Η αρχαιολόγος Αγγελική Κοτταρίδη γράφει για τη διαρκή αναζήτηση του Μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου, How is connected with the polite version of globalisation and for the three levels of the Digital Museum is dedicated to the King of Macedon
The "phenomenon of Amphipolis ' deserves to be studied in depth, However, the obvious conclusion is that reaches the slightest suspicion of Association – as ignorant of history and superficial though it is this – a monument to the Megalexandro, with the family or its environment, to make this, even before revealed, «Majestic», «unique», «unique», «Ecumenical»… worthy of special, absolutely privileged "management". And this in a country that if something's missing, This is ancient monuments with really huge artistic value and historical significance…
Those, of course, have you ever seriously know – the ancient sources is lalistates at this point – that the body of Alexander, who left his last breath in Babylon the 323 e.g., balsamwthike and after two years – both took the preparation of fittings trolley and other necessary for the "funeral" – started the trip to return at Aigai, the land of ancestors, where the untouchable custom stipulated buried the Timenides Kings of Macedon…
The procession, that seemed to be more image than sacred funeral procession, crossed Mesopotamia and Syria, but never arrived in Macedonia… Ptolemy grabbed the body and built up of a Kingdom, the Perdiccas, trying to recover the body and power, the slain soldiers were decimated by the crocodiles in the mud of the Nile. Located in the heart of Alexandria, near the Palace, the Museum and library, through the Tomb-Temple of, the House of God Alexandrou, object of worship and worship, secured for seven centuries happiness and prosperity in the city which he had built… At the end of the 4th century. a.d. Christians destroyed the Sarapeio. Then lost all traces of "body". It is not excluded in the fire that burned the Tomb-Temple of Alexander lighters have been ancient books of the neighboring library…
The conspiracy stories with kidnappings and dissimulations of the body is perhaps appropriate for scenarios producer choligoyntianwn, However, completely ignore the logic and essence of ancient Ptolemies. The funeral of a deceased member of the ancient family is for each a public act that aims to consolidate the status quo emotive. This applies of course eminently for the funeral of the ruler, If through the proffered in this funeral prices passes the legitimacy of his successor… Should, well, to reconcile with the idea that the temple-tomb of Stretched is buried under layers centuries of life in Alexandria and if I ever found and identified his remains, may not meet at all in our dreams.
However, beyond self-interests, considerations and policies, Apart from the use and misuse of information, Apart from the groups concerned and any interests, There are hundreds and thousands of people watching anxiously the excavation communiqués of Amphipolis, expecting omologimena or is He so much unspeakable… To open the tomb and found Alexandre… as to the "body" through the Memorial to beat once again transformed the cursed multiple ills affecting our daily lives.
Etsi, Alexander invades again in our lives… Of Course, the truth is I had never left… Hundreds of millions of references to Internet search engines, thousands of books, hundreds of documentaries, movies, artworks and exhibitions around the world testify that "Invincible" still fascinates and excites, providing an absolute standard. Or, more mundane, that the "Alexander" is a "name brand" high dynamic that can serve various purposes…
In the 1990s, between two large temporary exhibitions for the Macedonians and the Megalexandro (Rome 1995, New Delhi 1997) I was asked to prepare a proposal for a major international exhibition on Alexander that never happened, but the huge job did not go wasted because, picking up the scattered in dozens of museums material, I realized that in fact no conventional report objects in a museum can never be the ' fit '. From Macedonia in Egypt, in Babylon and in India, from the fringes of China to Byzantium and Rome, from the Arabs in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, from the unified Germany of Bismarck in early Greece of Great Idea, from the novel in the Koran and in the Newspaper, from the Lysippeioys statues in Persian miniatures, from the baroque to romanticism and modern art, Alexander hovers in the vast of space and time…
Etsi, the 2000 He was born the idea of a digital museum dedicated to the living memory of Stretched. The idea has matured and after ten years of efforts, the 2011, joined the program of digital convergence and the NSRF ' work became Virtual Museum Alexander: from the Universe "in which Aigai implements the Xvii Ephorate of prehistoric and classical Antiquities. A large international scientific
Conference entitled "Discovering the World of Alexander the Great", in which were presented by leading researchers in the results of the most important excavations and research programs, 3.500 original texts and pages 12.000 listings in the database is so far working group harvest, While starts in collaboration with the contractor, with underwater, photographs, digital representations, etc., the production of "digital objects" of the Museum that will be completed in December of 2015.
Conference entitled "Discovering the World of Alexander the Great", in which were presented by leading researchers in the results of the most important excavations and research programs, 3.500 original texts and pages 12.000 listings in the database is so far working group harvest, While starts in collaboration with the contractor, with underwater, photographs, digital representations, etc., the production of "digital objects" of the Museum that will be completed in December of 2015.
