The Archaeologist Bright Anastasopoulou writes for the m. Alexander

kastas 2014

The archaeologist Bright Anastasopoulou, presents us with a task on his funerary monument dating Mound Kasta:

I decided to share with you some facts about dating and methods followed by the science of archaeology to achieve. I will not go into technical details (I do not know). If someone wishes to immerse herself in Archaeometry I recommend the book by Yiannis Lyritzi ' Archaeometry '- Kardamitsa publications.

Will negotiate everything revealed the archaeological hoe and could help secure his funerary monument dating. However, I would like to point out that I fully agree with Mrs Peristeri estimate for the last quarter of the 4th century. e.g.. and I'll explain below why.

«Shells» melambafwn vessels:
When we say shells in archaeology, We mean the shards of pottery or other artifacts from clay. Such shells, by red coloured vessels, have been found in the tomb of Amphipolis which now we study. Than Mrs Peristeri in the official presentation of the excavation that took place in Athens on 29/11, found shells melambafwn vessels in places of the monument (but not in the burial chamber).

When we say we mean the red coloured vases vases that have black tint which is not a color but a dilution of clay that was spread on the vessel before baking and the firing gets black color. If the vessel has Polish before, which is achieved by rubbing with smooth pebbles or bone then the black color is glossy. The decor of melambafwn vessels does not include styles but herbal garlands («wreath») in the neck of the vase. The decoration is made with brown or clay diluted hue kitrinwpis. This type of vase is called "West slope" type and customary in Macedonia from the 4th to the 1st century. e.g..

The shells found will help to determine the dating of the monument in two ways.

First I compared their type with other vessels in the region that are similar in form and have been conclusively dated.

To be more confident dating, follow the laboratory dating with the method of thermoluminescence. In this method measured the effect of radioactive radiation in radiation of which material the size increases with the passage of time.

(Melanombafes vessel from the Museum of Amphipolis)

As we all know in the burial chamber of the majestic monument in tumulus Kasta found within the burial trench bones dead/dead. Unfortunately the skeleton is diamelismenos and you must first "assembled". Will follow examination by specialists (especially anthropologists but also other specialties) who on the basis of the structure of bones will conclude whether it is male or female, the height and the age of the deceased and the date of death. The finding of the latter will help the laboratory method of dating by radianthraka 14 (C14). The radianthrakas 14 It is one of the three isotopic forms of chemical element C12.

When the method of the calculation of age with continually decreasing radianthraka measured the radioactivity decreases over time.

As stated in the official presentation of the results of the excavation at 29/11 the Lady have found coins Peristeri by 2π. x. century. and from the 3rd a.d. century. in the first and second space funerary monument. The only clues that give these currencies is the period that the tomb was open and visitable. Mrs Peristeri's position is that desecrated during the Roman period, probably in the 3rd century. m. X. and sealed by the last remaining Macedonians.

The funerary monument
The funerary monument, with its luster, the architecture of excellence, the wondrous decor with stunning art sculptures, gorgeous Pebble table by the abduction of Persephone, the frescoes in the «epistylia», the use of expensive for era marble from the mine at Aliki Thassos, It certainly was during the period of acne and validity of the Macedonian Kingdom, State assignment and expense. However the project was commissioned to design and execute one of the best architects of the time with his staff of skilled artists and craftsmen. The mosaic, -that as regards the style fits with what has been previously found in Pella (as the world-famous lion hunt) but with the Pebble mosaic depicting Kentayrina getting ready to offer a libation in front of entrance to the cave and discovered some years ago in Pella- dating back to the last quarter of the 4th century. p. X. can be safely placed construction of the same period.

And just think of the amount of marble used to build the enclosure and funerary monument, marble that brought from Thassos with ships semi-worked, carried on rafts through the Strimonas River near the point of construction of perilamproy Tomb mound and where was the final edit, just consider the person-hours spent, We understand that this project could be done for any

For whom the hero, General or King, the Macedonian state will take such expense; To honor whom dead we were guests in Amphipolis; My friends, Personally I don't think that the second could be done for the Ifaistiwna or another General. I think a serious contender to the attributed this funerary monument is the great Greek Stratilatis our Soul, the kosmoxakoysmenos Alexander III the great.

But, even though my assessment proved wrong isn't going to stenachwrithw. Already archaeologists has enriched our national story with a brilliant chapter and he is a treasure that remains unchanged in centuries, a treasure that is more valuable than the gold funeral gifts. That is why there are States that because they don't have the history trying to steal ... more and personally I feel deep compassion.

As in any, several of the questions will have answers in a scientific way in January 2015 but again likely to arise in other. The truth is that this monument will be studied for years not only by Greek scientists (and we should feel proud that so far only Greek scientists have used in all sectors) but foreign and world-renowned experts. The upcoming results of diaskopisewn likely to open other avenues for new excavations in the tumulus Kasta which will likely reveal equally brilliant discoveries.

The text that I wrote on the site of ancient Lygkistidos which was, is and will be Macedonia.

Bright Anastasopoulou

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