The new Minister and Amphipolis in the foreground

Oσα ειπώθηκαν, What yponoithikan in the changing of the guard of the Ministry of culture: New vocabulary, spikes

Oσα ειπώθηκαν, What yponoithikan in the changing of the guard of the Ministry of culture: New vocabulary, spikes
"Fwtografizomaste so we exist". With this quip Costas Tasoylas opened his last speech at the Culture Ministry handing-along with Antzela Gerekou and Lina Mendoni- the Aristides Balta and Nikos Xydakis. To follow emotion, warnings, references to Antonis Samaras and Evangelos Venizelos, spikes for Amphipolis, applause and a "sinned".

OSA said the Aristides Cleaver – Minister of culture Sport Education and religious affairs-, Nikos Xydakis-Deputy Minister of culture- and Sports Minister Stavros Kontonis-- had a common starting point. And this was no different from the expression of disapproval for the fact that Antonis Samaras has never handed over to Alexis Tsipras. "Thank you for the gracious host way, compared with the non-polite procedures we saw our earlier days and reported heavy and internationally, "said Aristides Cleaver. In the same spirit spoke and gentlemen Xydakis and Kontonis, with Costas Tasoula to intervene at the end saying "I don't want the impression I left OK-as it says and the poet- to create the impression that I am ungrateful or coward. It is not right to say them while Antonis Samaras is absent… THE,What happened to Maximus is related to the consultation that was. "

E NAS, Minister of culture is not what you thought
Thanks and courtesy is not hid nor time disposing of the new leadership not to recognize the work of the previous universally and without moderation. The brachniasmenos Nikos Xydakis made this clear at the outset. "We support the smoothness and consistency but with detachment launched visionary".

First course from new political leadership spoke Aristidis Baltas and responded to the discontent expressed by the Association of archaeologists, but also on the relevant cutting edge that left Kostas Tasoylas speaking before him, for the merging of the ministries. "I assure you that the merger is not an act of katabrochthisis culture of education, but an act of recognition of the culture and through its relationship with education. Culture is the more», He stressed Mr Cleaver. And then appointed a Minister of culture saying "must not impose his personal taste, It is unthinkable. The Minister's objective should be to provide the means for the flourishing of creativity without mediation of personal aesthetics and taste of. The aim must be diffusion of culture, the training in this and the bottom fuller development of a culture. "

He promised rupture and subversion in the context of the continuation of Greek culture and the Greek State and warned "we will have a complete partisan colorblindness. We are interested in the collective democracy produces things only when one adds to this that says the other and together create. But there will be utter transparency and fight corruption wherever it comes ". Apeythynomenoys Ministry officials stressed that they do not have the role of artists but of civil servants.

O T sitsanis and Theophilus and the Moralis
Nikos xydakis mentioned upfront in emotion. "It's a great thrill that will serve from the Ministry a place which serves for decades. One area most people whom I know and revere. "he stressed that Greece is making history these days and responded with meaning to Kosta Tasoula who earlier said" I wish not tempted because of fear for the worst to invoke an unfounded and false hope ". Nikos xydakis has made it clear that not only has this hope is uncertainty “the hope is either alive, or there is no”.

Gave the stigma would follow policy with reference to the need to create infrastructure for contemporary culture, modern arts, While he repeated many times the meaning of tradition. "For us that culture is composed to two centuries of the modern Greek State. E is the delivery, is the modern high culture and folk culture. Is the Tsitsanis, the Papagiannopoulou, and theophilos is Moralis and Papaloukas. Many people's voices e imaste».

To follow the spikes to Amphipolis – besides Nikos xydakis in a recent article in the Daily had brought against the management point communication. "The role of the story, culture, the art is not to drive the people to simply perpetuate overcompensation and komplexismoy conditions». And of course, it asserted the role of culture not only as a tool for development, but mainly as vehicle and identity expression. "The culture encapsulates the clutches without an identity, without producing ideology, without partisan uses like those that recently saw». To reach: We anexithriskoi.

Thanks for Venizelos and the Samara
Predating the placements of Kostas Tasoula, Antzelas Gerekou's Lina Mendoni, and. Costas Tasoylas, with the leg constantly shaking nervously under the table as he spoke, It was a thrill not covered at all his kindness, However, quashed the known sense of humor. Constantly referring to Aristides Chopper with the salutation "Professor", stressed that ultimately the archaeology ceased to regard the elite and embraced by the whole world anxious for good news, clearly implying the Amphipolis.

The words promotion and development were repeated more than each other while the only time raised the tone of his voice was when expressed its dissatisfaction with the fact that the Ministry is no longer self-contained "was tested in the past and failed".

It was the point that he called Lina Mendoni speak although she had requested not to make. Not for another reason, as explained by the same, but because they had already spent 4 hours of attendance of journalists and workers for the handover ceremony and reception, that was going to be on 11 in the morning, and finally started at 3 after noon. The General Secretary of the Ministry – thanked the executives of the Ministry that is above the average of civil servants, He talked about the unconditional dedication of many workers.

Evangelos Venizelos and thanked him for the support and friendship and Antonis Samaras for the trust and friendship of, with some of the assembled to react. Which is certainly not the ptoise and completed her speech. Angela Gerekou had earlier reported on what was achieved in the field of contemporary culture, asking by Nikos Xydakis to deal with the issue of development of Greece as an area cinema productions. This is the plan that started with the creation of tax incentives and infrastructure but not completed.

Moreover, who else did their settings (among them of course and the former and the current Deputy Minister for sport, spoke with the best words about each other) Nikos xydakis and Antzela Gerekou exchanged slips of paper with mobile and mail them.

Having closed five hours in the crowded auditorium bouboulina, the delivery receipt complete ceremony. And it was clear as the adeiaze Hall with large dense queues, He had just written the end of an era. Now everything will be different. And it was obvious both from the content of the grounds of the new leadership – also unlike other ministers announced no specific moves and commitments. It was evident from the tone of voice. From the new vocabulary. The emphasis in all, serious emphasis on tradition and in modern art and from the priority of identity versus the view.

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