The ancient gold of East Macedonia

In nature gold is mainly native and less in the form of compounds.
In the first case we have a natural alloy that may contain significant levels in silver and/or copper. ' O Tan silver levels exceed 25% called amber and when copper content is over 20% called chalkoychos gold.

In very small quantities of the native gold contains other minerals such as osmium, Iridium, Palladium, Platinum, roythenio, Rhodium and antimony, Mercury or bismuth.
In Greece the gold found, According to our investigations so far, mainly native.
The deposits have lower levels of proschwmatika in silver (under 10%) and this is due to the fact that gold in the rivers is transferred and in this way we have a natural enrichment of gold grains and a physical removal of their silver. The bigger it is the distance of transportation of grain of gold than the original source of the, the more clean in gold is that. This is a relatively good criterion for identifying the originator of.
Native gold is also answered in iron ores, copper and arsenic with silver contents 18%.
In individual cases the gold found in Greece and in the form of tellurium compounds or bismoythioy.
The gold deposits in Greece are located mainly in Macedonia and Thrace. In the rest of Greece we have individual views on the islands of Evia, Sifnos, Apple, Samos and Lesvos.
In If. Macedonia we have gold in the river Nestos, in areas the old Kavala – Philippi, on the island of Thassos, paggaio mountain, the Aggitis River, the Menoikio (Alistrati), in and around Strymon (Nigrita-Torrent), Vrontou and Angistro.
Reports about holding gold in antiquity we have by many authors.
Homer mentions ancient farm gold for the area north of Maronia.
From Herodotus and Aristotle refers to exploit gold in Echedwro ( current French ), the ancient Paeonia and the mines at Diswro.
Another known place of antiquity is according to Strabo the on the Struma region. Here I would mention that we have identified ancient mining activity near Amphipolis as well as in the area of Nigrita and the torrent.
That relates to the Pangeo referred to by many ancient writers: Herodotus, Eyrypidis, Thucydides, Xenophon and others downstream. Strabo tells us features. The same pageOn has mines of gold and silver as well as all the area located in the Valley of Struma and Paeonia. I should mention that by now ancient tasks that we visited e.g. in Nikisiani , Ofrinioy, Moysthenis etc.. do not respond to this reputation of Paggaio as large mining centre.
Prominent in ancient Greek literature are gold mines of Thassos and Skaptis Material. Herodotus and Thucydides reports that the leading factor of wealth and development of Thassos during antiquity were the annuity from the mines of the island and the other Thrace. At the time of Herodotus the annuity from the mines of Thassos and the skaptis Material amounted to 200 Talanta annually in good years amounted to 300 ( We recall that 1 Talent equals 26,2 Kg in corresponding silver). From these 80 came from the mines of Skaptis Material.
Indeed, Thassos, which systematically studied as part of my doctoral thesis the ancient gold mines located in the area, Palaiochori Klisidi and at an altitude of 200 until 600 measures between Ainyrwn and Kinira opposite Samothrace, just as described by Herodotus, But beneath the Acropolis of Thassos. In kinira have a gold Lode crumbs inside modern karstic marble egkeila of dolwmitiko, which received intense exploitation. The report of Herodotus that a whole mountain is inverted is really true. I must say that similar type of seam has not been described in the literature so far. Below the Acropolis of Thassos have a gallery length system 300 about measures that reaches below sea level. The chrysofora layers are in Marble and lower contact gneiss. H Skapti Material was known in antiquity as above mentioned for the amounts of gold from the mines and for its connection with the historian Thucydides.
The question about the exact location of the mines of Skaptis Material, searched and discussed repeatedly by older researchers. Some argue that these are located on Mount Paggaio. In accordance with our own systematic surveys believe, that Herodotus referred to the area north and East of the city of Kavala where identified, a large number of occurrences and silvered gold-bearing ore in our view, this is in line with newer archeological investigations in accordance with which the Thassian Peraía limit in symbol and in the southern part of the Basin. Our investigations in rich in ore, mining and metallurgical activity old Kavala region began from the 1984, as part of a broader programme for ancient exploitation of gold and silver in Greece, shortly after identifying and completing the first part of the research report of Herodotus about the ancient gold mines of Thassos. This program is funded by the General Secretariat for research and technology, the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The mining area in the mountain range of the basin was derived from earlier and our own systematic research intensive mining activity object. On a surface of approximately 100 Km2 located over 150 ore occurrences which exploited according to our investigations in antiquity, the Roman and Ottoman era and the 20th century. The holding in this area during antiquity it was oriented in extraction of the wealthy in gold and/or silver ore. How important mining centre was the site of this us denotes except Herodotus and Thucydides and Strabo who mentions features: There are many gold mines in Krinides where today is located the town of Philippi, near Paggaio mountain.
