The archaic name of Amphipolis, was nine Roads. The three were from the right side of the river Strymon and six from the left side. When, the Persians and proelaynan Xerxes against Greece, they arrived in the nine streets, buried alive nine young men and nine virgins of the city, as a sacrifice in Persian custom for the successful outcome of their campaign against the Greeks.
From the 437 e.g. officially reported as Amfipolis. [Thucydides ' 100. 3 : TAS Oikoyntes kaloymenas nine streets then now Jan Amfipolin. But and :TAS Enneas ΄Agnwn synoikisas Routes not Athenian Archon Eythymenoys Amfipolin at ekalesen].
The geostrategic Amfipolis constituted focal point, Why controlled land transport Macedonia-Thrace and hellespont. Closely connected with Athens (secondarily with Sparta), from which was colonized and has been a center of Greek culture.
Many historical events took place during the long history of. The Athenians at the time of the Peisistratos 605 e.g., they turn their interest in gold and silver mines of Mt. paggeo. This interest is the period of MILTIADES after the battle of Marathon and the period his son Cimon, they managed to kill off the Persian army from the area.
The Athenians and Spartans fought to Amphipolis the 422 e.g., with the generals Cleon and Brasidas respectively, with final prevalence of Spartans. Later received at the Macedonian state of Philip and preparation area and was preparing for the Asian campaign.
In the spring of Amphipolis 335 e.g., Alexander the great brought together his army for the final inspection of, before passing the Hellespont.
Amfipolis participated in the Asian campaign of Alexander with one Cavalry company of tanks. The company of tanks it Klitou led excelled for the successes of, had the name ΄Ili Amphipolis.
The Amphipolis Alexander chose to include along with the Delos, toysDelfoys, the Dodoni, Dion and Kyrro, where will their respective temples ektize large, value 1.500 talents each.
In Amphipolis murdered Alexander's wife Roxana and son Alexander Iv by Glaykia, with the kataptystoy basiloktonoy command Kassandrou.
After the battle of pydna and the occupation of Greece by the Romans, the longer he met Amfipolis wild looting by the Romans, as Dion, Pella and other historic Greek cities throughout Greece. Dozens of Greek works of art of Amphipolis, the Pharaohs, stolen and transferred to Rome.
During the Roman period and despite the tough Roman occupation, the Amfipolis continued to be important commercial, Navy and financial hub with its own currency which bore the inscription MAKEDONON PROTI.
After the fall of Rome, the Amfipolis accepted raids by barbarians of the North the Eroyloys the 267 a.d, the Visigoths the 395 e.g., the Slavs, the Normans the 1185 a.d, the Bulgarians the 1206 m. X with the King Iwannitsi or Skylogianni, the Catalans the 1307, who kateklepsan that had been salvaged from the theft of the Romans, non-leaving nothing standing.
As reported by the Cantacuzino, the Andronicus Jr. on the xanaktise 1341 a.d.
The 1373 a.d on paid the Turks. In the later period of the 1941, behind the Nazis, the Bulgarians destroyed many monuments in the region of Serres, including the marble statue of the Commanding General of the Macedonian rebel forces of 1821 Emmanouil Pappas, work of sculptor Falireas and the amazing marble Heros cluster in the thicket of Serres, work of sculptor Dimitriadi.
Trademark of Amphipolis, the great monument of marmarinoyLeonta of Amphipolis. Luck agathi rescued the pieces of the monument, which was restored with the interest of the American Ambassador in Athens 1932 Lincoln Cid Steps, the French archaeologist Jacques Rose, Professor Oskar Mpronir of the American School of classical studies in Athens and Andreas Panagiotakis, Special sculptor in the restoration of ancient statues, who started the rescue work and performance of the monument 1936. Professor Oskar Mpronir subsequently in his book entitled, The Lion monument At Amphipolis, Cambridge Mass 1941, lists detailed list of donor names.
The Link Alexandros Filippou ΄Ellin Macedon, pays due respect and gratitude, in memory of all those, that contributed to the rescue and restoration of the lion of Amphipolis.
It is not documented, in which heroes are dedicated the Lion of Amphipolis, Despite the existing views, for this Polyandreion monument.
Like an incomplete answer to the question, preserved piece of marble with the epigram :