The libraries of ancient Greece

In a country that was born the spirit of science and philosophy, the art reached its pinnacle of, the theater was a high-level school for all ages, in a country where there was no town without theater – a unique phenomenon in the history of culture – it would not be possible not to have been there and loved and libraries. There were libraries in the ancient Greek cities; Apart from sporadic cases, the ancient writers were not mentioned in this topic. But there are, Fortunately, epigrafikes sources that come to fill in blank.

The ancient Greeks who both cultivated the arts and letters, was coming to appreciate the invention and use of the alphabet to the point, so the Sophocles to put in lost tragedy of "Amphiaraos" an actress forms with dance moves the letters, While in another tragedy also missed – of Athenian Callias, 24 dance were the members as many letters of the alphabet, Besides characteristic charm that it had in ancient Greek use of letters is the ODE of Pindar in letter s. From former times first tyrants were interested in the dissemination of the Homeric epics, which the machinery mobilising and cared to rescue. In these times and even during the tyrannidas, in Athens, of Peisistratos, must be placed and the Foundation of the first libraries in Greece.

When it talks about libraries in ancient Greece, our thoughts usually refers to the known libraries of Alexandria, of Antioch, the Pergamon and perhaps very – very at Pantainoy and libraries of Hadrian in Athens. But both in Athens and other Greek cities, not only of the metropolitan and colonial Hellenism, There was a very large number of libraries, for which we do not know almost nothing except their existence. The existence of these libraries affirm more epigrafikes and less literary sources.

The existence of libraries in Athens testifies to the historian Polybius also ancient history with Timaio. That Polybius says that, When the Timaeus of Locri was forced to leave the Syracuse, to avoid the pressure of tyrant Agathocles, fled to Athens, where he lived 50 (!) years researching the city libraries of Cecrops. From other sporadic information found in literary sources, it is concluded that there was again a large number of libraries in Greece Greeks outside Metropolitan.

Specifically in Asia were the Greek cities Ephesus libraries, Militos, Alikarnassos, Heraclea Pontus, Knidos, Mylasa, Nisa, Pergamos, Priene, Bursa, Sinope, Σμύρνη, Former, Antioch, Aphrodisias, Cesarea, Tarsus. Magnesia on the meander, Magnesia Sipyloy, Iasus, Thyatira, ACE and Lampsakos. Such libraries must have had and the Greek colonies in the West and on the coast of b. Africa. By some strange coincidence, however, is not mentioned in surviving literary sources and library epigrafikes other than that of Syracuse.

In Greece in particular there was no town without library or at least without a public file, including most small towns. And it is typical that the first library science textbooks were written by Greek Artemonas, that came from Kassandreia. The Artemwn wrote two such writings, they had titles on the synagogue "and" Books On books of use».


As mentioned by Polybius narrated for the exported indirectly Timaio concluded that in "kleino asty" there was a large number of libraries. However, the relevant information is very few. The oldest library in Athens dates back to times of Peisistratos, who outside of the interest expressed for meditation and for the classification of the Homeric Epics, founded first in Athens, and public library. The Athenians on epayxisan later with great diligence and care. When Xerxes took Athens, the 480 e.g., plundered the library of Peisistratos and the books moved to Persia. But in the years of his successors m. Alexandrou Seleucus, Nicanor, He managed to aneyrei the books of the library of Peisistratos and resend in Athens.

In the town of Palladas was renowned library and during times of Demetrius, of Falireas, They showed great interest and zeal for books. Pausanias mentions the establishment of library in Athens by the emperor Hadrian. In establishing this library referring and Eusebius. The library of Hadrian in Athens was rich, the stately and luxurious. The ruins and the size will impress and today the visitor's space, located at the end of the road Aeolus. From ancient sources epigrafikes, confirmed by the excavations of the site of the market of the classical period is known the existence, on the official site, Pantainoy library. This is for 2 inscriptions that refer to each other on the establishment and functioning of this library. The first inscription reads:

«Athena Pyliadi... The Athenians the Mouson philosophers ierey t. Flavius Pantaenus successor son Menandrou TAS Flabioy out lodge, the peristylon, the book of bibliothikin after, always aytois the world, of the own ... more anethike.»

The other inscription. that was part of the regulation of the library lists:

"Quite a exenechthisetai Book wmosamen anoigisetai by time epei first until the sixth".

The inscription of the 1st century b.c., published in Inscriptiones Graecae II, 1029. informs us of the existence and operation and other library in Athens, known as "en Ptolemaiw", While the inscription Ι. g. 11.1009 offers evidence that existed in Piraeus library.

Libraries in other cities in mainland Greece.

In addition to the libraries in Attica, There were libraries. as shown by sporadic always information, both literary sources and at epigrafikes in the following cities: In Delphi, as noted by Delphi inscription, stating public library Foundation of Amphictyons (Bulletin de Correspodance Hellenique. 20, 1896, s.. 720), but at Epidaurus was the library, which had been dedicated to the God Asclepius.

