Alexander…the Oracle of Ammona

The Oracle of Ammona, through the Greeks of Cyrenaica was long known to the Greeks of mainland, He believed that there had reached the relevant art in their oldest Oracle, one of Dodona. Enjoyed great respect (Aristophanes regarded the Oracle of Amun as the second most important after that of Delphi, Pindar had founded Thebes Temple of Amun and the Athenians had sent an official delegation during the Peloponnesian War, to get Oracle).

He had his reputation's surefire and occasionally have consulted many Greek heroes, among them Perseus, When the Polydektis sent him to kill the Mermaid, and Hercules, When he went to Libya to face the Antaio. Philip also after a enypnio (dream) the Chairwna the Megalopoliti sent to the Oracle of Delphi, to ask Oracle and Apollo replied that ought to honor and sacrificing in the Temple more than to other gods and that they would lose the eye that, with which he had seen from the Temple in the form of chink reptile to sleeping with the Olympiad. Alexander supposedly wanted to emulate Perseus and Hercules (grandson of Perseus), because he came and both of them and additionally placed part of the origin of the Amun (in accordance with his father's enypnio) Although the latter is probably a later invention.
From the mouth of the Nile, where was situate in the city of, Alexander started with a light and escort for the clip tachykinito Oracle of Amun Ra in the OASIS Sioya, a difficult journey around 530 km or 2.867 stages, i.e. about 15 stations. None of the ancient historians did not indicate how the army took with him the Alexander, but should we presume that was lightweight pedestrians and horsemen, Maybe ypaspistes and precursors, while transporting supplies the Kurtius says that used camels. Go Beach, so has the support of the fleet, crossed not completely arid desert and after 1.600 stages (about 295 km) arrived at Paraitonio(Marcia Matroych). There they met ambassadors of the Greek cities of Cyrenaica. Of delivered a wreath, 300 Ippoys polemistas, 5 extremely tethrippa (Maybe one of each Member of the Pentapolis) many other splendid gifts and concluded with him friendship and Alliance Pact.
Great course. Alexander in Aigypto_pigi alexanderofmakedon
In Paraitonio refueled for the last time from the fleet, I turned South and went into the desert, that was sandy and arid and where Cambyses lost 50.000 men in a sandstorm. In 1.388 stages or 7 about stations, remaining as the Oracle, you will not need to anefodiasthoyn in food, but the water reached them just for four days. Went mainly in the evening, shortly before sunset until shortly after sunrise, in order to avoid exhausting desert sun. Alexander applied this tactic and other deserts, that had to be crossed. On the fourth day of the last abstraction a strong South wind lifted sandstorm, They destroyed all the paths, the traces and signs on the route resulting in drivers to lose their orientation. The water ran out of stock, but with intervention of Amun, which according to the ancient writers wanted Alexander to reach the Oracle of, It rained suddenly and could quote ydrodotithei for four other days.
Apart from the rain the Sands sent them upon other help. During the Kallistheni in front of the extract were flying crows, their krazontas showed that the course and helped to find the main body, those who lose their way in the night. When Aristoboylo the crows were two and perhaps not without significance this narrative, Once in the tradition of the region till today flying two crows (neither a nor more than two) considered a happy omen for indigenous, that start journey to OASIS Sioya. When Ptolemy was not crows, but two dragons with human voice.
Oracle of Ammon
The Oracle of Amun at the oasis in the sandy and arid desert of Libya. The maximum width of the OASIS was 40 stages (about 7,5 km) and today was full of trees, olives and palm trees. There was the sole source of the region, whose water temperature change during the day. Noon was to be almost frozen, then the temperature rise, midnight reached a peak, and then begin again to Europe turns colder. Nearby there were salt mines, which give excellent quality salt, NET like Crystal. Some pieces were larger than 3 daktyloys (about 5,5 EC.) and was coveted at sacrifices.
