But this is perhaps the smallest of problems facing the excavation, which was once famous, but now that the headlights went out reveals wounds. Which, if not remedied, will deepen in coming years, as extreme weather conditions prevailing in the region pose additional problems to the monument.
Winter with many rains had a dual effect on the ancient enclosure on the Hill Kasta. Limnasan Epesan soils and waters in grooves of earlier excavations. When the soil dries out, the background will become even more unstable and there is a risk of falls of soils from the slopes to multiply. The proper and permanent drainage is a measure that should be taken anyway. Besides, the Minister said in the House: «See the precinct with magnificent marble thasitika. Drainage projects urgently wants ". Only the "urgent" here is literally, the works need to be done before the fall.
But the monument and there are several open issues. For overcoming them was a special meeting with the participation of anaskafews and service agents at the Ministry of culture, without taking final decisions. It is important to reach the geostationary study drawn up by engineer, who worked on the excavation.

But search for money, After the increased budget of the excavation (over half a million euros in the last three years) arkese not to pay particular, basic study.
Based on geostationary should subsequently be drawn up and other studies, as edafotechniki and sterewtiki for static layout inside – don't forget that the Tomb has internal scaffolding that helps support. We have not yet. Each other. With these studies simply starts the diagnosis of problems and investigating methods for proper restoration.
You need to follow study for mortar, for the porous stone of the enclosure for maintenance of epistyles and other marble reliefs and sculptures or members. After you have made all, then you can continue the efforts by conservationists and experts on stone age scientists and to start the restoration. Currently maintenance jobs were made possible, but follow-up studies are needed with approval of the Central Archaeological Council.
The study of the osteologikoy material will continue until the 2017, but again the money will play a role. Yesterday was supposed to be disbursed from the regular budget 87.000 euros for payments of universities that do the analysis in the 2015. Done the disbursement; I'll give the money to the UNIVERSITY and the University of Thrace in order to continue the investigations;
He Mr. Xydakis told the House that the funding continues. Featured monument "unique value" and the scenery that surrounds ' unique natural beauty». He spoke of a huge area of archaeological interest that has been excavated in recent decades and in which there are two important archaeological sites and a beautiful Museum and underlined that Amphipolis ' need holistic approach».
Today that, as said, "the excavation activity has put a semicolon, focuses on the maintenance and restoration». To become, However, both needed money and above all check and will. But if. the Minister knows the risks. As emphasized, "the monument if not restored in time, they buried beneath the sand ". The only certainty.