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Amphipolis.gr | The oath of Alexander the great

"I wish you, now ending wars, to eytychisete with peace.
All mortals ap'edw and beyond to live as one people,
monoiasmenoi for common prosperity.
To consider your hometown Cosmos, common laws,
where will govern the excellent, regardless of race.
Do not separate the people, as do the petty-minded, Greeks and Barbarians.
I'm not interested in the origin of citizens, Neither breed born.
The katamerizw with a single criterion, the virtue.
For me, every good stranger, is Greek and every bad Greek,
It's worse than barbaric.
If ever you encounter differences, wouldn't CoQ10 in arms,
Despite going to solve peacefully. I need your referee will dwell.
God, you don't need to think as authoritarian ruler,
but as the common father of all, so your heel
It looks like the life that make t'adelfia in the family.
On my part, I consider everyone equal, White and melampsoys.
And I would not be limited to nationals of Commonwealth mine,
but shareholders, all partners.
As I go from my hand, I will try to provide what they promise "


Amphipolis.gr | The offer of Amphipolis

At 19-4-2015 in this column, my text was published entitled "the case of Amphipolis ' and following it received electronically the following letter:

"I'm Maria-Eugenia Francisco, a fellow student of ARISTOTLE from Argentina and I'm studying archaeology at the ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY of THESSALONIKI (now I am graduate).

"I read your article in the «Agelioforos.gr» about Amphipolis and tumulus Kasta. I agree with all that you've written and really sorry that the State does not give importance in space, as an archaeologist and philhellene who I am I can not figure it out.

"Last year I was invited from various Argentine universities to speak about the tumulus, because they made a great impression the finding, and because no archaeologists in my specialty in Argentina, I did a lot of presentations showing the discoveries and developments of the excavation from the k. Peristeri. You can see well that and up to distant countries reached new.

"There is a lot of interest worldwide and it is incomprehensible how do not exploit it at least from the economic side in times of crisis. I really want to do something to highlight this excavation and to help and within Greece not stays in the past forgotten this huge work done now in Amphipolis. So I'm at your disposal if you have in your thinking to do something that can help place. I have a great love for Greece and specifically about Macedonia and I am ready to do everything,What I can to help.

Με εκτίμηση

Maria-Eugenia Francisco»

The archaeologist from Argentina by letter of affect both the wrong tactics of the Greek Ministry of culture and at the same time indicates the amount of interest that exists for Amphipolis and in distant countries like Argentina. Logically one would expect someone that, After the global interest generated for Amphipolis, the Greek State would care for completion of the excavation and the creation of conditions to be soon visited the monument, so the country has economic benefits from the quality tourism that will bring the monument but also at other levels, because the Amphipolis with its monuments and its history as a base of the Macedonian Hellenism recalls in every direction the timeless presence and offer of the Macedonian Hellenism, in antiquity joined the Greeks and led him to the miracle of great excursion in the East, where spread the Greek language and culture.

Setting aside the news back to topic kochlazoysa to point out that the Ministry of culture (It considers that the yperchrimatodotithike excavation in Amphipolis and is probably not on the priorities), moving in the wrong direction. Amphipolis has a huge archaeological site with important monuments (ancient high school with unique vow-code of conduct for athletes, Hellenistic houses, hundreds of graves, parts of the ancient wall that describes Thucydides, early Christian churches in the ancient Acropolis etc.) of course all with Greek inscriptions and should emerge as one of the most important centers of the Macedonian Hellenism, and for economic reasons (with attracting quality tourism) But why the monuments of Amphipolis "ftheggontai" expressing the Ecumenical Hellenism. For’ This and the ancient Amphipolis, with its monuments sparked global interest, multiple can offer in today's Greece and Hellenism.

