| What are the relations of the Greeks with the museums;

According to research presented at the 10th Symposium of the Department of archaeology and art history of the University

What are the relations of the Greeks with the museums; What museums prefer, How often do you visit and for what reasons; Only a small part of the findings of the preliminary findings of the research project surveying public opinion about museums and their social value, presented yesterday at the 10th scientific symposium organized by the Department of archaeology and art history, in the main building of the University of Athens. The presentation did Marlene Moylioy, Lecturer in Museology, who designed, the 2014, Research, in collaboration with the graduate school, Sophia Karounis and relates to a small sample of the total material, that corresponds to 131 answers, that is about one-quarter of the total sample.

However, This is a fairly representative sample, as, as has been said, encapsulates representative trends and perceptions. The pilot was in various areas of Athens, as the Constitution, kolonaki and Kaisariani, as well as the Western and northern suburbs, IE the Dove and the Kifissia. The sampling was last may, over a period of about two months. Citizens were asked to declare thoughts, images, emotions, as well as a unique museum that come to mind that reflected personal preferences. ' Men and women had the same about participation, the age groups were 18-25 and 35-45 years, While it was mainly for high school graduates, with several students, graduates and private employees.

From the answers emerged as the first choice-even in the sounding of the word Museum- the Acropolis Museum, While he followed at a distance the National Archaeological Museum. About 70%, said that he frequently visited museums, and when this happens a quarter of respondents replied that it does by placing learning story, the ancient and culture. A large percentage gave no answer as to why he goes to museums, While as a dominant emotions evoked pride, the awe and admiration, without missing and just the opposite, i.e. boredom, indifference, Perhaps a contemplation, but especially a difficulty on how to feel.

The archeological museums are sovereign, Although often chosen together as second category with art museums and folklore. As to the reasons why selected, the dominant response is "I don't know", that means, as mentioned by the talking, that many times go to museums without being sure that they want to do it or not but I just wish to declare a general positive attitude '. Very few reported that they go to museums alone-usually do so together with family and friends –, While the question what they dislike in them, answer tickets. Consider that the Greeks should have a different treatment compared with strangers, that the ticket is too high and that we need to revise the pricing policy of the Ministry of. They also believe that the museums should become more interesting, interactive and attractive for citizens. End, consider as their key role in the promotion of culture and history and then the educational and tourist. The above research is underway.

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