Amphipolis: And in depth ... Alexander

amf alexg

They found the grave, and human skeleton found in a wooden coffin, who are the dead;

The question already hovers over the tomb of Kasta, here at Amphipolis, After the day (;) great revelation of the excavation and the anxiety among ordinary people but also of the archaeological entryfoyntwn culminates.

"The Tomb finished», told me visibly satisfied with the result so far, Ms. Katerina Peristeri, while Ms. My mendoni said: "We are vindicated so far, get well».

But the official announcements fueled intense speculation in the local society and inner hope, that the dead are Alexander the great. Who else "mortal", They said those who prematurely apofainontan, Apart from Alexander I assigned "devotional figures from the society of the time" or what is meant by the reference to the official announcement that the deceased was an eminent personality as only this explains the construction of this unique burial finding;».

Others again, the go more. «Sure», that the tomb was Alexander, spoke of "political issue", with national implications that will be called upon to manage the Government and indeed want Ms. Peristeri to personally inform in late November the Prime Minister in Athens on the occasion of the descent of the Ministry of culture.

All these, of course, was contradicted by the responsible of the excavation, that broadcast that was never mentioned by name the deceased and much more that of Alexander the great. Insisted we, that only DNA analysis will give answer on whether wife or husband and then I researched his identity.

Such a procedure, though, requires time and until then speculations and rumors will not cease to run not only the society of Amphipolis, but in general the territory and the world of science.

Until yesterday afternoon that made at official announcements, Ms. Peristeri and its partners kept jealously the discovery of the tomb and skeleton. Afinan, Indeed, to leak a picture rather frustration that he had found something to prodide human presence beneath the third Chamber. They themselves reported that the skeleton was discovered just the day before the afternoon and moved along with the soil for safekeeping at the Museum of Amphipolis and from today is expected to be launched procedures for genetic analysis.

This excavation can be reached (;) at the end of, with stunning archaeological discoveries, but experts believe the tomb of Kasta hides and other mysteries which are going to investigate. Consider highly likely to exist in the "innards" of other tombs. And for this reason, as announced by the Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki p. Mitkas, who attended in yesterday's interview in Amphipolis, the Foundation is funding to the tune of 12.000 Euro axial tomography "carried" by electric imaging method of soil that will hold the workshop of applied Geophysics of auth.

One Comment:

  1. If you are female or male sees it, a coroner with Visual contact of the skeleton !!!! The agony or the expectations of YPPOA announcements created , not the world!

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