Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος και ο καταχραστής Άρπαλος


Whether it involves abuse of power, whether it is in the institutions, whether it involves the trust of one to the other, whether for economic goods, is a theme that forms from antiquity to our days, as a concept, a big problem at citizens ' relations with the central powers.

One of the major abusers of antiquity was the Harpalus. His case was chosen to highlight the many similarities of the then society with the current. A society that, Although we are 2.314 years of this, and then she had some problems with the current. Problems of corruption, inconsistency, transaction, betrayal, looting of the public wealth, logic mikrokommatikis, especially from those who, due to position, should be non-discriminatory, honest, adekastoi, loyalists, Patriots and, of course, It was not.

One of the great scandals well was the abuse of Epicurus, personal friend of m. Alexander and his thisayrofylaka.

But let's do a chronological history in our history. Alexander the great took over the Macedonian throne, After the murder of the father of Philip by his bodyguard Pausanias, the 336 e.g., at the age of 20 years. Based on the children of friends but also to loyal generals of his father, to strengthen his position and firmly established on the throne eliminating enemies and potential trespassers of the throne of.

From the age of 13 years, where he was apprenticed to the great teachers-educators of his time, Leonidas and Lysimachus, and from the age of 16 years, where he studied close to Aristotle, many classmates had noble Macedonians and Greeks, his peers, their link with whom an anypokriti, strong and lasting friendship, until the end of his life. These were as follows: Ifaistiwn, Leonnatus, Marsyas, Nicanor (from Pella all of them), the harpalus (Elimiwtis), Ptolemaios Lagoy (rather half-brother from Eordaea), Nearhos (Kritikos, but from Amphipolis), Erigyos and Laomedon (Lesbians), Amyntas and Peykestas (Brothers), The Korinthios thessalus etc..

All of these were major political and military positions, Depending on the value and skills that had everyone. THE M. Alexander gave the power only to those who deserve, acting not drip, But realistically and merit. (So did the m. Napoleon was taking a Sergeant and made him Marshal b.c.. the Ihn). Almost all of these were omotrapezoi and some his bodyguards.

All of them – with the exception of Epicurus, that was lame – It was strong and fearless warriors and always are in administration and war leaders.

Let's go now to Harpalus. Because of body problem, as I said before, undertook economic and not military post. Before the battle of Issus (November 333 e.g.) , being appointed thisayrofylakas of the army, seduced by the Tayrisko, gone with the West, taking with him all the money of the army and fled to Megara. THE M. Alexander accepted the repentance of, Arnulf beside him and appointed him General Manager of the treasures of the State based Ekbatana (where he later murdered the Fairytales, After running Filota).

The treasures they were mythwdoys value, because there were gathered those who were found in the four capitals of the Persian State and in other smaller towns, worth approximately 700.000 ταλάντων (430 billion drachmas the 1968 ή 600 and today's euro top billion). Even, had received other 100.000 Gold talents within five years of the absence of m. Alexander at East from taxes.

With the away but more and farther, eastbound, ο Μ. Alexander, the Harpalus was unchecked. Served in all kinds of debauchery and abuses. His fame reached the Greece, where kwmwdiografoi the diesyran for the "achievements" of. Had sex with Asian girls and metakalese from Athens the courtesan Pythioniki. When she died in her honor erected monuments in Athens and Babylon. After her death he called from Athens another courtesan, the notorious Glykera, who settled in the Palace of Tarsus. Had porwthei so much, so when he's offered a gold wreath, required to pay and in Glykera another and genuflect before as Queen.

They were denounced in m. Alexander, who considered it too and not only promptly chased harpalus, but thymoymenos his old friendship with him jailed those who they denounce as sycophants. When he turned the m. Alexander at Susa (Spring 334 e.g.), i.e. after his return from the campaign of the East in India, learned that it had rebooted with treasures (5.000 talanta). The Harpalus, knowing that Alexander was fighting always at the forefront and that his mind was always in glory and conquest, He believed that it was impossible to get alive, After so many fights and battles in the depths of the East.

This of course believed and many others who paid with their lives, When turned on the Eastern campaign. Performed all offenders who reported, namely the abusers, rappers, violators of tombs(e.g.. of Cyrus the great), three generals (Menidas, Sitalces, Heron), three satraps, they had picked up the head and was asydotoi, along with their accomplices soldiers, about 600 people in Babylon.

The Epicurus's case proves that the m. Alexander by one point and then could not have confidence neither in very narrow faces, why the temptation of squandering of money and abuse of power was too great for those who take positions and offices.

The severe punishment imposed by Alexander in various offenders gave everyone understand that matters right and administration was absolute adekastis. He was the only way to becoming the vast Empire of. That is a vast terror prevailed in all offenders.

These learned (the 600 executions) Harpalus and intimidated the. He took with him 5.000 talanta, the Glykera, his daughter from the Pythioniki and fled to the coast of m. Asia. Enlisted 6.000 mercenaries and with 30 ships sailed to the Saronic Gulf, in Munychia. The Athenians did not accepted with prices, as hoped, because they feared the reaction of m. Alexandrou, Although the honorary citizen had made the earlier, because of its contribution to these grain and other donations.

