The Griffin was a monster of Greek mythology. Had a body of a lion or horse, head and wings of an eagle. Also in some representations of the seems and snake tail. The myth of thought comes from Mesopotamia. Probably the birth of the legend dates back to the time of the first discovery of dinosaur fossils of the prehistoric man. The ridge was covered with feathers and claws on his feet liontarisia was loud and sharp as aetoytan occurs as guard treasures associated with vigilance and vengeance. In the East the Griffin symbolizes wisdom and enlightenment. In Greece was dedicated to Apollo as a solar symbol, In Athena like wisdom and in Nemesis as revenge.
The Griffins of the sealant is daktylioy of ancient ippogrypes Anthias.
The Ippogrypas is half horse and half Griffin. His wings, the front feet of the head and beak was like a Griffin. While in all other resembled a horse. As the winged horses of Apollo, the Ippogrypas is a solar symbol.
The encounter in many mythologies. The encounter in Egypt, Mesopotamia & the Greece. In Egypt was the personification of the Sun. The middle ages ippogrypas was the symbol of weakness.
In Scythian "animal ornaments have been found in horses ippogrypes to epitithontai.
According to legend, the Arimaspi are in constant struggle with the Griffins for the gold. The country in which Aristeas and Herodotus places the Arimaspoys referred to vaguely as North of Europe, on the edge of the World, While the subsequent places them beyond the Secretariat Ripaiwn mountains, in Asia

Photo of Eleni elaphebolia.

The Griffins in literature and art

The format of the Griffin devised in ancient Greece, both literary and Visual Arts. Starting from the first reference by Aristea, During Antiquity the Griffins became hostile towards people monsters, which had a lion or horse body and head and wings of an eagle.
Quite complex and the artistic evolution of Griffin. It is considered that the form appeared in the East. In Greece the Griffin, as a creature that combines features of bird and animal tetrapodoy, appeared during the Kritominwiki period and is known by the performances from Knossos and Pylos antheia. But the performances of grypwn and of ippogrypwn kritominwikwn of Anthias(Fig. 4) is quite different from their performances in the archaic and classical art. A new type of Griffin entered in Greek art at the end of the 8th century. e.g.. from the Middle East, initially in the Aegean Islands and from there to mainland Greece. To him belong the archaic bronze busts of Griffin and the numerous related expressions in written pottery of anatolizoysas style, in currencies and in Particular frequently come across mikroplastikis projects the Griffin in expressions in attic vases of the so-called style of Kerch, mainly of the 4th century. e.g., where usually accompanies the performances Amazons, Apollo and Dionysus.

Photo of Eleni elaphebolia.

The Griffins as mythological element
Greek mythology connects the Griffins with various gods. In Aeschylus's Zeus's dogs, in Nonnus's Nemesis animals, While the works of art the Griffin often associated with Dionysus. But stronger is the relationship of the Griffin with Apollo, with which it is connected through legend for Yperboreioys diliakoy. Are the Griffins flying trolley of God during his trip to the Yperboreioys. So the ippogrypes of the sealant ring bear the carriage of deities of Anthias. As the Apollo was rampant on Griffin. In ancient Greece the Griffin meant as a solar symbol, but his relationship with the mineral gold of lends Chthonic attributes.
Alexander the great's journey to the heavens

The Pala d ' Oro bring human expression and wearing Royal Crown between two Griffins and that is nothing else but a representation of the fictional journey of Alexander the great in the heavens, as it has been described in the novel of Alexander of Pseudo-Kallistheni. According to one of the descriptions of these fantastic adventures of, Alexander during his visit to the land of the blessed attempted to explore the heavens, and to this end he ordered to arrest two huge vultures in the region (Griffins) which:«… non-fagein brwmata commanded until three days· the third day prosetaxe not kataskeyasthinai not seeking zygw and xylon prosdethinai in these trachilois. This Comer now survive through yoke wsei pichyn ekratise spear length, having on liver. Straight s fagein anaptanta vultures of the liver, rose trips these Alexander Aeri Meanwhile at height. And Pany trembled through the air of coldness

the ornewn of those gegenimenin. Either WiFi straight meets this peteinon anthrwpomorfon, and saith in him: Alexander, the terrestrial non-ginwskwn, how the celestial katalabein epiziteis; Empowered by tachoys Ypostrepson on the Earth, However orneois katabrwma genisi does. "

Helen Elafiboloy

Photo of Eleni elaphebolia.
Photo of Eleni elaphebolia.

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