Also, the inscription has been found on the island of Delos, which mentions Andriwn Iguazu, where there was a collection of the works of the poet Alcaeus. Apart from Delos had libraries and the Islands Samos, Rhodes, Kos, Crete and Cyprus. The existence of the library at Rhodes shows again the inscriptions from directory containing snippet around 50 writings. Among them are listed and 2 writings with titles "towards Cyprus ' Eyagoran (two copies) «Praise» Alexandrw (copy a) and on the Athinisi Law» (five copies).

For a library in Samos not saved any information on epigrafikes sources. The author however of deipnosophistes Athenian, who more frequently than any other ancient writer mentions in libraries and bibliophiles, by reason for the Greeks who had become famous in the ancient world because of their Rich libraries, mentions the tyrant Polycrates of Samos, the Athenian Euclid, the well-known Athenian tyrant Peisistratos, the Nikokrati, the Cypriot, the Kings of Pergamos and Eymenides Apaloys, Aristotle, Euripides, the Theophrastus and Nileas, who acquired the books contained in the libraries of the last two great men, the famous Stageriti philosopher and his successor at the address of its ambulatory continuation School, Theofraston.

Library in Kos mentions inscription (published in the Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, 59. 1935, s.. 421-425) which contains the names of the donors of the library. Among those listed and diocles and the son of Apollodorus, jointly offered the spending for the construction of the building of the library, as well as for the purchase 100 books. Listed, also the Hecataeus as Donator 200 textbooks, the Agisias as a donor 200 drachmas, the Xenocles donated 200 drachmas and 100 books and other donors,

In Crete existed during Roman times library next to the Palace of Knossos, as can be seen from fragment header, that commemorates this library. Also refer to libraries in Cyprus, so from the Athenaeum and the inscription that mentions "bibliofylakioy" epimelitin. Certain library and found existence in Sparta from literary sources, While sources indicate existence of library epigrafikes in Messinia. From another literary source is known and the function of library in the city of Patras.

With regard to (b). Greece, There must have been a library in Pella. From this it seems that the Roman general Aemilius Paul brought in Rome the first large number of English textbooks, After his victory over King Perseus of Macedonia. The existence of library in Pella, You should assume that it used and the m. Alexander, as a student of Aristotle, reminds us of the interest shown by the young King gave the order after the conquest of Persia, to explore the sacred Persian books and everything related to philosophy, medical, Agriculture and astronomy to translated in Greek and sent to Alexandria. From another, end, a votive inscription of Macedonia, posted in B.C.H., 57,1933, s.. 316320, check existence of the library and in the city of Philippi.

Referring to libraries that we can point out from clues literary and epigrafikes, We should not neglect and library of its ambulatory continuation School. The books after Aristotle's death, came the responsibility of his successor Theofrastou. The writings of Theofrastou, along with the books of Aristotle, come to the swkratikoys philosophers erasto, Korisko and his son Koriskoy, Nileas. Nileas, a student of Aristotle and Theofrastou, inherited books of two teachers and moved to the town of µ Skipsi. Asia. After the death of Nileas came to individuals that were unclassified and katakleista. When they learned about the zealous, with whom the Kings of Pergamon attracted books, the hid in underground Crypt, where moisture and ftharikan worms. Their descendants sold in this State in the Apellikwnta Tiio, who, When Strabo, It was rather filobiblos or "philosopher".
To restore corrupted writings he, the copied again from the beginning by rewriting entire parts so issued full errors. At the Athenaeum, However, nileas sold the books of Aristotle and Theofrastou in Ptolemaio, Filadelfo and so were the later model for the Organization of libraries of Alexandria and Pergamon. After the death of Apellikwnta Sulla was carrying his books in Rome (Ploutarchou, Sulla 26,1-2).
Apart from public libraries existed in ancient Greece and many private. Considerable private library had Euripides, as well as the contemporary of Plato's philosopher Menedimos, from Eretria. Isocrates (Aiginitikos, 5) refers to some Thrasyllus, He had a great collection of writings on divination. Plutarch, end, in the biography of Zeno, Describes a book seller in Athens store, where customers were investigating or reading writings, as was done in libraries.

Graphic materials.

When one listens to writings in ancient Greece, He usually signs on marble or writings written on scrolls or parchment. There were also texts written on varied material. The laws of Solon e.g.. had written on wooden reels, called ' axes ', and trigwnomorfes plates, the "kyrbeis" that were erected on the Acropolis. Pliny mentions inscriptions engraved on lead plates, saved and a plate of copper and other iron anepigrafi (J. g. a. 321kai322). Josephus mentions maps to replace lead and Plutarch narrating that the poet Aristomachi dedicated to Delphi textbook, that was the form of metallic eilitarioy. Another copper plate found in Olympia with engraved onto a treaty text, made between Enemies and rivals. Charazontan even inscriptions on clay slabs (at keramos), in skins, in seafood shells and bones. But also on gold plates were engraved texts, e.g.. in the Orphic gold tiles, known both from Crete and Italy. But as NET, Greek invention can be considered the wooden signs, the epaleimmenes with wax. These panels allow continuous rewriting texts after amortisation, that is why the students were mainly for practicing.

All of this information is derived from the study of literature and inscribed sources. From the inscriptions we have and the information that the librarians of ancient Greek libraries were called Secretaries and curators of bibliofylakiwn. [Reprinted from the magazine Archaeology

Op. Branopoyloy-Act Historical – Archaeologist,

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