The bloodless capture of Amphipolis by the Athenians, for whom “Go non-Athenian ison barbarian”
Ἀttikin ἀpoikian igagen oIkisai Ἅgnwn boylomenos odoys of kaloymenas tas Ennea priest in Strymoni; in Ἀthinaiois logion toionde and gar; ktissai polypoyn meneaiete tipte news chwron, kouroi Ἀthinaiwn; thewn he ἄter ymmin chalepon. worst esti thesfaton gar, If komisit ' ἀpo before Troiis ἀn eyrontes kalamin patrii Risoy de t ' krypsit ' eyagews; ἀroyri then if then kudos d ' ἄroisthe.
These of God chrisantos ὁ epempsen Ἅgnwn es stratigos Troian ἄndras, oI τὸ nyktwr ἀnoryxantes ἀneilonto sima Risoy home osta; and katathentes home porfyran komizoysin osta es mantle of the Struma. the di men holding barbarians the place diabainein the potamon ekwlyon, Ἅgnwn he ἀpepempse poiisamenos three spondas imeras toys barbarians and dia of the Strymon meta nyktos of GF s dielthwn osta troop of katwryxe founded the potamon Risoy and τὸ ἀpotafreysas eteichize respect the village selinin, He eIrgazonto oyk imeras. and di [τὸ] by exetelesthi three nyktwn πᾶν. as he the barbarians three imeras elthontes meta τὸ egigermenon teichos eIdon, tas enekaloyn Ἄgnwni as parabanti spondas, • He ἀdikein; speisasthai efi oyden gar three imeras, the three worst night. priest in tropw toytw odoys Ἅgnwn oIkisas tas Ennea were Ἀmfipolin ekalesen the.
From the book of Polyainoy the orator, “Stratagems” (i.e. “Tricks”)
(Macedonian writer 2nd century a.d.)
Analysis and small translation of Eleftherotypia:
But stays always the need for exploitation of the wealth of Pageos. The efforts to found a colony on the Strymon led to the coiling of the Thracian tribes in the region against the first world imperialist power essentially, with the current concept. The Cimon sent expeditionary force to establish gold mines.
Thassos, they saw threatened its interests, defected from the Athenian Alliance and the Cimon the flattened, ignoring what waited in between his army in the Valley of Struma. Their permanent victims of excessive self-confidence, the Athenians were wounded in the attack of the Idwnwn Thracians. The debacle of Drabiskoy (or Street Ennnea, from the name of the nearby colony of Chalcis) the 465 e.g., brought to the Athenians in two days more dead (almost 12 thousands of, always free citizens) Re’ those around the Peloponnesian War!
The Cimon, due to its glorious past, spared the ostrakismo, but it came to the things the Democrats with Pericles. He, as most politikantis, drove in search of soft modes for support of the Thracian, based on the age-old principle "hand that you can't bite into, Kiss the!». From the other course, based on that the trick with the bone mongering hero catches one and decided to utilize the expertise.
Etsi, the 437 General Agnwn, He arrived in the Struma with a box with tychonta bones, that persuaded (cheated more correctly) the Thracians were that of the mythical King Risos Thrace and that had transferred from Troy, where according to legend, the Rhesus was killed fighting on the side of the Trojans. They were buried therefore doxi bones and price at majestic Tomb across from the Temple of the Muse Clio, his mother Risos (Marsyas, «Makedonikai Histories»), and so the Athenians managed to establish the Amphipolis – to lose 15 years after, in the first phase of the Peloponnesian War, mainly owing to the demagogue Cleon. Responsibility was attributed to responsible for the safekeeping of city General (and then founder of the science of History) Thucydides. The result however was to be admitted the Spartans as liberators and to identify the Brasidas, as the demigod now, with the Riso.
And other tricks of antiquity
There were several war tricks (stratagems) used in antiquity (and not only) the Greeks in the main logo. Naturally the oldest warship trick was the Trojan horse in the Trojan polemoys. Tricks or stratagems are shall we say various contrivances which resulted in the partial or total deception of the enemy. The most interesting book that exists on this topic are the Stratagems of Polyainoy but also some incidents referred to primarily by Diodorus the Sikeliwti. Lists some that are interesting .