S.Our aim in th-landscapes of the Internet to create the place of Alexander, the "place of achwritoy": In a groundbreaking concept, inaccessible dimensions and disjointed in the real world with cohesion axis Alexander interconnected and make obvious relevance, creating a digital world, a "Museum" with the primary meaning of the term, Temple of knowledge, art and remembrance, worthy of the initiator and first citizen of the World, a Museum, annihilating distances, through Internet democracy, it reaches everywhere and make accessible to all the "hidden treasures", Cyber surpassing the often insurmountable difficulties for the natural world access.
The Digital Museum is developed on three levels: In the first, unfolds into an interactive video tour of the Museum's total (with constant picture-action and narrative, includes all digital exhibits in summary, giving the backbone of information in real time about five hours). At the second level, where the visitor goes at will, There are fully developed the 304 Digital exhibits and all video-documentary. At the third level, are libraries, directories of images and real objects, photos, designs, topics, texts, sources, Bibliography, any kind of information, accredited users pages, where they can show results of a survey, excavations, articles, announcements, etc., various links, discussion fora, online games and educational activities.
The aesthetically perfect environment, the eloquence of storytelling, the power of images, the charm of monuments and representations, combined with the numerous services which will ensure layered information and entertainment, will make the Digital Museum ideal shelter for the Internet traveler who seeks the journey through time, Knowledge Adventure, contact with the heroes that sealed the fate of the world. At The Same Time, embedding and juxtaposition of huge archaeological and historical material, of sources, findings and new scientific research data guarantee the validity of information and will help make the Digital Museum a crucial pillar for the approach from both the general public as well as by specialists.
The content articulates in seven sections-"halls": the first section is "the roots", where is the passage of Macedonia from the myth in history based on the particularly impressive and unknown to the public finds of recent years from Aigai, the Aiane, the mansion, etc.. Second «Macedonia of Philip II», describing the mutation of archaic Kingdom to radical change lever of the ancient world under the inspired guidance of King brilliant. The third section, «Alexander Philip», It is dedicated to education and the elements that shaped the personality of the young heir. The fourth describes "Eastern" Campaign which starts from Aigai the 334 e.g.. and ends Babylon the 323 e.g.. In the fifth section, titled "the first citizen of the World", develop the ideology and policies of the Stretched, While in the sixth, that is the largest and most impressive of all, described as "the new world: The Hellenistic common». The last section is called "Immortal" and is dedicated to the legend of Alexander that reaches our days.
As Commander in Chief and representative of all the Greek Alexander campaigns against the Persians, giving a new dimension to the old confrontation between the West and the East. Ultimately, though, through his political act like Kosmokratoras remove the contrast and prepares the road that will lead to more creative composition civilizations the world has ever known with the creation of the Hellenistic world, the most open and tolerant multi-ethnic and multicultural society in human history.
Invincible Warrior and inspired visionary, Alexander accepts the "others" to such an extent that their own scandalizes. Sacrificing to the gods, respecting traditions and honoring their traditions, conquer the heart of nationals and becomes a hero in the myths of the peoples of the world. The fruitful synthesis of opposites, Kosmokratora's dream that inspired weddings of Soyswn and sealed the cosmic theory of enlightened Hellenistic hegemony, Today more relevant than ever, make the INSPIRER of the Baptist and father of globalization in a more polite version of.
Thanks to Alexander, the Greek civilization reaches as far East and transformed into Hellenistic, the Hellenistic common becomes a common reference of peoples from Europe as Egypt and India. A new cosmic theory is born with the axis of reference rather than individual Nations, but the Earth. The inexhaustible stock of Hellenistic culture, scattered across three continents, starting dialogue becomes, source of ideas and ideologies, matrix new world that spawns Empires, stamp art, building science and forms the modern cosmic theory.
Trade and intercultural exchange centers, the Hellenistic cities define the network of roads of culture and Alexander himself, the only invincible, Horned God, haunt Persian miniatures, fights with elementals and monsters to take in the cathedrals of Europe doxi and xanafanei undaunted in his Anti Warhol photographic palimpsista and the epic clashes of Oliver Stone, always maintaining the incomparable charm that transcends the boundaries of space and time.
The Virtual Museum will arrives on computers and in homes of all Internet users, in Greek and English. Physical Office is the Museum of goats, the only place where among the bones of the father and his son – outset in building powerful evidence, the identifications establishing themselves more and more with the passage of time and the evolution of research – found intact objects that Alexander saw and touched and, mainly, the two unique images – the horseman of the mural and the ivory head – He saw and rescued, Testimonials valuable form of! l
**Published in BHmagazino on Sunday 28 September 2014