AGELIOFOROS TIS KIRIAKIS Author: Dimitris Garoyfas

Amphipolis.gr | Amphipolis “Burns” some of us (Fortunately are few)


The panic of the Minister was not justified. More highlights anxieties.
Details of the dialogue in the minutes of the House:

We are entering in the number 142/21-4-2015 timely question by Mrs Serres the new Republic,. Light-Arabatzi to Minister of culture, Education and religious affairs, on the State of financing and development prospect of Amphipolis. Will answer the Deputy Culture Minister k. Nikos Xydakis. Madam Arabatzi, you have the floor.


Amphipolis.gr | If not restored in time, will be buried under the sand

Amphipolis ' is not visited as it is now ", said House Deputy Minister Nikos Xydakis.

"If not restored in time, they buried beneath the sand "

But this is perhaps the smallest of problems facing the excavation, which was once famous, but now that the headlights went out reveals wounds. Which, if not remedied, will deepen in coming years, as extreme weather conditions prevailing in the region pose additional problems to the monument.

Winter with many rains had a dual effect on the ancient enclosure on the Hill Kasta. Limnasan Epesan soils and waters in grooves of earlier excavations. When the soil dries out, the background will become even more unstable and there is a risk of falls of soils from the slopes to multiply. The proper and permanent drainage is a measure that should be taken anyway. Besides, the Minister said in the House: «See the precinct with magnificent marble thasitika. Drainage projects urgently wants ". Only the "urgent" here is literally, the works need to be done before the fall.

But the monument and there are several open issues. For overcoming them was a special meeting with the participation of anaskafews and service agents at the Ministry of culture, without taking final decisions. It is important to reach the geostationary study drawn up by engineer, who worked on the excavation.

Winter with a lot of rain «the Hill» Kasta wounded, as limnasan soils and waters fell into the grooves of earlier excavations

Winter with a lot of rain «the Hill» Kasta wounded, as limnasan soils and waters fell into the grooves of earlier excavations

But search for money, After the increased budget of the excavation (over half a million euros in the last three years) arkese not to pay particular, basic study.

"If not restored in time, they buried beneath the sand "

Based on geostationary should subsequently be drawn up and other studies, as edafotechniki and sterewtiki for static layout inside – don't forget that the Tomb has internal scaffolding that helps support. We have not yet. Each other. With these studies simply starts the diagnosis of problems and investigating methods for proper restoration.

You need to follow study for mortar, for the porous stone of the enclosure for maintenance of epistyles and other marble reliefs and sculptures or members. After you have made all, then you can continue the efforts by conservationists and experts on stone age scientists and to start the restoration. Currently maintenance jobs were made possible, but follow-up studies are needed with approval of the Central Archaeological Council.

The study of the osteologikoy material will continue until the 2017, but again the money will play a role. Yesterday was supposed to be disbursed from the regular budget 87.000 euros for payments of universities that do the analysis in the 2015. Done the disbursement; I'll give the money to the UNIVERSITY and the University of Thrace in order to continue the investigations;

He Mr. Xydakis told the House that the funding continues. Featured monument "unique value" and the scenery that surrounds ' unique natural beauty». He spoke of a huge area of archaeological interest that has been excavated in recent decades and in which there are two important archaeological sites and a beautiful Museum and underlined that Amphipolis ' need holistic approach».

Today that, as said, "the excavation activity has put a semicolon, focuses on the maintenance and restoration». To become, However, both needed money and above all check and will. But if. the Minister knows the risks. As emphasized, "the monument if not restored in time, they buried beneath the sand ". The only certainty.


Amphipolis.gr | The myitiki path of Hercules (The apprenticeship of Hercules)

