| The "blonde" mummy of the age-old campaign Loylan proof of Dionysus in China;


Fact that the ancient Dionysus campaign in China was perhaps is the famous mummy of Loylan, After going to a Kaykasia woman who comes from an era in which simply should not be located in present-day China, at least the inaccuracies that we teach in schools.

Dinysoy's campaign in China and India, refers to the ' Dionysian ' of Nonnoy, and mallista there is in China the Yunnan province which means "Ionia", where vines are grown and produced wine! It is noted that Dionysus was the God of wine.

The Loylan died before 3.800 years during a commercial voyage, the legendary "Silk Road", but it was known once 1980. Silk Road called the path followed by merchants and importers of goods between Europe and China.

The dryness of the climate and saline lands retained Loylan and the other mummies in excellent condition. The mummy was named "the sleeping beauty", because vivid's facial features were retained even after death. Unfortunately the area found the Tarim mummies are politically unstable and so their discovery was considered as a cause of destabilisation and inciting riots.

The natives are called Uighurs, more similar to Europeans than to Asians and claim to be descendants of Loylan. Even say that the mummy is a strong proof that they lived in the area before the Chinese.

Beauty came from the ... Siberia

This discovery seems to exacerbate the controversy and the Chinese authorities forbade access to the archaeological area, because mummies enischyan allegations of Uighurs seeking political autonomy. Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Victor Mair, was instrumental in the study of artifacts when along with geneticist, Paolo Francalacci, managed to get genetic material 1993 and to examine the DNA from the hairs of the head.

The findings revealed that the mummies were indeed of European descent. In Particular, were ancient Celtic origin, but probably had gone from Siberia and not related to the Oyϊgoyroys! The Chinese Government has allowed research only 2007 and two years later the findings verified the relationship with Siberia, and also that there was trade between peoples of Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley and Europe.

The fabrics brought Europeans in the East

The research concluded that the Loylan and the other mummies found at the heart of a modern nationalist controversy, at the expense of the historical truth that noted that Europeans arrived in China at least 1000 years earlier than write history books. Until today we taught that the ancient peoples moved and lived in isolation, while now shows the exact opposite.

The Loylan and the other mummies found buried together have Caucasian ancestry and gems in the graves indicate that it probably was a textile and leather merchants. Buried with many clothes, While a man was found with ten different hats. The colonies near the road of silk was meeting points of dealers who exchanged products from the West and the East. Pliny the elder, Roman writer, Describes merchants as tall, blonde with blue eyes.

The beautiful breed with tattoos

The Loylan died around 40, rather than suffering from lung problems that caused the toxic mixture of sand and inhale smoke from the fires in the camps. Buried shrouded with nice woven on the loom. At the time she died historians told us that there were no Europeans in Asia. But the Loylan are definitely Caucasian. The characteristics of leave no margin of doubt .

The blond hair is neatly braided into Plait and she was tall and stately with nice cheekbones and fine nose. But what was the Loylan and why he died so far from home; What it looking for this and the other in the inhospitable desert of China ;

All of these mummies found in Tarim area, belonged to the European race Tsertsen. It was a rather peaceful breed judging from the few weapons found in similar memorials. Most had tattoos like these were the Scythians and Thracians, with a technique that resembles the modern methods. The result was a wide range of colors and intense score. A woman had tattooed the Crescent on the face indicating that she wanted to display it, or maybe to work like a kind of identity. He also had several tattoos on the hands for reasons symbolic or decorative.

A man, around 1.80, He had a tattoo of a Sun on the temples, fleshy lips, long nose , Auburn hair and reddish beard. It was wrapped in a red tunic and leggings were of striped fabric like Scottish fabrics. So maybe in tattoos hide their secrets. A more detailed investigation for the method that made, other and designs they chose, to reveal an intercultural relationship between the peoples of Europe and Asia. When a man at that time chose to do tattoo was a big decision.

The tattoos were associated with the magic, the power and prestige. The region's Tarim mummies have caused turmoil in the Western scientific world after is proof that 4000 years ago, people travelled, traded and exchanged ideas and products, which perhaps explains why some forms of art and myths are common in seemingly different cultures and civilizations.

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