If the fix the boundaries of Alexandria became the 20th January 331 e.g., Alexander must be entered in the Oracle space surrounded the last week of January, or the first of February, Depending on the speed that covered the 15 stations from the Nile as the Oracle. If the design of Alexandria was on his return from the Oracle of Ammona, then visit the Oracle must became the first fortnight of January. What exactly happened at Oracle we have many variations and in antiquity may there were still more, After the matter and metaphysical was and deification of Alexander was. It is reasonable to assume that the "communication" of Alexander consultants developed one particular story, which parallachthike then from various historians and novelists depending on style and perceptions of each.
The variation of the Prophet's Oracle, Plutarch for reasons of courtesy reportedly he addressed Alexander in Greek, but because he spoke well rather than say "w, child"she said"w, paidios». Immediately spread (i.e., someone took care to spread) the rumor that the Prophet he addressed Alexander "w, pai Zeus». I.e. Alexander allegedly took the bad Greek of Egyptian priest, to proclaim that a worldwide recognition of the Oracle acknowledged as a son of the Supreme God of Egypt. The variation of Diodorus and Koyrtioy of the Prophet is quoted as saying "hail, my child and this address is from God "and Alexander to replied ' I accept, father, and will your son apokaloymai ". Here the evil priest reportedly rushed to offer to Alexander this, He wanted. In both variations, Alexander, always generous to his associates, He dedicated the Church important votive offerings. The Justin says that earlier had sent people to bribe the priests and tell them that he wanted to hear. So, When he entered the temple priests the cheered joyfully "spontaneously" as a son of Amun. Arrian, who does not approve of the choice of Alexander to declare God, says succinctly that Alexander "hearing these, who wished».
Embossed depiction of Alexander as pharaoh in Luxor to the temple of Amenhotep III
Until his visit to the Oracle of Ammona, Alexander had not indicated any intention to deified, though described as incidents during his visit there, show that his decision was already renewed. In Egypt, where the chief Archon was the son of God, was certainly useful to recognize him as the son of the Supreme God of the country. There he heard of the philosopher Psammwna that all people run from God, so will the commanding easier, If you were God himself. These very useful contacts and discussions should be made in Memphis, the capital of the United Kingdom of Egypt.
We saw that the revolt in Egypt often against the Persians and the last of the rebellion gave the opportunity to Philip to declare war in Persia, to terminate as soon as the Egypt epanypotachthike. The fact that they rebelled again after the conquest by Alexander is without a doubt a result of Alexander's agreement with the powerful Egyptian priesthood. Alexander respected Egyptian religion (on ' and the Temple of ISIS in Alexandria) the local governance, the privileges of the priesthood and in return that recognized him as a Pharaoh by removing the old dynasties. As Pharaoh had to be and son of Amun, best suited for identified were the priests of the Oracle, who will certainly received instructions, to which complied, the agreement highlights.
The same policy (i.e. the same agreement) applied later Ptolemy and the dynasty, who founded. It is impossible to see through the veil of propaganda when he decided to make Alexander the son of God, However from the OASIS Sioya and then began to formats and implements the process of theopoiisis. The barbarians, the aylokolakes and aspondyloi always unscrupulous communicators, that crowd willing 'son of Zeus», they began to become more and more useful and to acquire more and more power.
Delivered that, Alexander's question whether he'd punish all the murderers of his father, the Prophet commanded them to non-urgent, because his father was the Sands (whom the Greeks antistoichizan to Jupiter) whom no one could kill and that the murderers of Philip mortal were all punished anyway. Alexander thriskoliptos and of course it was not the conspiracy to assassinate his father had exichniastei, so it may have been his own doubt, in calling for response.
The favor of Philip, in which the oldest himself had fallen and the Olympiad, fuelled the speculations (from then until today) that Alexander and his mother were involved in a conspiracy. The God's assurance that there were no unpunished conspirators must be planned in their final discharge of these suspicions. Then Alexander asked, If God would make him sovereign of all people and of course the Prophet replied that this was the will of God. Moreover, it would be unreasonable to deny God in the son of its sovereignty on all his creatures.
