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"100 years of excavations at Philippi" – A unique exhibition in Switzerland

The exhibition will consist of ancient documents and material from the photo archive of Paul Collart

To mark the 100th anniversary of the start of excavations in the city founded by King Philip II’ of Macedonia, father of Alexander the great, the 356 e.g.. in northern Greece, the French school at Athens organizing exhibition in Switzerland in collaboration with the universities of Lausanne and Geneva.

The exhibition will consist of ancient documents and material from the photo archive of Paul Collart (1902-1981, Professor at the universities of Geneva and Lausanne).

The ancient documents will be presented in the form of large panels that will include archival photographs and reviews, While two videos will animate the presentation. At The Same Time, many conferences and events in Switzerland will accompany the report, which started yesterday, at 19 February and ending on 6 May.

Archaeologists of the French school of Athens began exploring the area in ancient Philippi, close to Kavala, the 1914, the year of the start of the first world war. The work continued after the war and held until today.

Swiss Teacher team has guided much of the scientific research being done at Philippi and has published fundamental works on the history and archaeology of the region. Modern excavations at the archaeological site of Philippi, made largely from Switzerland and members of the University of Lausanne.

The site of Philippi is a candidate on the list of world heritage of UNESCO.


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