Sanctuary and Temple of Olympian Zeus

Is one of the most important and busiest sanctuaries of ancient Athens, whose synyfanthike luck with the State changes that occurred in the city throughout the centuries. Located southeast of The Acropolis, in the southern part of the city (Ilissos area). North of the mosque passed way with geometric tombs, While in the South of the sanctuary were discovered prehistoric shells as Ms.I ceramics of archaic and classical times.

The indications resulting from the excavations date the origins of the worship of Zeus in the area in early historical times. Within a large, surrounded space rectangle stand up today 15 huge Corinthian pillars inside columns, surrounding the once majestic Temple of Zeus (' Olympieion ').

THE Temple prwtochtisthike rather than the Peisistratos during the second quarter of 6th century. e.g.. Had the form Kiosk Temple and in size exceeded the then Church of Athena in Acropolis, reflecting the pride of power of the ground the Lord.

In IV quarter theh 6th century. e.g.. the Peisistratides implemented the erection of a new grand plan, dimensions kiosk pelwriwn Doric Temple of Zeus, they will compete in volume and imposing huge archaic naϊka buildings of Ionias (the Iraíon of Samos, the Artemision of Ephesus and the Didymaion of Miletus).

Work on completion were interrupted with the fall of tyranny the 510 e.g., When the Hippias expelled from the Athens· then the Temple had stood still in its infancy (He had just reached up to the height of the pillar). After the During The Persian Wars (479/8 and following) part of building material of Olympeion (vertebrae columns) was used in the construction of the East side of Themistokleias fortification.

In the early years of Megalou Alexandrou (g΄tetarto 4th century. e.g..), the Lykourgos, the last Athenian founder edifices, attempted to complete the temple, but his efforts don't Unsuccesful. Work to rebuild resumed in Hellenistic years from the Antiochus Iv the Illustrious (175-163 e.g..), on plans of Roman Architect Kossoytioy; However, the temple was not finished when he died Antiochus, with score to remain unfinished until the season of Roman Period.

After the RAID of 86 e.g.. in Athens, the Sulla transferred columns the Temple in Rome for the decoration of Temple of Capitoline Temple. In times of Octavian Ath (63 b.c.-14 a.d..) made modernizing operations to a limited degree with minor rulers of the initiative dissolved then Syrian Kingdomh (Seleucid Empire), who wanted to dedicate the Temple in genius of Roman Emperor.

Landscaping the whole area of the sanctuary and the completion of the Temple took over almost two centuries later, during the five years 125-130 a.d., the hellenophile Emperor Adrian.

In its final form the ' building in Corinthian Temple diptero (pteron 8 x 20), by adding a third Colonnade at narrow sides, that Interior was divided into three parts (the vestibule, Cella, rear porch) and maybe brought extra internal Ionic colonnades near exterior walls to support the roof. The cella was kept the colossal chryselephantine cult statue of Zeus and around this statue of Hadrian, They also worshipped as a God in the same Temple.

At The Same Time, a large rectangular precinct, braced with Struts and monumental entrance with porch on the north side of (near the northeast corner), raised protective around the temple.

End, in a position adjacent to the temple was constructed by the so-called Hadrian's arch, independent apsidomorfo building that functioned as a triumphant ending bow, similar to those that existed in many parts of The Roman Empire; the building must have completed the 131 a.d., When the Emperor visited Athens to inaugurate the Temple and, as it seems, passed down from the Arch When entering the Temple of Zeus.

The gradual destruction of Olympeion the periods that followed was rather due to natural causes (earthquakes), While the damage caused and sobarwtates Turks, who changed the columns in lime to address housing needs.

In recent times of the Occupation a monk, known as Stylite, had installed onto architrave of dytikoterwn columns of southwest corner of the temple cell of, the ruins of which were visible to the era of Othonos.

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