- The Agathocles tyrant of Syracuse once Europeans from the Karchidonioys who had blocked the port of Syracuse with thirty ships. Then just entered from the Etruria eighteen ships to help him, which, gliding into the harbor at night, were not comprehended by the Karchidonioys. Providing this assistance, use a successful ploy against enemies; giving a mandate to the allies to stay until he ekpleysei to distract enemies in hot pursuit, He came out, as agreed, with speed from the port along with seventeen of ships. Ships which were blockading the port began to haunt him, but Agathocles who had given instructions to Tyrrinoys to go from the port once you've removed a little, turned his ships against the Karchidoniwn. The Carthaginians, both because of the unexpected attack and because the Triremes were excluded among enemies (Agathocles from the a and the other allies), katatromaxan and fled. Then the Greeks captured five ships with their crews while the General of Karchidoniwn, When the flagship of konteye to be arrested, committed suicide, preferring death than expected captivity(Diodorus Siculus)
- Priineys Violence(one of the seven sages of antiquity) .When the Alyattes (father of Growth) King's Lydias many Priene (the city hailed the Violence), the Violence pachyne two mules and unleashed on the enemy's camp. The Alyattes, When the saw, was surprised that up and the animals were in good condition. Wanted to make peace and sent a Messenger. The Violence then gathered piles of sand, the covered with wheat and showed the envoy who conveyed to Alyatti that the inhabitants of Priinis had reserves to withstand the siege for years. When the learned this the Alyattes, He made peace with the residents of Priinis (Diogenes Laërtius ,Complete Works).
- Kolokotronis. the Greek Commander-in-Chief often michaneyotan anything to their Toyrkoys. fool during the invasion of the Peloponnese Dramali put the lads to light up each night so many fires to seem that the mountains there are thousands of Greeks. this trick used and later with Ibrahim
- Demetrius Poliorkitis. when Demetrius I of Macedon fought Ptolemy in the battle of Salamis the 306 e.g. the Polyaenus gives his work a testimonial regarding this conflict, with the victory of Buchanan in a trick. Tells that Demetrius, Mindful that the conventional war fleet numerical, his fleet hid behind a headland formed by a natural port. Ptolemy arriving in the seemingly deserted Bay of Salamis anchored to the sandy beach and began to put down his troops. So Demetrius took him ashore and the defeated (Polyainoy Stratagems)
- Hannibal was one of the greatest generals of all time during the Punic War (219 – 202 BC.) as it was marching towards Rome encountered a difficult situation when he was trapped in a State and had no room for manoeuvre as they were surrounded by sea while the Roman legions were approaching rapidly to entrap as was after when it arrived on the scene had blocked the only route out of the State (the passage of a mountain). However, during the night, before the battle, the Romans saw a stunning and inexplicable spectacle comes from the side of Karchidoniwn. Thousands of lights close by while marches were crazy and awesome noises . Terrified the Romans abandoned their positions, However not, as thought, for the Hannibal's army but for a number of oxen that burned. Hannibal had placed twigs on the horns of hundreds of oxen and had light. Those in authority start along to the Romans but as it began to take fire the same were running toward the hillsides with screams and put fire everywhere.(http://www.e-telescope.go/el/history-and-archaeology/87-2010-03-29-20-43-08)
- In Campania Hannibal used a smarter strategy by the Romans, with this the way. During a bad weather ordered: "When sounding the bugle call for attack, to fall to sleep. When sounding retreat, to proelasete, around the time of the second guard change». Meant well attack. Xafniasmenoi the Romans took up arms. After he spent a lot of time, Hannibal meant retreat. The Romans, tired of the bad weather and insomnia, withdrew and fell to sleep. Hannibal attacked and killed them all. (Polyainos ,Stratigimata)
- The Spartans were masters course on a fast break and tricks. In the battle at Sipia, between the Spartans and the Holidays, We have a shining example of tactical surprise. At that location they had camped the two opposing armies, the Argive and Spartans, in nearby locations. The Argive, fearing the fast break and in order to follow closely the moves of their opponents, they had applied the following regular. Watched and copied the full daily program of the Spartans. Every command that the Spartan was copied and trumpeter worked simultaneously and from Argos. Cleomenes the realized this and made the following trick. Called the trumpeter to give command for dinner, But while the army prepared to perform with the same command attack. The Argive blindly executed the command of Spartan and were unable to repel the sweeping attack their opponents.(http://www.e-telescope.go/el/history-and-archaeology/87-2010-03-29-20-43-08)
- Alexander was in India and was preparing to cross the river News. The King Porus, the King of the Indians, arrayed his army on the opposite bank of the river and the passage was impossible. Alexander staged further up the river and the King Porus army did the same. Alexander descended below again and again made the same King Porus. This was done often and for many days, as a result the Indians to ride the enemies for their timidity and to stop running with the top down, considering that won't ever dared to spend they so often did not find the courage to make. Alexander, going up along the shore with great speed who in ships and, bridges and animal animal skins stuffed with straw, diabike River, cheating the Indians with the unexpected pathway((Polyaenus ,Stratagems) .