Long before the arrival of the Greeks in the Greek peninsula and therefore also in the area of Pageos, lived here the pre-Hellenes known, otherwise and so-called Pelasgians, for the existence of which in our area spoke of Aeschylus in’ a wonderful choral tragedy of IKETIDES.
Homer among the thrakopelasgikoys peoples who fought on the side of the Trojans during the Trojan war defines the Briges or Phrygians and Paeonian, two people who were affiliated with each other and with the Trojans and who lived in the proomiriki era in Macedonia, Although the Phrygians in the region of Vermio in today's Western Macedonia, the Paeonian at the top of the Valley of Axios, where they were for the capital Amydwna. But the bulk of the Frygwn emigrated to m. Asia before the era of the Trojan war, already by the end of the 9th century BC. the Doric origin Macedonians began to displace from present-day Central and Western Macedonia all genders residing there, themselves gradually until reaching the coast, where they had begun to arrive and the Greeks of southern Greece and founded the colonies. Two of the tribesmen who expelled were the Phrygians that were left in the area after the migration of their people in m. Asia and Paeonian. A part of Frygwn and all the Paeonian forced so under the pressure of the Macedonians to move northwards and t’ East, where besides Strymonos remained for centuries, (Sintiki, Odomantiki, Idwnis), where they found them and Herodotus to reside, to hold the bulk of pediados of Serres and to have their cities on the Strymon River, but anameichthentes with the Thracians and Greeks colonists of the coast formed the background of Paggaio population in historical times.
But important though was the role of Paiones, of Frygwn and other ancient tribes of our region in shaping the history of the region, Another great service from people who already’ archaic years constituted the bulk of the population in General and of Elevation between the Strymon and Nestos country, the Thracians, It was he who gave the Pangeo and its unique historical identity, It was he who brought the Pangeo, the gods and the cults of so close to the Greeks and influenced so much philosophical thinking.
This great nation, composed of a multitude of individual tribes, has always been the entire between the strymon and Nestos region and consequently the Pangeo, that until the time of King Philip II of Macedon’ ethwreito Thrace, the first historically not years (7the and 6th St. e.g.) Here are various phyla of, Paionika and Frygika mixed with remnants of the past, While on the coast are already starting to set up the first Greek colonies of Greeks, the Neapolis of Thasos and the coastal cities of Perea or continental Thasiakis.
Already well from the 7th b.c.. century jostling around Sacred Mount of antiquity a racial and linguistic mosaic, the grounds now its existence is very known and appeared many times in the history of mankind. They are the same reasons that the previous century prompted crowds of Europeans and Asians to move to the western part of the U.s., for the search of gold. It is in other words the spirit of adventure and the human desire for easy enrichment, that makes him n’ always seeks the mythical Eldorado.
Indeed, beyond the great advantage of providing geographically wonderful place, This privileged area had in ancient times extremely riches. But products that produce the fertile Earth and t’ vast forests of was nothing compared with the treasures of the mines of. For centuries the rich mines of Paggaio provided in great abundance of gold and silver, the search which was the most important issue for the region throughout the centuries and is the secret of the entire history of.
Around the 7th b.c.. the two most important Phrygian century genders played a prominent role in the events of that period in historical times, the Idwnes or the Edoni Pieres, still inhabited at ancestral home, the first Strymonos in excess of Mygdonia, and second in the foothills of Mount Olympus, the till today called Pieria. But already from the 7th century onwards, and especially around the late 6th and early 5th BC.. century were expelled from the first Macedonian Kings, some Pieres by Partridge the Ios, the Edoni or Idwnes by Alexander the Ios and were forced to move to the edwthe of the Struma region and settle, some Pieres in South Pieria Valley stretching pangeo, East until the current Eleftheroupoli and South up the sea, they got their name and since then named Pierikos Gulf, like all t’ Thucydides mentions in the 2nd book of the history of.
