The Sarantos Kargakos on ALPHA for the new finds in the tomb of Amphipolis | AlphaTV

The Sarantos Kargakos on ALPHA for the new finds in the tomb of Amphipolis

The historian and writer Sarantos Kargakos spoke on ALPHA for the new finds in the tomb of Amphipolis and expressed his conviction about the identity of the dead, While proϊdease and new surprises from the possible continuation of excavations in tumulus Kasta. According to Mr. Kargako, the magnificent Tomb refers to Monument «afirwismoy» of the dead, namely a personality located – as it says- between the fatality and theiotitas.


Considers, that this person cannot be other than Alexander the great, as well as stresses, other persons who heard, don't have "afirwistei". Mentions, that in visits before too many years in the region, the locals called the tumulus Kasta as "Queen's Hill" and did not rule out finding and other or other skeletons in the excavation work on the whole tumulus.

See on the interview of Sarantoy Kargakoy in the main newscast of ALPHA.

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