Hercules stood in front of the Teacher. Understand vaguely that it was entering into a crisis that will cause a change in speech,the attitudes and, the plan.
The teacher stared at him, the sympathized with. "Your name;"they asked him and waited for the answer.
"Hercules", came the answer. "They told me that it means Hera's kleos, radiation and glare of the soul.
What is soul, Teacher; Tell me the truth. "
"Thy soul will the discoveries by making your task and you will find and you will discover the nature of, that is your own. "and what are your parents; Tell me, My son. "
"My father's Uncle. Never heard of him, but inside of me I know that I am the son of. My earthly mother. The well know and did what you see. Also, Teacher of my life, I'm a twin. There is another like me. I know him well, Although not the know. One is earthy, by clay, the other is the son of God. "
"How ekpaideytikes, Hercules, my child; What you can do and what didachthikes;”
"Every achievement I'm special. I was taught well, morfwthika well,kathodigithika well and learned well.
I know all the books, and all the arts and Sciences. The labours of my open field is known, Apart from the knowledge of those who have the means to travel and to know people. I know myself like a man: contemplating, feels and lives. "
"One thing, Teacher, I gotta say this not in deceit.
Not long ago I killed all those who taught me in the past. I killed my teachers in search of freedom I am no longer free. I know within myself to myself and through myself. "
"My Son, This was practice wisdom and can no longer be standing free. Now in work and proceeded to remember making your work, that at the last turn of the wheel will bring the mystery of death.
Don't forget me. What is your age, my child;”
"Had passed eighteen summers when I killed the lion and then wear the skin of. At twenty-one I met my wife. Today am your triple free front, free for: the Earth my teachers, fear of fear and desire, really. "
"Don't kaychiesai, my child, but show me the nature of this freedom you feel.
Again in Leo, you will meet the lion. What you gonna do;
Back to Gemini, you will meet on the path the teachers that you killed. The you really back; What you gonna do;
Again in Scorpio will fight with desire. Will stay free or will face the snake with his tricks and I'll pull down to Earth;
What you gonna do;
Get ready to proof your words and freedom.
Not kompazeis, my child, but prove me your freedom and your deep desire to service. "
The teacher remained silent and Hercules withdrew and faced the first great Gate.
Then the great Proestos that sat in the Council Chamber of the Lord, He spoke to the teacher and proposed to invite the gods to witness the attempt and the start of a new student in the street.
The teacher called them. The gods answered. They came and gave to Hercules their gifts and many words of wise advice, because they knew their task and Street kindynoystoy.

Athena gave him a robe that she herself had weave, a tunic that's fit, rare beauty and fineness. The wore with pride and triumph, happy for his youth.
Had to show who is.
Hephaestus has forged a gold chest for Hercules, to protect his heart, the source of life and force.
Zwstike gold this gift that the protected and so the new disciple felt secure. Had again to prove his strength.
Came and Neptune with a pair of horses and gave reins to Hercules. Came directly from the water and place were rare beauty and undeniable strength. And Hercules thanked, Why had again to prove his power straddling the zemena horses.
With beautiful words and brilliant intelligence came Hermes, bringing a sword with rare engravings, who had in silver scabbard for Hercules.
Tied in the middle of Hercules, asking him to keep sharp and brilliant. "We need to divide and cuts", He said Mercury "and be moving with precision and skill required".
And Hercules thanked him with words of joy.
Had to prove the excellence of which boasted.
With the trumpet sound and Rapids podokrotimata flashed the chariot of the Sun God. Apollo arrived and with the Light and grace of the accorded Hercules, giving him a bow, a bright bow.
Through nine wide open Gates must pass the student before they acquired enough skill to stretch the bow.
So time needed for evidence of Sagittarius.
And yet when he was given the gift, Hercules took it by faith for strength, a power that until now were unproven. And so stood armatwmenos.
The gods stood around his teacher and observed tales of joy. Playing in front of the Gods and made demonstration of prowess, who make your boast in his power.

Suddenly stopped and has thought deeply for a long time. Then gave the horses a friend to keep, the sword in another and the bow in a third.
And running, It disappeared in the nearby forest.
The gods awaited his return with amazement and embarrassment for the strange behavior of. Turned from the forest, holding high a wooden bat cut from a robust new tree.
"This is mine", cried, "Nobody gave me. What can I use it with power. Gods, track and symparastatheite in my major works ". And then and only then the teacher said:
"Proceeded to labors"…!