Parallel to the North of Paggaio area inhabited by other tribes Phrygian, first whose Odomantes, between the lower reaches of the Strymon and the massif of Pageos, While North of Pageos and the plain of Serres lived the Panaioi, (Thucydides puts them "th far Amphipolis"), the Dersaioi or Derraioi, in’ others in the area of Philippi and in particular on the Western side of the mountains of the basin, Re’ they were evacuated to the North, When they occupied the whole region and the Edoni’ others in the area of Lake doiran, etc..
Around the Pangeo also in small numbers and’ North of Serres synwthoyntan, as already mentioned ahead, remnants of Paeans, that seems to have belonged the Sirropaiones, the Doberes, the Paioplai etc.. While on the same sacred Pangeo lived and dominated a hard-edged martial race, the Satres, who were those that mainly, (without lag and Pieres and Odomantes) exploit the minerals of Pageos.
As early as the Neolithic age and the bronze age but main during the iron age the island of Thassos was culturally with prehistoric settlements of the opposite coast, as the village of Orfani, of Akropotamos, of Galipso, the Ntikili Tash, of Sitagron etc..
In the last centuries of this period and in particular before the 7th century BC., so in Thassos Phrygian tribes inhabited and palms colonists, their relationships with the opposite shore is confident and up to the first quarter of the 5th b.c.. century all of these exploit themselves freely and the mines of Skaptis Material in the area of Pageos (or when younger historians in the region of the mountains of the basin).
In the second half of the 7th century b.c. y. and after the colonization of Thassos from Parioys, Parioi and Thasioi jointly appear on the opposite coast of Thassos, having their eye chiefly on the wealth of minerals of Pageos, colonize the entire coast this, that call Thasos Continent or Peraia, and establish, around 650 e.g.. neapoli, today's Kavala, While slowly and especially during the 4th Santa. complete the Thasos Trades, i.e. the coastal routes fortified settlements – their colonies, built on posts older settlements, much of Thracian origin. Such trades that evolved into real cities States and stood on the beach of’ where is the current national road Thessaloniki-Kavala was Galipsos, Apollonia and Kavala, but the pieriki city Fagris, in place of the current village of Orfani and other anonymous settlements.
But until at least today is generally accepted that the Thasioi never managed to penetrate with permanent installations (colonies) inside of their Sun, to spend in other words the coastal ridge of the symbol and to settle permanently in the area around pangeo, which remained under the absolute rule of hardline extremists THRACIANS that inhabited. Only the 356 e.g.. the orator Kallistratos of Afidnes in Athens ordered unfairly to death and takes refuge in’ all in Methoni, Macedonia and from there on Thassos, where it enters the head of a group of colonists which thasos comes in old Thracian settlement Datton or Krinides and founds the first and unique as shown thassian colony inside the region of Pageos, making reality, even for only a few years, as we will see then, the dream of generations of entire Thasos to settle permanently in their hinterland of Perea.
But let us come back again in Pangeo. The 513 e.g.. established beside the river Strymon from 1453 settlers under the tyrant of Miletus Myrkinos city Istiaio, to whom else; the exploitation of minerals of Pageos.
During the Ionian revolt, and in particular the 497 e.g.. the new tyrant Aristagoras of Miletus Milisiwn rebel leader comes in Myrkino, aimed at the occupation of the Thracian village of Street Ennewn, (of the later Amphipolis) but the business of fails, because the would-be colonists slaughtered by local residents.
At the same time, the King of the Persians Darius, taking advantage of the quarrels of the Kings of Paeans of Pageos, He sent his general Megabazo to attack inside of their country, where he found their cities anochyrwtes and captured. Then the Paeonian were forced to disperse, those not arrested, (Siriopaiones, Paeonian resident up to the Prasiada Lake, the current Dojran and above this term Dysswron), led by the Persians in Asia with their families, Re’ where they managed to turn around a few years later, with the help of the tyrant of Miletus Aristagora.
After suppressing the Ionian Revolution follows Mardonioy's campaign in Greece, η οποία, regardless of the inglorious end of Athos, yield in 492 e.g.. to the Persians Thassos, Macedonia and the Thracian coast. Though, Fri’ all guards mardonius installs everywhere, the Thracian tribes of Paggaio retain their lands and certain, even their independence.
