The tumulus Kasta, You can hide Alexander the great, It deals extensively in the Greek National Geographic, which proceeded in creating two versions, around this magnificent discovery in Greek, archaeologists.
Already, the first version released, with the title “Amphipolis: May hide Alexander the great;” and presents the findings so far of the tomb of Amphipolis, as well as the theories that have been developed so far.
The first edition, US turns a few months back, in the period detected the first “tracks” This tomb at Amphipolis, presents pictures and sketches of the mound and all that, Stressing that any discussion of the Amphipolis, should be done with full respect for!
The tumulus Kasta, beyond the Greek borders and compares with archaeological “colossal” findings, as is the mausoleum of Augustus in Rome, the great pyramid at Giza, the great Tuba in Vergína.
And a series of questions
In this first version, baring and two just, but basic questions:
Can the ancients to built around this monument to hide inside a so smaller construction;
If Yes, can put the most precious monument site, the pithanologoymeno burial chamber, out out and not as instruments are used;
Asked Alexander the great buried in Egypt;
Another question that must be answered. Alexander the great could have requested burial in Egypt, If you wanted to “consolidate” την “universality” the State of. Also, I knew the apotheosis, as the Egyptians, considered him a child of Zeus!
From the other, the great stratilatis, He was loyal to the Macedonian customs imposed by burial in the Royal Tombs at Aigai. Feared, that if you don't follow the “rules”, the dynasty would be destroyed, as envisaged in the prophecy of the progenitor of the Argead dynasty. Extra, adored Homer and Achilles and a few months before, He had buried with Macedonian prices in Ifaistiwna.
Here are more questions in the first edition of National Geographic around Amphipolis. “Alexander's body arrived in Egypt;”, “Alexander's body was burned in Memphis;”.
And after, the theories…
Regardless of who the dead found in Tomb Kasta, importance is for the version and who gave the order to construct the Tomb. The Tomb, It was created in the 4th century BC, When in Greece, was dominated by the “track measure”… So far in this project has completely lost. So, Alexander the great, It is perhaps the only one who could have ordered something so great, as it disregards the 10.000 talents who had to give, in order to honor a dead of…
Alexander the great lives!
As to’ Winter, Whoever ordered the grave, Whoever is there entafiasmenos, Alexander the great, managed what I always wanted: The glory of surpassing that of Achilles and is still alive, as very few in history.