As well as Diodorus Siculus:
Then came Philip Ii in the city Krinides which increased in population and renamed in Philippi and gold mines were there some smart Roadsters leaked and created new sparingly so that revenue can have over a thousand talents .
΄Oti regard to ores of Old Kavala region they are in accordance with our investigations connected with the lower part of the series of marble and partly with the upper part of the minerals series. We distinguish three types of body Placer, which they exploited in antiquity.
The first type are sidiromagganioycha minerals in carbonate rocks with gold contents up 26 ppm. The second type of forming sidiromagganioycha ores rich in lead, zinc and silver, also detected within carbonate rocks, with silver contents up 2500 ppm. The third type refers to quartz radiators pyrite and arsenopyrite-rich as well as in pyrite-chalcopyrite bodies epimikysmena, in gneiss and marble/contact in gneiss, with gold contents up 38 ppm.
The dating of the mining activity in proschwmatika deposits is very difficult, often impossible because traces of such deposits are destroyed and lost very easily. All that's left are piles of leaching residues. A great piece to have in addition to nature and human impacts, particularly during the last decades.
Unlike the proschwmatika deposits of traces of ancient mining activity remained until today in very good condition especially in underground workings.
Based on geometrical features extraction and gating technique, as well as the archeological findings and the use of radiocarbon C14 and thermofwtaygias methods , distinguish in the mines so far ereynithenta If. Macedonia more operating phases. The greatest interest is that of the classical period.
The ancient lodges have mainly characteristic (Classic) trapezoidal form is also the frequent rectangular intersection as observed in the mines of Philippi, of Skaptis Material and Acropolis Thassos. The dimensions of the galleries have usually 80 cm width and height on average 90 cm.
Similar incisions m’ These lodges were observed in Wells, the operation of which serve the promotion of the ore and the (atmospheric) working conditions in the mine (ventilation etc).
For the construction of tunnels and wells used in classical antiquity mainly two ways to access, who is especially known from Lavrion. The vertical and horizontal.
A third method which is used for access and for the exploitation of the ore was putting pyrras when the rock was very hard.
The gold-bearing ore mining method was done in antiquity mainly with the method of repayments. Unlike the modern method of exploitation of the ancients when accessing followed the body metalloforo. With the mining of the ore were often extensive irregular spaces, the so-called payoffs as well a gallery system labyrinthwdes.
The tools used by the ancients for the extraction and access was mainly the chisel and hammer. In some cases observed and traces axinas. For soft material and were probably using backhoes.
Ordinary phenomenon was when the metalloforo layer was inclined, the holding shall be done at more than one level. In places from upper to lower levels or at the entrance to smileyotan stairway.
To support the roof the ancients leave security pillars or walls made by stringing/wiring. The temple consisted of the rock that housed the ore. For the construction of the walls ypostylwseis used mostly sterile material through the mine.
That relates to the lighting: This was done with torches but with household oil lamps made of clay or pencil. Digging pits for lights on the wall inside the rock or constructed posts from clay.
One important observation in ancient mining areas, is that out of the gold mines are usually very little and generally small heaps hardware exorygmenoy, Although mining in the mine areas are often major proportions.
This is mainly due to the fact that the crushing and separation of hardware and exorygmenoy many times the enrichment of ore were inside the mine. The sterile material used in the construction of ypostylwseis concrete walls but also to meet and to close their premises thoroughly used most. In this way avoiding the difficult task of sterile material transportation and become parallel, We would say today, the restoration of the environment. (Religious causes, to make the sores of the deity of the Earth).

Call-in method was with the crumbs of gold known leaching method with skafidi. Casting of heavy fraction followed where it was necessary.

Often become spot copper in molten addition. Fact that it was found safely in two cases:

For iron ore followed the ancient the same method after crushing and milling of the ore, While there are some signs of polymetallika minerals e.g. litharge that was probably using the method of kypellwsis.

1.Proschwmatikos gold
2.Vertical access method ( Skapti Material )
by Michael Babelidi If. Professor A. P. T..

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