Amphipolis: How was the transfer of the skeleton of the deceased from the grave at the Museum

From what were the bones

Amphipolis: How was the transfer of the skeleton of the deceased from the grave at the Museum-From what were the bones

The discovery of the dead skeleton of Amphipolis on… last moment, have caused worldwide AWE and emotion, but until now had not known the hard work that had to been the excavation group when he was ahead in this new great discovery.

According to the newspaper "Eleftheros typos" bone transport, in order not to create any problem was a really difficult process. The delicate skeletal material should be treated with surgical moves not infected.

How they pulled out from the trench

The bones were removed from the basement to the third Chamber Tomb along with the soil as it does not have to touch human hands. This is because as stated above could be infected. Members of the excavation team who undertook this hard work wore surgical gloves and had taken all necessary precautions. Τα οστά μαζί με το χώμα τοποθετήθηκαν σε νάιλον και στη συνέχεια σε τελάρα και μέσα σε αυτά μεταφέρθηκαν στο αρχαιολογικό μουσείο της Αμφίπολης.

The soils in nylon and then in canvases

Free press mentions as cleaning them would not be there, αλλά από το εξιδεικευμένο εργαστήριο που θα αναλάβει την αποκρυπτογράφησή τους και την εξέταση DNA για να συνθέσουν το προφίλ του νεκρού.

The pathologist George Delaportas reported that when transferring skeletal remains should avoid any contact with this because it can contaminate with the DNA of those who carry. The standard technique is to time none surgical gloves to keep it as clean as possible by foreign elements ", reports.

In accordance with the said Culture Minister Costas Tasoylas speaking today at, the examination of the skeleton from the tomb of Amphipolis will take a group of Greek scientists.


  1. Επί της ουσίας δεν μου απαντάτε και εάν εκνευρίζεσθε δηλώνετε ανησυχία και αυτό δεν είναι το καλύτερο. Πρώτον δεν μιλάμε απλά για ένα δείγμα (μιλάτε με άτομο που έχει πανεπιστημιακές αρχαιολογικές γνώσεις και όχι μόνον) , κατά δεύτερο λόγο, ποιος σας είπε εσάς ότι στον δικό μας ” Δημόκριτο” δεν υπάρχει το κατάλληλο επιστημονικό δυναμικό και ο εξοπλισμός ή ακόμη και στα τόσα πανεπιστημιακά μας ιδρύματα. Απλώς. εάν έχετε καταλάβει σωστά, το αγγλικό πανεπιστημιακό ίδρυμα έχει κάνει τις μελέτες του σκελετικού υλικού που βρέθηκε στη Βεργίνα και απέδειξε ότι ο σκελετος των Αιγών ανήκε στον Φίλιππο Β’ and so hold DNA evidence that can be compared with the skeletal material found at Amphipolis. Good is to do the right reading text before deciding to comment or to make critical and objective. Also inform you that it has done DNA testing on skeletal material from the Lakkoeideis tombs of Mycenae and the result showed that entafiasthentes men in the graves were among their relatives, While women do not. End as Greek citizens and taxpayers we expect idiots at least well and learn the truth. We pay and the excavations and employees in those us have some respect at least. our ancestors were the ancient : ”Prevention or cure” and if you do not anticipate, Sorry, but it will take us to the River all along.

  2. OK. Did and leave thamena because as someone said this is tymborychia or sacrilege; I can't understand why should I consider myself more sensitized by these people. And of course everyone expresses freely his opinion and accepts the criticism of, but this rampantly synwmosiologia m΄ekneyrizei. A few grams of the skeleton I don't think we missed in front of the expected result. Our own scientists undertook, but as they themselves stated, only in England there is a laboratory for the specific job.

  3. You k. Antoni have learned; You know the air bleed the Billboard of Dispilio in laboratory of Germany; (excavation Choyrmoyziadi), you know what happened to the package with the bones of 250 men who found the public Signal during excavation at keramikos, which fled package for DNA testing in u.s. Lab or even tell us where the skull of petralona archanthropus of Halkidiki; So far the society has not intervened in any circumstances and know there are many pundits among Greek citizens outside of the designated, leave at least to freely express their opinions. Any other attitude seems at least diktoriki!

  4. First we learn, We ask and then talk. Let the experts do their job!

  5. We have very good Labs and scientists in our country ! Be another downgrade for the country what they are usually done with the tragic result of the disappearance of the great discoveries.

  6. Have we all become shield, in order to prevent the export anywhere skeletal remains and anaskafikoy find towards the outside!

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