The Sagalassos. The “Diamond” left behind by the m. Alexander

Sagalassos archaeological site is in southwestern Turkey, about 100 kilometres north of Antalya(Turkish: Antalya), and 30 kilometers from Burdur and the Isparta (Ancient Sparta of Asia minor).


The ruins of the ancient Sagalassoy are 7 km from Ağlasun in (the ancient Agalassos), in the province of Mpoyrnoym, on the West side of the Taurus (Turkish Toros), at an altitude of 1450-1700 measures. In Roman times the city was known as the "first city of Pisidias», a district of western part of Taurus now known as the Turkish Lakes Region. He was one of the most important cities of already Pisidias Hellenistic times.

The urban area was spread out at various levels into a altitude between 1400 and 1600 measures. The city managed to recover after major earthquake at the beginning of the 6th century a.d. , but epidemics, lack of water, lack of security and stability, unstable economy and eventually a second devastating earthquake about mid-7th century a.d., forced the inhabitants to abandon their city and to settle in the plain.
The 1990 large-scale excavations started under the supervision of Marc Waelkens of the Catholic University of Leuven. The light came a large number of buildings, monuments and other archaeological findings, they bear witness to the monumental importance of the city in history Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine period.

The Heroon in the Southwestern area

The Heroon in the Southwestern area.

The human presence in the area dates from the 8000 e.g., before inhabited normally. Chetitika writings refer to a mountainous part of the name Salawassa in the 14th century BC., While the city grew during the Phrygian and Luwian language culture. The Sagalassos was part of Pisidias on the West side of the Taurus. During the period of The Persian Empire the Pisidia became known for its warlike factions of.
The Sagalassos was one of the wealthiest cities in Pisidia when he won the Alexander the 333 e.g.. on the way to Persia. Had a population that numbered several thousand. After the death of Alexander, the region fell successively to the territories of Antigonus, Maybe its Lysimachos, of Seleucid Empire of Syria, and in Attalid dynasty of Pergamon. The archaeological record shows that the local population quickly adopted the Hellenistic culture.
After the Attalides, the Pisidia became part of the province of Asia, The Roman Empire. The 39 e.g.. given to vassal King of Gaul Amynta, but after his death the 25 e.g., the Rome included in Province of Galatia. During the period of the Roman Empire, Sagalassos became an important urban center, He enjoyed the favour especially of Emperor Hadrian, who named it “first city” the province and the center of the cult of the Emperor. Buildings of that period have Roman character.
Around 400 a.d. the Sagalassos was fortified. The town suffered extensive destruction by an earthquake in 518, and the plague around the 541 with 543 decimated the local population. Arab raids around 640 threatened the city, and after the second devastating earthquake in mid 7th century a.d. the site was abandoned. The population probably settled on the plain. Excavations have bring to light only traces of a fortified monastery – perhaps part religious community, which was destroyed in the 12th century. The Sagalassos disappeared from historical records.
In the following centuries, erosion covered the Sagalasso. I plundered largely from looters and copies, likely reason (distant) the site.
The Explorer Paul Lucas, travelling in Turkey in the courtyard of the mission Louis Xiv’, He visited the ruins of the city 1706. After the 1824, When Francis Vyvyan Jago Arundell, the (1780 – 1846), British priest in Izmir and antiquary, He visited the site and discovered the name of the city from inscriptions [1], Western explorers began to visit the ruins. The Polish art historian count Karol Lanckoroński made the first map of Sagalassoy. Nevertheless, the site was not at the heart of the archaeological attention until the 1985, When Agglo-Begliki group led by Stephen Mitchell started great research on the site.

Modern redevelopment project


Sagalassos _-_ Now

Upper Market.

From the 1990 the Sagalassos, place with big tourist development, is the object of major project excavations under Marc Waelkens of the Catholic University of Leuven. The historic downtown has come to light, while four major redevelopment projects have (almost) completed. Within the scope of the project, performed great urban and Geophysics Research, and excavations in private and industrial areas, and intensive research in the wider area. The first part surveys record history thousands of years of conquests of the region, by Alexander as the 7th century, While the second provides evidence for the changes of population distribution in the region, for the evolution of fauna and crops, for the geological history, and climatic changes in recent 10000 years.

At 9 Aug 2007, Guy announcemen discovering a colossal statue of the Emperor Hadrian, He believed that he had 4-5 meters high. Dating from the early period of the reign of Hadrian, and represents the Emperor in military dress. It was made from parts that are held between the marble links and stood in public baths. A major earthquake somewhere between the late 6th and early 7th century resulted in the collapse of an arched building construction. The statue of Hadrian fell and broke up the parties who were. The discovery of marble fingers foot bore holes for dowels with the edge of the mantle, It leaves open the possibility of discovery of a second statue, This wife of Hadrian Savina. At 14 Aug 2008 It was discovered in the same place the head statue of Faustina of oldest Member, his wife Antoninus, the adopted son and successor Hadrian [2]. At 22 August came to light yet another colossal head statue, This time of Marcus Aurelius[3].

In phylogenetic research, the DNA mitochodriako 85 skeletons of Sagalasso dating from the 11th-13th century a.d., was compared with that of the modern population. The survey showed significant genetic signature Balkan / Greek populations, as ancient Persian and populations from the Italian peninsula. Also found a contribution from Levante, While there has been no contribution from Central Asian populations[4].

The Gallo-Roman Museum Tongeren's in Belgium hosted report with findings from the Sagalasso titled "Sagalassos: City of dreams ' by the 29 October 2011 until the 17 June 2012.




the Hill of m. Alexandrou

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