After he got out of the Temple an excellent management tool of Asians, He returned to Memphis from either the same road (in the Aristoboylo) either directly (when Ptolemy). The view of historians enhance Aristovoulos, bedding design of Alexandria upon return. Ptolemy's view seems to reinforce two major archaeological discoveries in one of the two routes, using the caravans up before 200 years, to reach the oasis of Sioya on the Nile. Specifically in the OASIS Mpacharigia, the most important in the way of caravans, and at the end of the same road, just outside the Fayoum, discovered respectively two small Egyptian temples dedicated to the worship of God-Pharaoh Alexandrou. Because Arrian is much more accurate than the other preserved historical, We accept that Alexander designed the Alexandria during the transition, so it was not obliged to return by the same route. Since Alexander's key feature was the speed, We accept the view of Ptolemy, We confirm that the two Egyptian naiskoi.
Alexander returning in late January or early February 331 e.g. in Memphis, found to await him many embassies from Greece and their he satisfied all requests. Received and payments from the Antipatro, 400 Greek mercenaries under the Igisandroy and Menoito 500 THRACIANS horsemen under Asklipiodwro of Eynikoy. Did it again sacrifice, Parade, athletic and musical competitions and arranged the administrative matters of satrapeias. As agreed in the tradition of Egypt, He chose two Egyptians prefects, the Doloaspi and the Petisi, and commissioned in half the country's administration. But because he refused the Petisis, took all the Doloaspis.
In Memphis garrison Headquarters mounted Pantaleonta partner of pydna and STOU Polemwna partner Piloysioy of Megakli from Pella. The body of Mercenaries set leader Lykida the Aitolo, Eygnwsto partner appointed Secretary of Xenofanti and moderators Aeschylus and the Equestrian. He gave the administration of Libya in Apollonius of Charinoy. The Arabic Department of Egypt, to the side of the Irwoypolis commissioned in a Greek Egypt, the Iromeni from the Naykrati, who had to leave the prefects to administer during the old habits, While he had personal responsibility for the collection of taxes. Admiral of the fleet in Egypt appointed Polemwna of Theramenes. He divided the Supreme military command of Egypt to the great Balakro of the Makartati and Amynta, because the country was vast and rich and didn't like the idea to let the leadership of a single man after some nasty stuff, He had informed the Filota, the cavalry Commander of the trusted enterprise.
When the skeyofora of Parmenion seized the Persians in Damascus, among the spoils were also some Antigone, a nice woman from Pydna of Macedonia, He took her as his mistress Filotas. The boasted about the successes, his own and his father's, of Parmeniwna, told that Alexander is meirakion (paidareli) and that he possessed the power thanks to him and the Parmeniwna. Antigone said to someone, He to someone else, and as usually happens, Word of mouth reached the ears of Krateroy, who rode before Alexander. The Filotas hadn't committed any wrongdoing, but it was not trivial to undisputed king and Commander-in-Chief of the expedition from the Commander of the cavalry company and son of Deputy Commandant of the army. So Alexander ordered to maintain relations with Filota, and keeps you informed.
The information, that gave the Antigoni was no doubt sufficient, to remove the Filotas from his Office, which above all require individual trust. Though his father Filota, the Fairytales, He had proven his loyalty to Alexander after which was the second strongest army officer. His brother Filota, Nicanor, He held another neuralgic and honorary position, He was the Commander of the ypaspistwn partners and had served as Chief of fleet businesses in Miletus. His behavior was so annoying and Filota reprehensible, but as the limit on close personal circle, Alexander does not take measures against. Limited to record this information and reserves for the future.
Sources – Bibliography
Arrian c. 3, C.4., C. 26
Diodorus XVII. 49.2-6, 51.1-4
Plutarch Alexander 3.1-2, 26.12, 27. 48.-49.2
Kurtius 4.7.12-28
Justin 11.11.6-9
Herodotus c. 25

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