We found the skeleton of the ancient dead in Amphipolis

We found the skeleton of the ancient dead in Amphipolis [images]

After five hours, completed the final announcements for the excavations at Amphipolis in the packed auditorium of the Ministry of culture.

Katerina Peristeri, Head of excavation and head of the Inspectorate of Antiquities Serron, He talked about the excavations. Ministry officials indicated that this was the final notice of excavation, Plus now initiates the investigation of Amphipolis. However, During announcements caused tension with Katerina Peristeri not answering anything for the skeleton found in Tomb, with score to intervene the Secretary General of the Ministry of culture, Lina Mendoni to give some info, While after much pressure of journalists was published in a single image with the bones of the dead. M after the end of the communications in the area arrived and the Minister of culture,. Tasoylas.

The skeleton found distracted and disturbed

Specific, the SME representatives insisted, asking in what attitude found the skeleton, where and how, but did not get responses. The only reported Ms. Peristeri was that the skeleton found "under difficult conditions, covered with soils and delivered with great attention to the look». Even referred to the movable findings of "so-called"- qualification for the first time used- her and added that the anthropological data "probably" will show who are the dead.

Later, Ms. Peristeri was placed once again on the issue. After he showed a photo, indicating that they are bones found in the Tomb, He added that "not counting one good photo, but the protection of the skeleton ".

In question of any iefimerida, Ms. Peristeri revealed that the skeleton is still in Amphipolis, at the Museum, While admitting that he has not decided yet in which laboratory will send the most significant findings of the excavation.

The irritation and Lina Mendoni intervention

Then from the persistent refusal by the head of the excavation Katerina Peristeri to say something further about the skeleton apart from the work of anthropologists and osteologwn to talk about it, the Ministry's Secretary General experienced and illustrious archaeologist Lina Mendoni said: "Because I've been annoyed with the questions and answers» proceeded to clarification around the skeleton.

According to what Mrs Mendoni, the skeleton was "disturbed and distracted». Skull found at a distance from the burial trench. The mandible was off trench. Also, found side, the legs and edges, about IE 80% skeleton. The basin was found dismembered by falling stones.

However, the Lady with the intervention of Mendoni cut any discussion around the topic, Stressing in parallel, that even the skeleton remains in Amphipolis, as it sought lab and composition of groups from osteologoys, anthropologists, but coroners.

Mendoni: "I worked in Amphipolis volunteers»

At The Same Time, the Lady Mendoni clarified and the phrase he had heard earlier from the lips of Mrs Peristeri, which was spoken and for volunteers in the excavation. The General Secretary of the Ministry of culture has made it clear that there is no volunteer worked in the excavation, but only a narrow and over years Assistant of Mrs Peristeri.

The role of the Via Egnatia

As for the role in the excavations of Egnatia motorway, the Lady Mendoni explained how the excavation type mine and that was used and because mine lamps and the Egnatia Odos features and expertise, but the inside, helped in this piece.

Found coins

At The Same Time, sensation caused in the crowded courtroom revelation that made the Group of Amphipolis that there were coins of the 2nd century, Alexander of III, but also the pottery items, something that was not announced until now, causing the surprise of bystanders. Asked for more details of coins, the answer of Ms. Peristeri was how even the theme is in the phase of processing, While there was no answer to the question why is it still in the epistylia Museum with human performances, found two months ago and their existence revealed by Kostas Tasoylas just last week.

How was the face of a Karyatidas

Ms. Peristeri made particular reference to the moment he found the Caryatids, talking about the thrill that she felt her team, While it gave and an appreciation for how it was destroyed in the face of a. This site had sand backfill and a beam fell, with score to end up in the face of a Karyatidas, destroying the, According to the estimation of k. Peristeri.

Earlier, Ms. Peristeri had done an excellent, vivid description, analyzing step- step what happened in Amphipolis. "Your Irthame here to travel to Amphipolis», said and talked about the feelings the thrill, using words like ' amazing ', "wonderful" and "extremely", referring to the findings. He talked about the greatness of perivolos, indicating that the 2012 the Hill was "a mystery, left for years, but something told us that we had to go back there. And suddenly, in the summer we found the entrance of the tomb and so it all began». Even, reported that the Tomb dates back to the last quarter of the 4th BC. century.

It is worth noting that the Minister of culture, Kostas Tasoylas, accompanied the k. Peristeri in the Auditorium and walked.

Tectonically letters in perivolos

Installation, the architect Michalis Lefantzis said that Masonic found letters-an ' e ' and an ' a '- the precincts, that were there since its construction, i.e. by the end of the 10th century, While especially the ' e '- as noted- It is characteristic of the age. He stressed that he has clearly found that the statue of the lion of Amphipolis staring Southeast. The letters in the trenches, as experienced team members, without mentioning names. It is Tectonically and related to construction work at the time of the Tomb. Even, They noted that Christians are not approached the grave, as happened in other ancient monuments.

In what,What concerns the precinct, they were found to have removed marble, causing great destruction, which were used to as dams in rivers, mainly in the Struma and press oikodomoikoy to other operations. The 80 m. the yard that have been found are in perfect condition, While have been identified and 500 parts of it, which has garnered the excavation team and will become restoration with them.

Even, the presentation noted that the tomb was looted before the katachwsi. The area "sygyristike" after the looting, While the Earth was in the Roman era and the tomb was then open.


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