ToyIrakli exploits”, Alice Mpeϊli, Kedros editions

http://master-lista.blogspot.gr/2015/05/blog-post_58.html#sthash. WzWE2zs6.dpuf

Amphipolis. gr | From the paradise of Iranians in paradise of Genesis

The word ' paradise ' comes from the word paridaiza alfalfa, «fencing», with the pari to mean ' on ' and the daiza "wall / Wall». As often happened, the Greeks got their loans from the Iranian Medes rather than from the Persians: e.g.. the word satrap is alfalfa form this Iranian title (< xšathrapā(van), -Persian form xšaçapāvan). The ancient Persian equivalent of paradise is paridaida. The emergence of such a loan term as midikoy in Greek, but also in Akkadian, the Hebrew and Aramaic, It is further proof of the effect of the enigmatic Midwn. The same race has left very few traces, the early history is difficult to reconstitute, but the fact that the Greeks called them anatolites their opponents first Medes and Persians later only confirms their earlier importance. Similarly the Jews speak of Medes in Isaiah and Jeremiah, but for Medes and Persians in metaichmalwsiaka books of esdra, Nehemiah, Esther and Daniel.
Almost immediately after the Persian conquest of Babylon the 539 e.g.. find Babylonian documents decades of the sixth century, in which the principles of the temples is responsible for maintaining and establishing pardesu. One of them is vineyard, Another relates to planting Palm trees and brick construction. More information is available in only a few elamitika later texts. After the fall of the Elamitwn Empire in the seventh century, the Persians settled in its territory and kept the elamitika as their official language of bureaucracy in Louver until around 460. Here we find references to partetas, Word that corresponds to the ancient Persian paridaida. From the texts the following meanings emerge: partetas are storage areas for plant products, like figs, dates, peaches, apricots, pomegranates and kingly cereals, mostly pretty close to Persepolis. Although the size of a partetas was rather mediocre, It was big enough to contain the sheep to commemorate a religious ceremony, a sacrifice to Ahuramazda. End, There is a clear link with the trees. The dominant presence of trees due to the fact that the Persians attached particular value on trees. It already appears from a letter from Darius I in someone Gadatas, the caretaker of the local «paradise», the paradeisario, a term that is repeated in Syriac as pardayspana, in older texts the Armenians as partizpan, and in epic neopersiko as palezban. In the letter the King praises the Gadatas for the cultivation of fruit plants of Syria in Western Asia minor and reprimands for taxing Holy Apollo's gardeners. Someone Pythian, Perhaps the grandson of Growth, gave Darius a gold vine and platani, He remained well-known until Antigonus the melted the 316 e.g.. When he found a plane East of Sardis, Xerxes the decorated with gold and appointed a permanent guardian for him. Cyrus the younger showed in Lysander paradise at Sardis and claimed that he had personally planted some trees.
Therefore: at the beginning of the Persian Empire were two closely related words in current use for paradise: the term paridaiza midikos and the ancient Persian paridaida. The last word was adopted in Elamitiki, the first was adopted by the Babylonians, the Greeks and the Jews. Secondly the early Iranian paradise had no stable meaning. It could be a place for storing, a vineyard, Orchard, a stable, forest or tree nursery. Apparently, the most important and unifying element was the precinct. Thirdly, None of these descriptions do not fit even with the biblical Garden of Eden.
The connection between trees and heaven appears in the old testament, where in Nehemiah (2.8) the namesake protagonist asks wood from the Superintendent of pardes of King to make beams for the gates of the Palace. The passage appears to come from the original memoirs of Nehemiah, dating from the second half of the fifth century, and hence is a valuable testimony to the existence of the Persian havens, not only in Asia minor, but also in other parts of the Persian Empire. The Nehemiah does not indicate the location of paradise of, but may was in Lebanon. Trees are also mentioned in the song of songs (4,13 – 14), that might be written in Jerusalem around 400 e.g.. Here you will find a pardes of pomegranates, with pleasant fruit, nardo, yolk, cane and cinnamon, with