Amphipolis: The DNA will decipher the identity of the dead

The diaskopisi will start immediately, If weather permit

Answers to questions about the identity of the deceased in funerary monument of Amphipolis is expected to give the skeleton found in Tomb kibwtioschimo, in the depth of the third Chamber. Scientists now have the ability in short time, with the method of DNA analysis, to decipher the profile of the illustrious dead.
K. Tasoylas: "Answers for the dead, can be given without delay "

"The excavation becomes systematic, another phase starts from here and beyond. This is a unique discovery of historical significance. Answers for the dead, like sex, time burial, cause of death can be given without delay, soon i.e. "reported the Minister of culture, Konstantinos Tasoylas, speaking to radio station.

"The next steps are specific, It's not a phenomenal State procedural. We have the maintenance of the findings, made at the Museum of Amphipolis, and the restoration of the mosaic. Found in a wide radius around the monument, hundreds of pieces of stone and marble from the precinct. More from 500 pieces of perivolos moved from Oylen, the 1936, When was the dam in kerkini, where there is Lake retreat and seemed the pieces, which will return "mentioned, inter alia, the Minister.

Mr. Tasoylas refrained from taking a position on who is the dead saying "Let's leave speculations, our every time reality belies». End, to a question about whether there are other findings responded by saying that "everything,What is discovered is announced and see photos».

The work continues with the invocation of geophysical science

The future of the excavations on the Hill Kasta will judge, to a large extent, the Geophysics with the method of electrical resonance, that will be done by the scientific team of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, headed by Professor Gregory Tsoka.

The diaskopisi will start immediately, If weather permit. The results are expected within 15 days from the initiation of the investigation. Once the archaeologists get their hands on the results of prospecting, you decide on which parts of the Hill should make trial cuts.

Also, the coming days are expected to complete the work on the monument ypostilwtikes and sieving of soils, while another project that will be launched is the restoration of the funerary enclosure, Having identified hundreds of marble.

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