

The name of Mt. paggeo comes from the word "paggaion" which means the logic and exoysiazonta throughout the land of Dionysus, with the Holy Oracle of that stood between the beautiful valleys of Mount. (P. S.. the word comes from the phrase Pageon Pan – Gaia, IE any land, After the variety of rocks of Mount is the proverbial). CONTINUE THE READING

The most erotic statue of all time!!

We have many statues and remarkable. But this goes beyond every limit. A couple in full harmony physical, until you cut the breath. Artistic combination of incredible beauty, where it is clear: the man proudly displays the woman and the woman shows ataracha the perfect man. Male, with vigorous male body, yearning every young woman. Woman, rich body, a nymph female creature, strapped like bostrychos around the man. In perfect contact two young. A dazzling picture of youth.


What is inside the tumulus Kasta;

Ministry Of Culture & Sport (12/10/14):

“The central image depicts chariot in motion, drawn by two white horses, (foto 3), which leads bearded man, with laurel wreath on the head (foto 4). In front of the chariot represent the god Hermes as psychopompos, who modified petaso, mantle, winged sandals and holds the Caduceus (foto 5). The composition has direction from East to West.” CONTINUE THE READING

The short history of Amphipolis

The archaic name of Amphipolis, was nine Roads. The three were from the right side of the river Strymon and six from the left side. When, the Persians and proelaynan Xerxes against Greece, they arrived in the nine streets, buried alive nine young men and nine virgins of the city, as a sacrifice in Persian custom for the successful outcome of their campaign against the Greeks. CONTINUE THE READING

So it is the inside of the Tomb;

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Hellenistic House, 2nd century BC. He was found by the archaeologist Lazaridi, probably has imprinted his mural that dominates in the wall of the main funerary monument, the area of corpses or corpses. We observe that the color palette is the same which met to elaborate data entry. CONTINUE THE READING