all its frankincense trees. There is a possibility that the word "paradise" appeared in Greek literature in the fifth century. Clearchos (Re. 43a) says that the Lydians in their luxury built havens, forming them like parks, and so they lived in the shade. As clearchos elsewhere used the history of Xanthos by Lydia, a premier contemporary of Herodotus, It seems likely that the Xanthos was perhaps the first Greek writing used the term paradise. This is not unlikely, Since he came from Lydia and he may well be their havens of Sardis knew personally. As fit in paradises, It consisted of trees, but the Sardioi apparently had them turn it into a more cultured environment than the standard Persian havens, Maybe with pavilions for their visitors. In any case, There was a home and a place with four-poster bed in babylwnio paradise, where he died Alexander. At first glance it may be surprising that speaks to clearchos paradises in the plural, but the texts often speak in this way. Some examples are havens in Susa (Αιλιανός, On animals 7.1), the wild parks of Pharnabazus (Xen., ELL. 4.1.15, 33), the hunting provided havens in Demetrius Demetrius Poliorcetes in the place of exile of (Plutarch, Dimitrios 50) and the Syrian havens with Cypress referred by Theophrastus (Plants (p). 5.8.1).
From the testimony of Xenophon (Economical, Greek, Anabasis, Cyropaedia) and other Greek writers, but from the biblical passages, We can draw the following conclusions about the meaning of havens in late Achaemenid Empire: Firstly, the passages of Nehemiah and the song of songs seem to indicate that, Besides the paradises hunting approved by Xenophon, other meanings of the Persian paradise, such as Orchard and tree growth place, remained live. Secondly, the early Greek havens connected with people only to a limited extent. There are orchards, vineyards or storage locations-concepts for which the Greeks certainly had their own words. From the other side, as explicitly stated in Greek. 4.1.15, It was fenced and in this regard reflect the Iranian origin. Thirdly, seems to be a relatively unknown phenomenon for Greeks, After being on the Economic of Xenophon effectively covers the term saying that there are parks, the so-called havens, where goes the King. Fourthly, These specific havens were characterized by limited size, the proximity to other havens, την presence of animals, water (whether River or a Lake), the importance of trees and, in General, from lush vegetation. These havens are not absent from the Persian heartland, After Susa ardeyotan paradise (Ctesias FGrH 688 F 34), and the tomb of Cyrus in Pasargadae was located in a paradise with a grove of all kinds of trees, ardeyomenos, and deep grass had grown on the Prairie. Fifth, the havens were in possession of the highest Persian nobility. Hence became the symbol of the Persian authority, as it seems to indicate the selection of Palm trees to pose as their first target in their rebellion 351 e.g.. the Royal Paradise. Sixth and last, Unlike the paradise of Genesis, the havens were primed with hunting wild animals and thereby allow the Persians to keep themselves well prepared for war.
After the fall of the Achaemenid Empire havens quickly disappeared hunting, After the hunt does not play the same role in the lives of his successors Megalou Alexandrou, as between the Persian rulers. However, other havens continued to exist, but without the wild animals. We can make this change already quite early in the third century, After the 246 e.g.. the small Cretan town of Itanos devoted a "holy shrine" near the gate, probably a public garden type, as a paradise for Ptolemy Iii (246-221). This certainly wasn't a hunting park. Neither, apparently, the havens were associated with Royal residences, referred to scrolls at the end of the third century. Other combinations of palaces and parks clearly show that these havens were parks. In the third and second century, the paradise is connected with water (Numbers 24.6, Isaiah 1.30), trees (Ezekiel 31.8,9), contrasts with the desert (Isaiah 51,3) and it is a sign of great wealth (Ezekiel 28.13), but nowhere do we hear about animals. In Ecclesiastes, that seems to be dated to the third century b.c., Solomon says: "I've made myself gardens and pardesim, and I planted trees in them of all sorts of fruits» (2.5). As in the above-mentioned case in song of songs, modern translations use the term "Orchard", and