,IE signs of masons of the time. This is for memonwmena letters of the Greek alphabet, which militate in the dating of the monument.