Memorial Burial Mound excavations Kasta Amphipolis (2012-2014)


"Memorial Burial Mound excavations Kasta Amphipolis (2012-2014)»
Katerina Peristeri, Head of excavation and Head of the Inspectorate of Antiquities Serron.
"You know very well that the most difficult beginning. The study will give us the lessons we all wait», mentioned at the beginning of the presentation by the head of excavations in the Tumulus Kasta.

«Amphipolis is a valuable archaeological site from the 50s with the excavations of the late Lazaridi. Then iron age tombs were uncovered and archaic era. It is a part of the hill that is embedded in the Tumulus.
"We started the 2012, a small group with a lot of taste and appetite to see what's happening on the Hill mystery. It was left for years, I thought that I had to give other things. This was a trigger for to see what's really going on. The residents spoke about the "Tomb of the Queen". But always think something have to say what a place. We hoped to stake out the Tomb because it was not round after all these years and the excavations ", stressed Ms. Peristeri.

Began her speech by the excavations of 2012 and of the 2013 which investigated the precinct of 497 perimeter and measures 158,4 m. diameter. Also presented step-by-step and excavations 2014 and the revelation of the Tomb entrance which found this year, during the last phase of demarcation of perivolos.

Said sure Leon of Amphipolis stood atop the Mound. In Leo's space as it is today we have pieces that belonged to the original format of, which is identical to the surfaces of the enclosure. Michalis Lefantzis has done a digital design representation.

Continuing, explained how pieces of funerary enclosure ruined crane in Roman times and used adjacent buildings.

Found counterweight but bearing Roman sandals and crane, which demonstrates that the machine was used by the Romans to apoxilwsoyn marble material, transfer and reuse in other projects. Even traces of ramp found suggestive use of crane. As for the material, It seems that used repeatedly until the 5th-6th century.

The tumulus was a devotional monument, part of which remained open to the world. The place was looted before the epichwsi, held concurrently with sealing walls and this time is identified by the scientific team in Roman times.

"Sure the ravages and the syliseis in ancient times, as this was a grand and visited the monument, "said Mr Digger. Katerina Peristeri.

Revealed, also, they have found pottery of 4th century melambafis. e.g.. (You may download the dating of the monument, as told by Jenny Veleni), and currencies with the depiction of Alexander Iii dating to the 2nd century. e.g., the period of the last Macedonian Kings and other of the 3rd ad, causing the surprise of bystanders. Even features that said "we have so much material of ceramics that we don't know yet what we have".

Even claimed that the person on the right is not Karyatidas, because a beam located inside the Earth (showed a photo of a marble fragment of girder over the caryatids) fell by removing the attributes of the female form. This event leads to the conclusion that the version on vandalism of the statue blocked.

Mentioned in the impressive mosaic of the Tomb, whose central part of recovery is on track.

He concluded by saying that the CIST Tomb in third Chamber depth reached in 8,9 steps from the dome. It had intervened as brutal cheires.

Ms. Peristeri completed her presentation indicating: "We don't know who or what is dead», causing a multitude of questions about the skeleton, they had failed to show in pictures. In view of the, currently the photo publication has no meaning: "When the skeleton is in such circumstances we take all protective measures, along with the soils, so the anthropologist can do research ', replied Ms Peristeri at persistent questions of journalists about the skeleton.
Eventually, the archaeologist has published photos of the skeleton, stating that he was tampered with by body-snatchers.

Then, answering journalists ' questions, Ms. Peristeri said: "At first we see color epistylia. We gathered the fallen pieces and trying to compose forms and expressions. Laser will obviously work. Has not yet been done photographing with scientific way, with ultra violet to understand from what date is. We want a time to have the right answers».

Asked for more details of coins, the answer of Ms. Peristeri was how even the theme is in the phase of processing.

Katerina Peristeri replied enigmatically when asked if it was only one dead of Amphipolis. He said "this we found», While erwtwmeni if the deceased is a member of the family of Alexander the great and said that nothing is ruled out and no one can say anything with certainty.

On questions concerning the identity of the deceased said: "There are testimonies from the past that was the intent of Alexander to create a large monument. Amphipoli was a very important center (…) Inside the Tomb there was a significant personality otherwise you will not be ambushed the lion on top».

Commenting on an earlier statement that is buried in Amphipolis, Macedonian General, stressed: "With a Lion at the top and such a huge monument could be quarterback I'd say when you ask older. When found the skeleton could never an archaeologist to tell if they are male or female. Found in bad condition. I am speaking on the basis of the same monument. I said that when there's a lion on top could be General. No answer at conspiracy theories that there is buried the Alexander».

With regard to excavations Ms. Peristeri said that the excavation of the Tomb has just finished, adding that Earth observation is made will show whether there are other graves at Amphipolis and hopes next year to continue elsewhere.

Photo: Dimitrios Nikoloylias


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