After the negotiations were allowed to come only, so he went to the Church of the municipality and offered to give them part of the treasure and the mercenaries. At the same time, however, arrived in Athens and ultimatum of Accommodating, He was the successor of Epicurus in the position of Manager of money, asking them to adopt. Began endless discussions on the Pnyx to the topic, where the antimakedonizontes dominated with Ypereidi, He held the position of Epicurus and Makedonizontes, who proposed the labeled version.

The Demosthenes and Phocion supported the middle ground. So, It was decided to imprisoned in the Citadel the Harpalus, until Alexander decides the fate of. Demosthenes was appointed Commissioner, to receive money, in which the Harpalus said that he had with him 700 talanta ( the richest Greek shipowner or banker did not then Fortune over 300 talanta). Though, the next, When measured the talents, instead of 700 found only 350 (Here again the kickbacks for acquisition of Athens). Allilokatigoroyntan many in the Pnyx to bribery and the Areopagus proposed to declare the culprits that got, thing I was.

THE M. Alexander launched his fleet readiness, ready to attack in Athens after the Harpalus escaped and disappeared. All were convinced that Harpalus had redeem everyone, to escape, between them and Demosthenes, but nobody came to the municipality to apologise and to escape the categories.

So, the theme parapemthike in judicial back burner. The Harpalus found refuge at Tenaro, where received the remaining treasures and mercenaries and sailed to Crete. There was murdered by a Spartan Thibrwna, the same mammalian he, who fled to Africa, they started looting. Though the 322 p. X. arrested him Ptolemy a ' and crucified her in Alexandria.

Then a servant of Epicurus, that kept the Bills of, from Crete, went to Rhodes, delivered in a welcoming and revealed about the swag.

As far as the involvement of Demosthenes. Visited – in Plutarch – harpalus in jail, saw that he had a golden Royal Goblet, He liked, He got in his hands, the periergastike and asked harpalus how can aligns. The Harpalus smiling told him that will cost him 20 Gold talents. The same night of the sent home, along with the 20 talanta (about 600 kg Gold).

Six months later began trials on "money Arpaleiwn", There have been dire for Athens. The Athenians allilokatigoroyntan epifanesteroi for the stolen, While Demosthenes was obliged to pay the amount idiwpoiithike in five times and because they had to pay jailed. (Let's listen to the members and our judges, to make their conclusions).

But with the help of friends of Demosthenes escaped and went to Troezen and later on Aegina, whence come begging the Athenians to allow him to return. Nevertheless remained byssodomei against m. Alexander and the Macedonians.

After the death of Alexander (13-6-323 e.g.) the Athenians voted the comeback, but he continued to his regular anti-Macedonian. Followed the Lamian war, where the Athenians and their allies were crushed by Kratero Antipatro and, they had come from Mongolia. Asia and their fleet was destroyed in Abydo and AMORGOS.

Athens was punished hard. Paid war damages, was installing Macedonian guard on the Acropolis, while convicted in death of Demosthenes and Hypereides and other demagogues antimakedonizontes.

All executed except of Demosthenes, who escaped and took refuge in the Temple of Poseidon to Kalavria (NB. Resource), where committed suicide with poison (October 322 e.g.), not arrested.

But Macedonian friend Demades sentenced, Why confessed that he took and he 20 talanta, but had the audacity to confess that in future will chrimatizetai again. The 100 talents with which punished, paid by others, why he didn't had. Though continued to transgress and, because he could not repay the sentences imposed, knavish declared (i.e.. deprived political rights).

This was the picture of Athenian democracy of that era, similar image with the current Greek reality. A fact very even than,What biwnome.

Today we live the more difficult period of our history, where we are focused on economic issues, plaguing us all, forgetting or ignoring the expansionist policy of neoothwmaniki the Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu.

Now that the Turkish navy contesting our yfalokripida, that has made the Aegean with the sieve etsithelikes, provocative his pathways – tacks, even next to Sounio, even in the Ionian Sea, where already started research on undersea oil along with Albania, which already got a bridgehead with the unit installation 1000 men, so we encircle, We sleep the sleep of the law. Lalistatos otherwise the Minister of national defence,. Venizelos has been drinking the water amilito. Nor does it seem, Neither sounds anywhere. This means that the supposedly firm and proud of our foreign policy are probably blowing smoke. It's only for internal consumption.

The term is wrong that "history repeats itself". The right is that "History reconstructed», because the events of yesterday is never identical with the events of today and tomorrow's.

Let's study our politicians the history of Athens, the era of Philip II(his father m. Alexandrou) and his policy towards this, to see what denied day after day, month by month, year by year, does open their eyes, at last, and see that the situation is perfectly in line with the current Greek-Turkish relations and take measures before it is too late. (It should be noted that: where is Athens Greece today and where Philip is the Turkey.) Let us therefore not pathome prosexome from Turkey today, What,What happened to Athens then of Philip.

The current hostility of Israel with Turkey, Let's not left untapped by the Greek Government, Despite our orientation filoarabiko, Despite Palestinian national laws, you have a right to want their own independent homeland. We need to be more flexible and realistic in our foreign policy, otherwise it will not survive as a nation.


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