The ruins of Amphipolis pictured in the sarcophagus of Alexander the great

M a stunning similarity of findings- that came to light by Kasta Hill of Amphipolis- the sarcophagus of Alexander the great "in Sidon are presented on the pictures below.

As it became known today, osseous and glass ornaments coffin found in tomb of Amphipolis. These decorative yet are alleged to exist in the sarcophagus of Sidwnas.

(Left the sarcophagus of Alexander the great and right ones found in Amphipolis)
Alexander's sarcophagus is the most important exhibit of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul. Found in the last of seven burial chambers at the royal necropolis of Sidwnas in Phoenicia (Lebanon today) at the end of the 19th century, When the area was part of the Ottoman Empire, by Osman Chamnti, founder and Director of the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.

The necropolis belonged to the Kings of the city and was used for the burial of the mid-5th century until the late 4th century BC.

The sarcophagus is likely to be made for the Abdalwnymo, last King of Sidwnas, they ascended by Alexander after the battle of Issus (333e.g.) and ruled until his death, the 331 e.g.. Constructed of pentelic marble, by Greek artist apparently, When Abdalwnymos was still alive, between the 325 and the 311 e.g..

Gable presence, gutter and Cape into the cover of the sarcophagus refers to ancient Greek temple. The top of the roof is decorated with female heads. On the sides of, but in both pediments, bears reliefs with battles and hunts, full styles with Persian clothing and styles that are either Macedonians or men of other Greek cities. Some of the past wearing a short tunic and bear arms, while others are naked.

The main scene of the sarcophagus is considered the lion hunt in an away side, they are involved in the Abdalwnymos, Alexander, but he and Hephaestion, the close companion of Alexander. The purpose of this show was to strengthen the Royal image of Abdalwnymoy, as the shows involved in the hunt, a literal sport Kings, and even companies with the Conqueror, He had become the great King of Asia.

(Alexander's sarcophagus-upper right is distinguished and lion)

(Osseous and glass ornaments coffin found in tomb of Amphipolis)

Christos Mazanis

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