The tomb of Amphipolis and lost pieces of history

Written by Stergios Parisis, mathematician

323 e.g., the Olympiad… learns about the death of the beloved son of King Alexander in Babylon, fact that the crashes, the ground is lost beneath her feet, can't believe the tragic new.

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But could the Queen Mother woman, had to act again and quickly , There was no time to waste. Asked by General Perdikas, Curator of the reign, to bring the body of Alexander back in Macedonia to buried as befits the Macedonian King , still asked her to come near the Roxane along with her son little Alexander who intended to become the new Emperor, as the sole legitimate heir to the throne. The new Kingdom capital candidate who hoped to succeed his son Alexander was also the Amfipoli, that because of its strategic position ,as the most important port of Macedonia, and of course the site of fortified between two tributaries of the Strimonas, There was also a focal point for transport since it was adjacent to the Via Egnatia.

In Babylon had been erupting controversy among the generals about the Division of the huge Kingdom and Alexander's body remained there for 2 years as a guarantee of the smooth transfer of power to successors.

The United Kingdom wanted Perdikas under his own power and having his body under the supervision of Alexander, She saw him as the sole heir to the imperial throne. It seems that held the body of Alexander of lend special prestige among other generals and he probably could have slowed as more body transport in Macedonia. The Perdikas shouldn't also wanted to move the pile of Alexander from Babylon to Egypt in Oracle of Ammona, Once there was control the hated enemy of Ptolemy and the tomb of Alexander the great being in Egypt, will create a stronger Ptolemy and would upset At plans for his own AutoCAD. So ignoring Alexander's desire to be buried in the Oracle of Ammona, supports the Olympics and loyal to the Royal family in Macedonia in their request to move the pile in Macedonia.

Η Ολυμπιάδα, persistent and energetic Queen, We can assume, that had taken over the construction of the tomb of her son and the most likely candidate for a project so important could not only be Deinokratis the Rhodian architect, a close collaborator of Alexander and famous for the artifacts of. At that time the Deinokratis was located in Alexandria, Egypt, the city that he designed himself for Alexander, and there I received the invitation from the Olympiad return to Macedonia and to start the construction of grandiose Royal Tomb where and there buried Alexander the great. A couple of years he kept the construction of Royal Tomb of Amphipolis, unique architecture and technique where at the top of the dominated sitting lion , Royal and majestic symbol of power and grandeur of the Greeks of that era.

The Deinokratis, We assume that he designed the Tomb in such a way that the exact point of the cabin to funeral knowing only a few insiders and don't be an easy target of would-be tymbwrychwn. This could be achieved by creating multiple chambers in different soil layers that only some of them lead to the real Royal cab, While most will have been manufactured with the purpose the disorientation of the uninitiated. A tomb intended for the King of Kings could not have deceptive design towards the violators, and secret way to approach the true Royal Chamber.

Once completed the project, the designer of the Royal Tomb of Amphipolis Deinokratis switches back to Alexandria, Egypt. After his return to the Court of Ptolemy may not remain to list in Ptolemaeus, all the details of the construction of the Royal Tomb of Amphipolis, the designs of cubicles and the type of , Multilevel maze, the construction consists of dozens of booths ,the secret of the crypts, and the exact spot that was the funeral chamber that was predestined to welcome the pile of Alexander.

In parallel with the construction of the tomb at Amphipolis, the General had undertaken the construction Arridaios Royal chariot that was carrying the body of Alexander from Babylon to Macedonia to buried, It was a work of great art, wheeled Temple carrying the Golden sarcophagus, coffin worthy of the great dead. The Arridaios started with army, odopoioys and craftsmen transferring. Before you even start the transfer of the deceased the Arridaios had concur with Ptolemy I in Egypt's Lagoy, to change the route of the procession with final destination the Alexandria of Egypt. It is reasonable to assume that Ptolemy wanted to have myself under the possession of the body of the great King in order to consolidate in Egypt the largest and most powerful Kingdom in the post-Alexandrian era. The dead body of Alexander the great would be for Ptolemy's most valuable loot fragmented Empire and would like to keep and pass on to offspring of. At the same time had the moral law on its side since they just did was to respect the desire of the Alexander the great who wanted to be buried in the Oracle of Amun in Egypt.