The 480 e.g.. launched the campaign of the new Persian King, of Xerxes, in Greece. The latter, passing with t’ countless troops from the area, force all genders and all Phrygian city dwellers than’ where he spent, n’ follow the troop of, submissive in the same. So passed from our site, even from our city, crossed the Pieria Valley where he spent outside the walls of the Thracian Holy p, the Pergamon and the Fagrita, (It was there where are now respectively the Moustheni and Orfani), as for all that informs us of Herodotus, It reinforced the Persian garrisons in cities, but he was unable to subdue all Thracians pangeo and especially the months of peak Satres, who, as Herodotus says "nothing man egenonto nationals".
But the wealth of the same area already coveted by very early season and the Athenians. Already in the 6th century b.c.. the exile in Pangeo Peisistratus, subsequent tyrant of Athens, He has enriched many of the mines of the misthodotisei mercenaries and to prepare his return to Athens.
Miltiades, the winner of the Persians at Marathon, from his marriage with Igisipyli, daughter of Ember King of Pageos, Olorou, had acquired rights to the gold mines of Mount, first he wanted to lead the Athenians in Pangeo, but prevented the failure of the Athenian expedition against Cyclades.
The son of Cimon, maintaining the rights of the father in the goldmines of Pageos, Head of Athens came to make reality the dream of his father and the 475 e.g.. He managed to occupy the first city of the region, the old Thracian town Column, (between the Beach today Ofrynio and at the mouth of the Struma), to use as a basis for business to conquest of the Thracian hinterland. In the capture of Iionas seems to take part and the great Athenian tragic poet Aeschylus, because in the tragedy of the "Persians" describes the area as the knew very well.
But those successes of the Athenians brought them into conflict with the Thasioys, which were most clearly the economic interests and for’ This 465 e.g.. the apostatisan from a Thasioi’ Athenian League. The Athenians sent then powerful forces to poliorkisoyn Thassos (which subjugated after two years of siege), While at the same time sent and 10.000 Athenian colonists, headed by generals Leagro and Swfani, to understand the rich Thracian hinterland. But those settlers, Although conquered the Thracian town Nine Roads, (the later Amphipolis), ultimately were defeated by the United forces of mountain and the region's hardline extremists Thracians and all katesfagisan from the past in Drabisko (current Drabisko of n. Serron).
The Athenians, shocked by this unprecedented disaster, could not reach the area until after 28 years. Then, (in 437 e.g.) Athenian colonists m’ led by settler Agnwna captured the Nine Streets and in their place created the colony of Athens perifimoteri, the Amphipolis, thus obtaining more direct access to Pangeo and rich area of.
Amphipolis, located in a privileged area, on high hills that periebreche the Struma, controlled the mouth of the latter, He had direct access to the sea through the coastal port of, of Iionos, in the fertile valley of Struma, at an elevation of Plains north of the current n. Serres and of course in the same pangeo, the objective of all efforts by then conquest of the region.
But the settler ' Pure, Although the Amphipolis and teichise made a wonderful city, though he committed a fatal error. Installed in’ This, Apart from Athenian colonists and residents of the neighboring and hostile towards Amphipolis town Clay, colony of Andriwn, (the excavations are now immediately after the Kerdyllia, on the highway Thessaloniki-Kavala) from Halkidiki, who were enemies of Athens soon and this hatred, in combination with the skills of the Spartan General Brasidas, brought the ultimate in Amphipolis in 424 e.g., 13 short years since its foundation and even without a fight, After the city handed over to the Spartans themselves residents of.
The late intervention of the Athenian fleet under the historian Thucydides, Athenian general, failed rather than bail out for the Athenians the Iiona. Two years later the Athenians to recapture campaign of Amphipolis under Cleon led to a clash the last with brasidas and new destruction of Athens, who permanently lost anymore this area so matches had made to conquer ' and so little they managed to delight.
