"Dip" in 225 measures in the maritime area of the Valley of the argolic Gulf Cove, did participants in the research project TerraSubmersa made in collaboration of Underwater Antiquities Inspectorate with the Swiss archaeological school, the University of Geneva and of the Hellenic Centre for marine research (HCMR) in the marine area of the Cove Valley and more broadly of the argolic Gulf.
The purpose of the marine geological-geophysical survey was to map in detail the seabed and sediment in the sea area east of the Argolic Gulf to the region's representation in various periods of the past when sea levels were lower than today's up and the 120-125 measures and to identify possible elements in bottom-testimonies of the presence of prehistoric people in the wider area of the cave Frachthi in Eastern Argolis.
The results obtained from the first processing and interpretation of marine geological-geophysical data include:
1) detection of paleo-coast at various depths (until 225 meters below the present sea level) and at various times of the prehistoric period (20.000 years, 60.000 years, 140.000 years ago today).
2) Rich data on the representation of the prehistoric terrain near Frachthi Cave, including the riverbed that flowed near the cave and is now submerged and covered by marine sediment.
3) The existence of an area covered by 2-3 meters of mud in depth 10-12 measures approximately, near Frachthi Cave, which may contain remnants of prehistoric human presence and should be researched with underwater excavations.
From the processing of data and the final results Will identify with more precision marine spaces where the underwater excavation will be carried out over the next few years of research, in order to identify the settlement of Neolithic period associated with the important finds from the cave Fragchthi.
A detailed and systematic mapping and exploring the marine region of Eastern Argolic Gulf, near Frachthi cave, held with the vessels ' TURANOR PLANETSOLAR” and “ALKYON” in the space between 11-28 August.
Two scanners were bottomed infrastructure (Boomer 0,7-3 kHz and Chirp 2 ¬ 7kHz), ichobolistiko side scanning system (side scan sonar 100/400kHz) and multi-channel echo sounder (multibeam 200/400kHz).