The Olympiad once you learned the new theft of the body of her son by Ptolemy certainly was outraged and felt betrayed, once again. The biggest enemy of Ptolemaioy ITAN the Perdikas that logically turned the Olympiada, and asked him to attack the Ptolemaeus and bring back in Macedonia the body of her son.

The Perdikas foreseeing opportunity given to wheedle Egypt campaigns against Ptolemy driven more by passion than when Ptolemy strategic instinct, fails and is murdered by his own policy makers that do not afford another absolute authoritarian and bloodthirsty nature of. Ptolemy is established in Egypt and Basilio refuses the leader of the entire Empire who suggest foreseeing its fate with that of Perdika.

The Antipater succeeded At in Basel and the monitor Olympics disappointed by all successors withdraws to Epirus.

After the death of Antipater the 319, his replacement the Polyperchon who wanting to consolidate his position as protector of the Royal family of Argeiadwn calls back to Macedonia the Olympiad and entrust the custody of her grandson Alexander Iv.

But the position in Macedonia of Alexander and Roxanne short was shaky, as their protector continually lost ground by Polyperchon rival Kassandros. The body of King Alexander was in Alexandria and the magnificent monument of Olympiad in Amphipolis remained empty.

The ambitious Queen Eurydice wife of mentally retarded son of Fillipoy, Arridaioy, It was a constant threat to Roxanne and her son. The Cup broke when the Kassandros in alliance with Eurydice aytochristhike Regent of aboyloy Arridaioy, which directly threaten his grandson's succession to the throne of Macedonia. The Olympics had to act to protect the interests of her grandson. Garnered as much as military might along with forces that provided her with the Polyperchontas, She gets with her little Alexander and Roxane and move against Arridaioy and Eurydice in Macedonia at the time of kassandros with his army were busy in the Mainland of Greece.

The Olympiad breaks out on the troops of Eurydice turning them to stampede, captures the Eurythmics and the Arridaio and performs them after not enough humiliation. but this finds the grave of his brother Cassander Iolaoy, the Olympiad thought responsible for the poisoning of her son King Alexander, and scatters the bones on the road.

Kassandros returns rushed to Macedonia presses and trapped the forces of Olympiad in Pydna, where and the blockade until starvation. abducts Olympiad tries to salvage her grandson and surrenders when Cassander the promises that will not harm the little Alexander. Kassandros orders the execution of the Olympiad but their soldiers facing the pestered Queen, King Alexander's mother, refuse to hurt, then the Kassandros delivers it to the relatives of the Macedonians that the campaign was in the Olympics and lithoboloyn to death, leaving the corpse atafo rotting.

The young Alexander and his mother Roxane tucked under the standard ' ' prostasia''-captivity kassandros and autumn 311 e.g.. concluded between the generals of Alexander recognition as King of Macedonia after the aging of.

The Kassandros couldn't hurt professed little and his mother after this I turned the people against the generals and. I sent them in Amphipolis, away from the eyes of sycophants of the Palace, where and with the utmost secrecy was obliterating them each their trail. The probability of the little Alexander and his mother Roxane have buried inside the Royal Tomb of Amphipolis in booth other than that intended for the great King Alexander is real.

The body of the deceased King Alexander remained in Egypt under the supervision of sequences of Ptolemy as a valuable trophy to the Royal family. the tomb of King was Maximum power source and of unquestionable prestige. Each outgoing King of the Ptolemaic Dynasty leave legacy to the transferee of the honor and responsibility to preserve the sacred tomb and share this responsibility to the next heir.

I believe that each King of the Ptolemaic Dynasty had an emergency plan in case the Hellenistic Kingdom of Egypt at risk be nullified ,about managing their most important Holy relics and treasures. The most important symbol of the Hellenistic Kingdom of Egypt was the pile of Mega Alexandrou and Ptolemaioi won't ever leave in the hands of enemies, and if you come at that time to give Egypt a key prospective destinations of the heap would be the Royal Tomb of Amphipolis in Macedonia and so to close the circle of this fascinating journey , where it all began.

