Follow God (Epic considered)
Obey the law (Illegally persuader)
Worship the Gods (Gods Sevou)
Respect your parents (Parents vulva)
Be overcome by justice (Itto sub law)
Know what you have learned (Know mathon)
Perceive what you have heard (heard Noel, et al)
Be/Know Yourself (To him isthi)
Intend to get married (Gamein futurity)
Know your opportunity (Cairo Know)
Think as a mortal (think mortal)
“If you are a stranger act like one” or “When you are a stranger be aware” (Xepsilon;nos s isthi)
Honor the hearth/Hestia (hearth precious)
Control yourself (archives thyself)
Help your friends (Filois AID)
Control anger (tantrum Member)
Exercise prudence (Fronisin SENIOR)
Honor providence (privilege precious)
Do not use an oath (Certified non coloring)
Love friendship (friendship loveth)
Cling to discipline (Education hardy)
Pursue honor (glory persecutors)
Long for wisdom (wisdom zeal)