3 Staggering months Amphipolis !


Few months took, to come to light well-kept secret of the tomb Caste in Ancient Amphipolis. During this time, findings did not stop to surprise us and make round the world.

Just a few days ago, the most important part of the excavations ended, as it was revealed the skeleton of the dead, He was buried at this unique monument.

However, the hardest part now begins, Since anthropologists take the baton by archaeologists, in order to give the coveted responses, about the identity of the dead.

In a nutshell, scientists from the skeleton will be able to draw as much information as they can about the dead. For example, from the jawbone will try to create digital face of the dead. From the skeleton will learn sex, the age, nutrition and the manner and date of death, While DNA will reveal whether there is a kinship with the Royal family of Macedonia, in what tribe he belonged, and if brought diseases.

Therefore, pending the results of the anthropological study of the skeleton, Let's remember step – step the excavations in Tumulus Kasta and valuable discoveries, that brought to light.

The time of the excavations

11 August. Archaeologists who work in the monumental precincts of Mound Kasta faced with the grave of ancient Amphipolis. The police force in the region is growing and the archaeological hoe Gets a job. Journey to the Interior of the tomb is just beginning…

12 August. Antonis Samaras, visiting Amphipolis and xenageitai in the field of archaeological excavation, accompanied by Minister of culture, Kosta Tasoula. "This is an extremely important finding», said Prime Minister.

18 August. Removed the stones lying in front of the entrance of the Tomb, in order to facilitate the access of archaeologists inside.

20 August. Fully disclosed the Thassos marble Sphinxes. The height of the statues are 1.45 measures. The overall height with the warheads is estimated to reach two metres. Their trunks, that is doylemenoi with fine ntisilidiko, imprinted the plasticity and delicate sculptures of the last 25 years of the 4th century BC. Also, revealed part of the dorsum of the lion, as well as a small part of the superstructure of the monument.

21 August. Revealed beneath the base of the upper part of the Sphinxes, marble thyrwmatos. Covered with fresco fragment in imitation of ionic. Bear decorating with red, Blue and black color. Immediately, below the Ionic architrave, uncovered two Ionic capitals of the Antis of port, also overlapped with fresco and epizwgrafismena with the same colors.

24 August. Revealed the continued input of the monument's facade, with decoration, similar to that of side walls. I.e., white-colored fresco, extremely elaborate, that mimics the marble courtyard.

25 August. The removal of lithoplinthwn from the wall sealing revealed almost the entire facade funerary monument, that is a highly original composition for the corresponding type of architecture of the Macedonian Tomb, the last quarter of 4 e.g.. century. At a distance 6 measures of the input opening revealed the upper marble septal wall, incomplete during part left part of. Behind him are two more spaces.

26 August. Sees the light the mosaic floor of the Tomb, While the placement of temporary stegastroy, covering the monument.

2 September. Shield the monument from the weather.

7 September. Revealed the two Caryatids in the space in front of the second septal wall of the mound. The two magnificent art of thassian marble Caryatids, inherent in column, cross-section 0, 20Ch0, 60 m. Extra, in the same area are identified and plans with red and cyan color.

9 September. Presented the first design representation of the funerary monument.

11 September. Fully disclosed the Caryatids, their cheiridwtoys with their tunics to evoke admiration. Even, matching facial and parts of Eastern karyatidas pole.

12 September. Archaeologists come in the third Chamber of the monument. Also, continues the topographic mapping, to obtain the exact geometry of the monument.

14 September. The third Chamber is revealed before the eyes of archaeologists.

17 September. Amplified tacking funerary monument, While the General Secretary of the Ministry of culture, Lina Mendoni, indicates that the excavation hides larger surprises ".

21 September. Come to light whole Caryatids, While there are indications and Fourth Chamber.

2 October. With the removal of soils of the third enclosure was discovered marble port on third septal wall of the mound. The door is made of thassian marble and lentigines that mimic nail head. On the West side of the door, There is a rotor (hinge).

12 October. Revealed the biggest part of the mosaic floor that covers the entire surface of the second area, i.e., 4,5 m. width on 3 m. length. The mosaic is made of small pebbles, White, Black, gkrizwpoy, Blue, Red and yellow color, While the central image depicts chariot in motion, drawn by two white horses, which leads bearded man, with laurel wreath on the head. In front of the chariot represent the god Hermes as psychopompos, who modified petaso, mantle, winged sandals and holds the Caduceus. The composition has direction from East to West.

16 October. The Ministry of culture announces that the elaborate Mosaic represents the abduction of Persephone by Pluto. The female form modified white robe and has raised her left arm upward.

21 October. Marble head is full of Eastern Sphinx, with a height of 0,60 m., they were nested. Also, It was revealed in the northern part of the marble threshold.

25 October. Are still two fragments from the broken wings of Sphinxes near the entrance of the third Chamber.

28 October. The Ministry of culture gives published the first video from the excavations in the Interior of the Tomb. At The Same Time, published photographs of the pieces the Sphinxes feathers found in the third Chamber.

Watch the VIDEO

31 October. Confirmed the existence of stamping on fourth floor space, While localized artificial excavation.

12 November. The archaeological spapani brings to light the grave and the skeleton of the "resident" of the mound Kasta. Within the Tomb created a deepening width oblong 0,54 m. and length 2,35 m. This is the position in which it was placed a wooden coffin. Found scattered, iron and bronze nails, and bone and the coffin of glass ornaments.

Dia Moyloy

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