After the defeat of the last King of Macedon Perseus the 168 e.g.. from the Roman army led by Lucius Aimilios Paul in Pydna, Pella and Amphipolis subsequently fell into the hands of the Romans. the Royal Tomb of Amphipolis believe that sylithike by the Romans ,who cherished their tactics shifted to Rome all sorts of Greek artwork that could be transferred. The Romans believed that the majestic tomb of treasures and hides inside the sylisan the early days of the fall of the city. But they found the gold perimenane and removed that sculpture could convey as well as WaSP heads which adorned the entrance to the Tomb. A part of the outer circular toichopoieias of the tomb the demolished and used as building material for the construction of the wall.

The Romans did not know the details of the construction of the tomb and not searched deeper Basil Lion who stood at the top of the monument was a symbol of power of the Macedonian Kingdom and had to be removed. Aposynarmologisan no that the Romans the lion of Amphipolis in loaded in metaphorical trolley designed to carry him to Rome as booty. As the trolley passed over Strimonas bridge, the bridge does not bore the weight and collapsed. Leo's pieces sunk beneath the murky waters and mud of the Strymon and stayed there buried for two thousand years or so.

The pressure of the Roman Empire in Hellenistic reign continued unabated and stable until he reached the series the Kingdom of Egypt ,who was on the throne of Queen Cleopatra, the last Queen of Hellenistic anxious for the future of the Kingdom and of the family of. Had managed to have the part of one of the two contenders of the imperial throne, Marco Anthony ,but the shadow of Oktabianoy, of the other online contenders, planwtan over the Palace of Alexandria. Octavian was what far-sighted and strategic mind by Mark Antony and gathered around him more and what capable Romans generals by Antonio who had let his passions to muddy its strategy crisis.

Foreseeing the end of her reign to comes before the decisive battle of Actium Cleopatra loads the flagship of Antonia with gemstone treasures, We assume and the pile of Mega Alexandrou, and relics of the family of the Ptolemies and departs from Alexandria to its fleet , with the port of Amphipolis where and with absolute secrecy carries the pile of great King, and much of the Royal Treasury of Egypt in hidden partition within the tomb of Amphipolis. The designs of the Tomb had inherited the Cleopatra from her father the King Ptolemy Piper, which initially deliver Deinokratis himself in Ptolemy Lagoy. The stalwarts of Queen epeblepan workers will be brought by ship from Egypt Cleopatra, and in the end would fill the Chambers of the tomb with Earth, leg chtizoyntas walls in each Chamber for disorientation, Finally cover the entrance and yard with soil. The whole operation can be covered by the pretense that protect the monument from decay and vandalism. At that time the Amphipolis was under the control of Mark Antony ,He was commander of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and so Cleopatra was Antonios prostateyomeni, He had all the right moves in the region. The locals also sympathised with the Greek populations of Greek origin Queen and will provide that requested.

Immediately after the works to the grave of Amphipolis, Cleopatra logically departs with its fleet to meet the ships Mark Antony and directed together at Actium where they would face the fleet of Octavian. All of the workers and of those who knew about the transfer of King Alexander in Amphipolis, Cleopatra their likely placed inside the ships set to fight on the front line of Octavian's fleet and made sure to kill all the choke to get the secret with them on the seabed. The battle of Actium the 31 e.g.. It was the beginning of the end for Cleopatra and the last Hellenistic Kingdom of Egypt. The forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra were defeated and they returned to Alexandria. In less than a year while Anthony was killed by the forces of Octavian and Cleopatra , foreseeing the upcoming humiliation in Rome, handed over to the son of Ptolemy Xv Caesarion the Royal sceptre and the secret map of the grave of Amphipolis and fygadeyse along with treasures in the Red Sea town of Berenice, in order to save him from Octavian. Cleopatra would have the hidden hope that her son, the descendant of someone, one day, When conditions will favor, having in his hands the ierotera symbols and relics of the last Kingdom, will anabiwnane. She was confined to the Royal apartment and committed suicide.

Cleopatra's son Caesarion murdered shortly afterwards by Octavian ,and now typically had closed the circle of the Empire created by Alexander the great before three hundred years.

The secret of the tomb of Amphipolis was lost along with Ptolemy Xv.

Two thousand years after, the Greek State is looking in Amphipolis,a piece of the lost self, a bit of food for the beasts.

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