Ο Ελληνικός “χρυσός της Ατλαντίδας’ ανακαλύφθηκε σε ναυάγιο 2.500 years!!


(Photo : Wikimedia)

A rare metal, believed to originate from Atlantis and was used by the ancient Greeks was recently discovered off the coast of Sicily in Italy.
This die-cast metal called brass apparently found in an ancient shipwreck 2.600 years located about 1.000 feet down off the coast of southern Sicily Gelas.
According to Sebastiano Tusa, the Superintendent of Maritime Bureau, the wreck is dated from the first half of 6 e.g.. where divers total found 39 lumps of metal inside the wreck.
Scientists believe that the ship was en route to Gela from Greece or Asia minor, also known as Anatolia, where they encountered a major storm and sank before they managed to tie.
The Tusa says that there aren't any existing metals similar to brass. Brass vaguely refers to ancient texts and is written in decorative heirlooms.
Brass also believed to be invented by the Greek mythological personage called Phoenician Cadmus, as also mentioned in the 4th century b.c.. from the renowned philosopher Plato in the Critias dialogue.
In this dialogue, Atlantis is described as a beaming with red light brass. The Temple of Neptune and it Klitou in Atlantis apparently was gilded with that metal, where a pillar of brazen stood in the center of the temple.
Brass can be described as a gold alloy of bronze from the zinc core sysfeixi, charcoal and copper. Analysis of these rods gave a score 75 percent of copper, 15-20 percent of nickel together with lead and iron.
The Tusa adds, also, that these findings confirm that about a century after the 689 e.g., The Laugh has evolved into a wealthy city that filled with craftsmen workshops dealing with the production of precious exhibits that shed light on the economic history of Sicily

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