The geophysics and geological mapping of the Hill Kasta in Amphipolis started 11the November 2014 and were conducted in a piecemeal nature, due to adverse weather conditions.
The research team are the Chief Professor Gregory Tsokas, Director of the laboratory of applied Geophysics AUTH, Professor Panayiotis Tsoyrlos, the if. Professor George Bargemezis, graduate students and other scientific staff of the laboratory. Participate, also: The izimatologos if. Professor George Syridis, the palaioseismologos Professor. Spiros Pavlidis and the geologist Dr. of the Ministry. Evangelos Kambouroglou.
The investigation focused on the model of the era, before the intervention for the erection of the dome. For this purpose, geological and tectonic observations were made and number of scans. Recent apochwmatwseis and earlier gave space observation pit concrete and undeniable evidence of the position and characteristics of the geological formations.
In this phase it was investigated the subsoil in the area around the dome, i.e. the slope of North, like the mounds formed by the preceding excavation, in the East and West of. The diaskopisi of the premises was carried out by applying the method of electrical resonance and at very small scale method of subsurface radar (known as Ground Penetrating Radar GPR –) because of methodological limitations, at specific geological and archaeological circumstances.
The investigation confirmed that the Hill has mixed structure with the bulk of it being natural, While the anthropogenic Earth constitutes a relatively small portion. The dome seems that edrastike and erected within trench, which was reopened in geological formations of preexisting Hill slope, that ends a few metres north of the dome.
The Geophysics gave illustrations of the Interior of the Hill, where matching antistatic structures, which investigated further. In one case North of the dome, the removal of soils revealed that the ypedafia structure that was pictured with electrical scans were sand lens, i.e. natural formation. This case is shown in the attached figure. The horizontal display for altitude than the 93m., warm colours indicate areas with high resistivity and cold colors respectively the areas with low.
Scans who gave this picture were held in soil surface, before the removal of soil and which was higher than the level of 93m. The points, where further investigation should be made, marked as "points of interest". The white line in horizontal than depiction noted and on the ground. (Photo 1) It is obvious that the anomaly of resonance due to the sandy geological formation. It should be noted that the defects with high resistance values, which appear in the northern part of the horizontal incision is not evaluated, because they are within the natural formations.
In this photo it seems that the ancient excavation ends a short distance north of the dome, the northernmost section of which is indicated by the plastic cover which is distinguished.
Some other points, which have been identified in need of excavation investigating. The investigation continues, When the weather conditions permit.