What I understood from the statements of the Minister of culture, Lord Xydakis, that ... "money finally to Amphipolis», is that Amphipolis is linked from the "for first time ' left-wing Government with the sinful past of Government mnimoniakis Samara-Venizelou.
The Prime Minister strongly peirachtike by the fact that the Hill Kasta, where they became the archaeological excavations in Amphipolis, having visited the then Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. The ironic fact of style ... "The digger (means without the mentioned Ms. Peristeri) is obliged in accordance with the Agency's Protocol and archaeological law to make an announcement within the next nine months period "implies and a threat that complements it... "To learn all the scientific community and the Greek public opinion more commonly what is found in Amphipolis». Minister, all the planet since last August was learning everything about Amphipolis and clutching undiminished interest in excavations, Now you're saying ... "to learn what has been found in Amphipolis».
The visiting room, be aware and then made again ironic statements – admittedly with tact- "we did not find Larnaca with Golden mask». Minister, at such a critical period, that is from everywhere the Makedonia, does the new line is not to irritate some neighbors with the archaeological findings of Macedonia;
Than,What seems have opened several fronts in the space of culture and well do, After all – as you say – were rotten and worn. At the site of archaeological excavations, from the Prespes until Maronia, It should show more sensitivity, as for and for others – very properly – topics, When diakonoysate journalism from your serious column.
Indeed it's meagre finances of your Ministry. Undoubtedly the liquidity problem has affected our culture, but the millions of foreign tourists come to our Antiquities. The results you see at the Archaeological Museum of Athens.
The small moyseiaki of Amphipolis has ekatontaplasiasei visitors. Don't apaxiwnete this great dig, associated somehow with the Vergina.
Your Ministry needs the excavations in the northern area not to confuse with the politics, past and present. The phrase in your latest statements for Amphipolis... "there is nothing more to see», Maybe it was a tombstone for the historic site of Amphipolis;
Thousands of years ago, the events of the Peloponnesian War had arrived and until Amphipolis. To consider then – now – say between southern and Northern. The world believes that the State is indifferent and the topics of culture of Macedonia!