In a recent- at least unfortunate statements, out of place, Mrs Mendoni(General Secretary of the Ministry of culture)stated inter alia: “the Amphipolis we know very well like an important colony of Athens.” Of course the Amphipolis was founded in 437 e.g.. by ΄Agnwna as a colony of Athens but retained links with the Athens only for 13 years because 424 e.g. surrendered to the Spartan General Brasidas(because as Thucydides says only a few of theangry residents were Athenians) who defeated the Athenian Cleon the 422 e.g. I Pige to reoccupy..When the 421 peace was signed between the Athenians and the Spartans planned to give the Spartans Built in Athens but reacted and the city was autonomous until the 357 e.g. who occupied Philip who has more working in this Mint and later Alexander the great made it the seat of the ki΄ekei Navy nayarchoi resided in keeping the edge of the entire period of the Alexander epigonwn..Continued to be financial,intellectual and cosmopolitan centre of the Hellenistic era and the same glamour had in the years of the Roman Empire that divided Macedonia into four portions and Amphipolis was the capital of the first portion…the same glamour had in the early centuries of the Byzantine Empire(referred to as the bishopric 692 a.d) ki΄ayto show and the rich archaeological finds.I.e. two words amphipoli was for 1.200 years ago one of the biggest centres of Hellenism with particular acne in the years of the Macedonian Kings..
From this whole story Mrs Mendoni with the unfortunate statements of remembered the first 13 years worked as an Athenian colony… perhaps to correct the international media who spoke “Greek Tomb” in Macedonian the town for “Macedonian Greeks” and probably why pitied Skopje who feel embarrassed when they hear the international media to speak only Greek a city of ancient Macedonia…….Unfortunately it seems that some officials of the “Athinokentrikis “power is short-sighted….For the moment let's not say anything else.
Dimitris Garoyfa