Though, the attraction that was causing the Greeks this area still remains strong. The 382 e.g.. the Chalcis of Halkidiki, After synaspisthikan between the, entered into relations with the Thracian tribes that still remained undisturbed then exploiting pageOn and took part in the exploitation of.
Moreover, forty years after the loss of Amphipolis, the Athenians were still dreaming of this area. So in 371 e.g.. These, having gained freedom of movement in Thrace, send successively the Ifikrati and Timothy, to be exhausted in unsuccessful attempts to take the city from the Macedonians, I had already installed there guard.
But Philip had already begun to reign in Macedonia. The 359 e.g.. withdrew the Macedonian garrison of Amphipolis, for the sake of the Athenians, the declared a free city and promised to deliver it to the Athenians, but defaulted on his promise and 357 e.g.. appeared before the walls of, the besieged and oblivious to the negotiations suggested the Athenians, the captured and kept for himself.
The next year 356 e.g.. Philip penetrates in Thrace and occupied all around the country of the Thracians Pangeo, whom and repels, (those who do not subordinate) addition of Nestos, following the invitation of the townspeople themselves of krinides, (that was, as already mentioned mostly, Thasioi colonists), who have suffered greatly from the frequent raids of the addition of Philippi and Nestos martial Thracian tribes, it comes after first occupies the Amphipolis and destroys the will-Galipso genetic resources or traditional colonies and Apollonia, enters the thassian colony (of krinides), of changing the ancient name in Philippi and gives a brief period of autonomy lasting 15 years, during which enables it to issue its own currency and, but then, having already completed the occupation of the whole of the Strymon and Nestos region between, the mounts, along with this whole area in his State Makedoniko, the 344 e.g..
At the same time annexation of Philippi and all around the area in Macedonian sovereignty Pangeo, Philip, as saith the Diodorus Siculus, from the systematic exploitation of recently then to identify talented people around Philippi overflow, but those pangeo, turns out both gold, so can no longer carry out all its objectives, to prepare a mercenary army, to redeem consciousness among crowds of Greeks and to pave the way for the glorious course of Alexander's son in history, whose campaign as well by the same mines sponsored.
The entire Pangeo and its area, with the cities and settlements remained under Macedonian domination throughout the centuries being of Macedonian state. With the walls of Philippi to prevent extension of the aspirations of peoples beyond the river within the limits of the Macedonian sovereignty, the region passed to General life blissful few centuries.
When's the Roman domination and expanded throughout the region, from the 167 e.g.. and after, the Philippi had lost their significance anymore, Perhaps because they had run out of ore that was used around them, and the whole area between the Strymon and Nestos was the first of the 4 portions (provinces) the great Roman province of Macedonia, with capital of the Amphipolis, He continued to maintain with its autonomy and all the glamour and edge and to issue the coins of the entire portion, until the 146 e.g.. they cease to exist the portions and Macedonia becomes a whole Roman province.
The 42 e.g.. but the fate of earmarks under a preferential treatment, which seals indelibly in the history of. Outside the old walls of ancient Philippi played the last act of the drama of the Roman Republic, Once there the Democrats Romans with generals Cassius and the Broyto are fans of Monarchy in Antony, Octavian (later Caesar Augustus, the first Emperor of the Romans) and Lepidus, in the famous battle of Philippi, where nikwntai the Democrats, These leaders commit suicide and starts for Rome the Imperial period of governance of.
The 42 well e.g.. Antony and Octavian perceived the importance of the area and immediately installed first Antony Romans apomachoys and founded the first Roman colony of Philippi, which Octavian, genomenos Emperor of the Romans after the battle at Actium the 31 e.g.. and the disappearance of his opponent, Antoniou, the 30 e.g.. turned on imperial colony, that brought apomachoys of Roman legions and colonists from Italy, Greek and Italian descent and endowed it with brilliant constructions, and the 27 e.g.. He named it Colonia exeteine Lulia Augusta Philippensis and the area of responsibility of the throughout around pageOn region, without to forget and Amphipolis, which declares free city, (civitas libera), i.e. city with its own internal autonomy and self-government. Thus begins the illustrious history of another city of Pageos, This of Philippi.