indeed, in modern Hebrew the word "Orchard" is pardes. Most orchards are listed in downstream Papyri from Egypt, containing many references to havens. These havens were utilitarian gardens, Since the average size is extremely small, smaller than a hectare. Hence, It is not surprising that we hear about them be sold or purchased. In Roman times the havens became even more cultured, as follows directly from the paradises in the Greek novels scrub and Achilles Tatioy. There are still springs and trees, but the landscape has become far more artificial. We are now seeing the presence of meadows and flowers: Roses, daffodils and hyacinths. Instead of a wildlife paradise inhabited by swans, parrots and peacocks.
Before answering the question why the Septuagint, in the third century b.c., they chose the term ' paradise ' to translate the Hebrew term Gan Eden, We have to solve another problem. Because the translators do not prefer the equally likely Greek term "Garden"; As the paradise, the garden is connected to the water (Isaiah 1.29), but it is clearly simpler than the magical paradise (Deuteronomy 11.10, 1 Kings 20.2). These gardens are cultivated primarily for their productivity and was closely connected with the housing estates. It was small, fenced, cultivated intensively and were famous for vegetables and flowers. In other words, for Jews the word translators garden hardly conjured up the image of a Royal Park worthy of Yahweh.
But if the translators preferred the word paradise, whom Heaven have in mind; We can reject the old Persian notions of "warehouse" or "vineyard" and use for hunting in Xenophon, Since neither God nor Adam show no interest in hunting, Neither drink alcohol. It is almost certain that we can ignore their havens also eventually Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, Since it was too small, too simple and too utilitarian to be worthy of Yahweh. This leaves us the modern Royal paradises of the Hellenistic period, as it is visible in various descriptions: Royal Parks with many trees, suitable for walking, less boisterous than their forerunners the Persian, but more wooded than the late Roman offspring. Such parks natural fit with the time of the Septuagint, i.e. Alexandria during the second quarter of the third century BC.. Our knowledge of early Alexandria is incomplete, but it is increasingly recognized that the Royal Palace of the Ptolemy Ii drew inspiration from Persian palaces with havens. The Paradise seems actually imprinted on the description of the Palace of the King of Colchis from Aiti on Apollonius the Rhodium (Argonautica 3.219 – 29). There is also a clear indication of the connection of paradise of Yahweh with the world of Ptolemaic Dynasty: the translation of expression Gan Eden in Genesis (3.23) as a "paradise of tryfis». The "tryfi" was a term widely used in Ptolemaic Dynasty monarchy to characterize the peaceful life with prosperity and magnificence. Three kings were branded "Tryphon" and several princesses ' Tryfaina». In Roman times the tryfi became synonymous with the "good life". Clearly the era of Ptolemy was no longer the era of Cyrus with physical discomfort and sweat, but the world of wealth, comfort and luxury. Back from paradise of heavenly King in the Septuagint were concealed the cultured havens of earthly Egyptian Greek sovereigns of modern.
* Απλοποιημένη εκδοχή από το Bremmer, “The Birth of Paradise”, Greek Religion and Culture, the Bible, and the Ancient Near East, Brill 2008

Amphipolis.gr | Alexander, because he had an inclination of his head to the left;


In Graniko a sword, cutting off the helmet of, He ended up the scalp of his head in Gaza accepted a arrow in the shoulder. In Marakanda an arrow broke the bone of the tibia. In Hyrcania was hit by stone, losing his sight for several days at the battle of Issus was wounded by sword on thigh. In the land of Mallwn an arrow punched his chest and was hit by a crowbar on the head. And for all those injuries were very proud of Their thought. as proof of his prowess and his gennaiotitas.


You must answer the question for Alexander: because he had an inclination of his head to the left; Attitude that imitated the generals after his death.

So had struck with the bat in the neck during the battles against the Thracian.
The permanent damage in the neck cause him to turn around his head.




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