The theme of the funerary monument of Amphipolis… eventually go, and even with episodic way, Scientific meeting for 28th in the Archaeological Project in Macedonia and Thrace, that starts tomorrow in Thessaloniki, without Jamie Peristeri.

The Director of archaeological Projects-Studies of geology and Palaiologias of the Paleoanthropology-Speleology Conservancy and a member of the Interdisciplinary Team of the excavation at the tomb of Amphipolis, Evangelos Kambouroglou, He will present his own suggestion, challenging several of the claims of the archaeologist.
Speaking at the "" ethnos "newspaper" promises to reveal in his speech, which has the theme "Hill Kasta sediments and their relationship with the tomb", at least three elements that upset some data, one of which is that the Hill was never Kasta tumulus and the representation is not valid-version of k. Peristeri and m. Lefantzi who want the lion had placed at the top of the Hill. "I do not accept to marry my own research results with what the other has in mind», He said Ms. Kambouroglou, adding that would not xanasynergastei with Ms. Peristeri.
"He didn't want to talk»
"I pushed for non-talk, because this was, as I said, decision of the Interdisciplinary Team, which agreed not to notice this year, but time. I replied that I am a member of this group and I do not know such a decision ", reported.

According to Mr. Kambouroglou, who conducted geological studies in the monument and the 2013, While last summer was a member of the Interdisciplinary Team, the Hill is physicist Kasta, sediment occupy an area 1.200 RPM. and never was tumulus or artificial construction. Never, Indeed, as I will demonstrate, was mounted on top of the lion of Amphipolis.
At The Same Time, will present the results of oryktologikwn tests performed at the University of Athens from the lecturer of geology John Mitsis, which interpret the conditions and causes deposition of soils.
"We need to clarify some very serious issues and to answer critical questions. Ms. Peristeri is aware of and does not want to overturn what supports up to today. For’ It will not attend the Scientific Meeting ", He irritated by the attitude of the anaskafews, that rang three times asking him with a compelling way to do communication. "You must understand that the excavation is the Ministry and not its own, and I am 40 years geologist, the 34 of them an employee of the Ministry and not hers ", answered via "Invests".
Indeed, he does not hide his surprise by the anaskafews statement in a recent interview, in which he noted that "a former associate chose to cut from the team and make this year its own presentation with findings which are not reasonable and does not reflect the positions of the official group of excavation. "My scientific competence will not the judge and especially do not allows to challenge Ms. Peristeri», of answers.
It should be noted that last October felt caused the refutation by Ms. Peristeri how o e. Kambouroglou had sent a sample of soil from the monument in specialized laboratory of Switzerland. "I don't know if he went there for vacation, However there are no samples in Switzerland», then said speaking to reporters, causing embarrassment to time and surprise of paristamenis-then- Secretary General of Ministry of culture, Lina Mendoni. The last was rushing to intervene and say that the analysis of the sample is not associated with the dating of the monument, but with research on the gewperiballon of the region.
The members of the Organizing Committee of the meeting expect even the last time Ms. Peristeri and, as they said, We will be pleased to give the floor even outside the programme.
The speeches and the skeletal material
Outside of fair. Kambouroglou, in the Thessaloniki Meeting will also talk the Professor of Geophysics of a. p. t.. Gregory Tsokas and colleagues, that made the Hill Kasta Geophysics. The issue, however,, as announced, General methods of geophysical prospecting for visualization of the Interior of tumuli.
But the anthropologist, Assistant Professor of, Sevi Triantaphyllou, along with her colleague, Assistant Professor in the Department of history and Ethnology of the Democritus University of Thrace, Fotini Adaktyloy, studied the skeletal material of funerary monument, will attend and speak on the "Treatment of the dead during the early Neolithic period in Macedonia».
Speaking at "the k" ethnos "newspaper". Triantafyllou said that in Macedonia there are not many posts of Premier and middle Neolithic period (in the 7th Millennium – early 6 Millennium BC) and hence the behaviour-rasmata from the study of skeletal remains 11 tombs and a small number of scattered bones out of place Rebiena, in Korinos Pieria, are important.