Where can be found the secret entrance of the funerary monument of Amphipolis;

Judging from the recent article about the imitation of the enclosure of the tumulus of mound Kasta Cleopatra Moon, probably followed the same tactics of concealment of the true entry in Amphipolis!


The Kingdom of Ptolemy, probably knew the secrets related to the great tumulus of Amphipolis and applied the same strategy. So possibly the sign be located outside the precinct, in the land that surrounds the Tomb!



Προσεγγίζοντας το μυστήριο του χώρου ταφής του Μ. Alexandrou

Mystery Files – Alexander the Great

After his death, his body became one of the most sacred objects in history. Pilgrims, from the common man to the most powerful emperors, visited and knelt before the remains of their god-King. And then in the space of a generation, all trace of his tomb simply disappeared. What happened to Alexander's body? Was it destroyed by a tsunami? Did Christians intent on stamping out all trace of other religions destroy it? Or, as one historian believes, does it still exist, renamed and venerated as a saint in one of the most glorious Christian basilicas in the world? With no archaeological evidence indicating the location of the lost tomb we are forced to examine ancient eyewitness accounts of people who visited the tomb and place it in Alexandria.

Nine Roads, Agnwn, Amfipolis and Rhesus

The bloodless capture of Amphipolis by the Athenians, for whom “Go non-Athenian ison barbarian”

Ἀttikin ἀpoikian igagen oIkisai Ἅgnwn boylomenos odoys of kaloymenas tas Ennea priest in Strymoni; in Ἀthinaiois logion toionde and gar; ktissai polypoyn meneaiete tipte news chwron, kouroi Ἀthinaiwn; thewn he ἄter ymmin chalepon. worst esti thesfaton gar, If komisit ' ἀpo before Troiis ἀn eyrontes kalamin patrii Risoy de t ' krypsit ' eyagews; ἀroyri then if then kudos d ' ἄroisthe. CONTINUE THE READING

Daughter of the Nile: We already have natural historical copy of the mound of Amphipolis from the 6th year a.d.!!

Let us approach the little story that pops up.

THE Ptolemaic Dynasty was a Hellenistic Royal family, who ruled Egypt for about three centuries, from the 305 until the 30 e.g.. Ptolemy, the strategist Megalou Alexandrou, He was appointed Supreme ruler of Egypt after the death of Alexander the 323 e.g.. in Babylon and the dismemberment of the great state of. The reign of Cleopatra VII (69 e.g.. – 12 August 30 e.g.) marks the end of the Hellenistic and Roman period in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Cleopatra VII Philopator the

30662-egypt-cleopatra CONTINUE THE READING