British archaeologists in the footsteps of the legendary Trojan horse

Two British archaeologists from the Boston University, Chris Wilson and Christine Morris argue that discovered pieces of the mythical The Trojan Horse, stating that the findings of archaeologists give them ' high probability ' rates are actually parts of the Homeric wooden horse that built the Greeks to be able to invade Troy.

The wooden horse – crypt, construction inspired by Ulysses, It was designed to mislead the Trojans and take as a gift and as a token of peace and goodwill from the achaeans. In fact it was a building that was hiding within the major ancient Greek heroes.

Those, After entering the horse in Troy, came out from him and opened the gates to the other, in order to start the sack of the town.

The excavations by the archaeological team from the University of Boston executed on the Hill of Chisarlik in Turkey, the historic site of Troy, recently brought to light a great construction lengths of almost 15 measures, from Woods which originally belonged to ships, but then used to create a prototype built unparalleled hadn't met again archaeologists. Near the wooden structure was found and a worn inscription on bronze in which indicated "The Greeks dedicate to Athena for their return home».

The findings, that laboratory analyses place chronologically on the 12th and 11th centuries BC, have transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.


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