In difficult times for Greece, the protective forces of the, from the cosmic environment, because krinane that it's time, thelisane be revealed now, the ancient great Temple of Amphipolis.
Aposbolwmeni humanity, follow the discoveries of the excavations of the site of Amphipolis, and stays ecstatic, in front of them slowly revealed, and that is unique in world archaeological periods.
All the ancient Greek sanctuaries, all sacred centers, that dinane true, the ancient knowledge to the creation of the world, on life and death, and for the purpose of human existence on the planet Earth, have damaged soil until.
Have damaged, the sacred places of Eleusis, of Dodona, of Dion, Delphi and all the other excellent construction creation, anepanaliptwn sacred edifices of the ancient Greek world, not only in the main Greece, but also at Thebes, in ancient Greek province of Seiriadas land, now called Egypt.
The various foreigners Tomb robbers, have put the label of world thief in soiled their front, and sadly returning the value of the beast, Once released from their component synoiko, that is the essence that characterizes the actual man, i.e. the intangible, the spiritual, the asarki cause, that is kat'eikona and likeness of the creator, boasting that they are descendants of thieves, that arpaxane from the bowels, for two thousand years Greek tragedy, the Greek masterpieces, and epideiknyoyne the swag, without shame, without contraction, without pride, without a concept of law, and prospernane the path of Virtue, and move the path of Rapture and of dishonour.
So the forces of Greece sympantikes patrons, apofasisane now, in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, to reveal the ancient Greek Macedonian architectural jewel, of Amphipolis.
Is the entire, almost untouched, as originally constructed, to see that it was the ancient centres of knowledge and truth.
Global deniers of truth, International diastreylotes of history, her name on the idea, that something very big, something very true, will be revealed by the excavation of mound of Amphipolis.
All this time, We hear from the media, various << Special >>, to say various welter of words, What is the anaskaptomenos space, with permanent chorus the word Tomb.
Tomb is a place of dissolution and decay of matter, While the space is being spiritual and space is far, from the meaning and content of a tomb.
This sacred space revealed, the didaskotane monument is the great truths, the great spiritual values, It is mystical place in the sense that there didaskotane science, the arts, the letters, why the Greeks Macedonians, apeichane light years away in spirit and knowledge, from the ancestors of today's fences, of public and shrines of the Greek race.
The anaskaptomenos site of Amphipolis, There is a tomb even majestic, It is a representation of sympantikwn give Center from the beginning of creation, until the time of Philip and Olympias, the parents of Alexander the great, so the image of the woman with the red hair is of the Olympiad, and from this image, It seems the similarity of Alexander with his mother, This is the reason that they gave some the wrong initials, and they told us that the picture is of Alexander.
There is a claim adokimos, that the manufacturers of the monument, to the prostatepsoyne, the gemisane sand and soils, no place on Earth, It has been protected by the original manufacturer of the, in this way, This is a mildly funny claim.
The truth is that the gemisane monument with dirt and sand, in later times, those who dioikoysane, to prostatepsoyne from intruders, as alarichos, They destroyed all the ancient shrines in the rest of Greece.
They were true patriots and thelisane to prostatepsoyne the lovely sanctuary, from their conquerors of Greece and Macedonia.
What in the end will be revealed, and I hope to be allowed to be revealed, It is a stunning monument of the spirit, a sacred space, the Olympiad and Philip, in collaboration with the 4.500 Greek philosophers, It was the first masters apokalyptes truths, He taught and didaskoyne mankind, to come out of the darkness, from the lethargy of tholoyras who have lead the eternal lovers, the exploitation of a few people, for the many people of the Earth.
The site of Amphipolis when fully revealed the construction of reality, will give to mankind to understand, Why katastrafikane the large libraries, by overriding the library of Alexandria.
The monument is Greek, but it is also Ecumenical, because the teachings of the Greeks are universal.
Amphipolis in the era that operated the monument, legotane << Nine Roads >> and resided in Greek the Irwdoi sex, then the city flourished, and the many philosophical schools to iche, He was famous.
Once you uncover all the space anaskaptomenos, and shine his glory with all his force, will be revealed and the scientific and philosophical work, Irenaeus in telestirio that of Amphipolis, with proexarchontes teletoyrgoys, the Olympias and Philip, and with exceptional pupil Alexander the great.