Hermes psychopompos as

THE Hermes or with the epic name Ermeias, It is one of’ the oldest gods with genuine Greek ' popular ' origin. According to mythology was born in a cave in Kyllíni (in today's Mount Ziria) of Corinth, from Jupiter and the beautiful Nymph Midwife, the daughter of Atlas. Homer is mentioned with the name of the oldest Hermes Kyllinios, but with strikers ' eyskopos argeϊfontis ' identifications, «diaktoros», i.e. psychopompos. Homer often used the epithet "chrysorabdos" Hermes, «Messenger» Hermes, While in Hesiod ' renowned preacher of gods "and" protector of shepherds and sheep».

Mythology says that immediately after his birth he invented and built the first lyre and showed, from the infant yet age, the skill of being able to steal even the oxen of Apollon. Hermes, like Prometheus, because he discovered the fire and pyreia, and at the same time the sacrifice, obviously a sacrifice for the dodekatheon, is basically "a competitor of malicious pyrforoy Prometheus '.

Hermes, Although in epic poetry appears to have auxiliary position vis-à-vis the other Olympian gods, very quickly evolved into so multifarious deity that covered almost every event of life. Is the most busy God, as it has many tasks on the upper World: before’ all is the Messenger of Zeus, He is also God of intersections of roads and boundaries (borders) (Hermes Outer or Tetrakefalos), Patron of the doors of houses and gates of temples (Hermes Pylaios and Propylaios), God of literature and rhetoric (Hermes logios), Patron Saint of athletes and games (Hermes agwnios), Patron of merchants (vulgar and kerdwos Hermes) -even protected not only the viewed today as a legitimate, but the random finding, the so-called ermaion, that means "gift of Hermes", i.e. the providential gift (Hence Hermes Tychwn) or the unexpected precious finding or even the product of theft or abduction (Hence filitwn or lurking or anax liistir Hermes). Against giants, wearing the kynin Aϊdos (invisible helmet), He killed the giant Ipollyto, saved Zeus reconnecting the nerves of the feet of, which had cut the Tyfweas and released the God Mars, whom the Aloadae were imprisoned for a year.

Throughout antiquity Hermes was considered the smartest and the most benevolent God (Hermes alexikakos and goods dwtir) and for’ This the most likable and entertaining God of the Greek pantheon, "expression of all the assets and all the vices of the ancient Greek". Throughout its history, however,, the first place had the Chthonic traits and especially known Pan-Hellenic property of psychopompoy or psychagwgoy.

As psychopompos in Underworld serves Pluto and Persephone. Specifically carries the souls of the dead and also attends the Court of Hades, i.e. perform tasks with which acquired excellent location among the gods of the underworld.

Many ancient sources that present mercury coupled with clear boundary between deities, such as Demeter, the Pluto, the Trophonius etc.. «Underground», e.g., call mercury Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides. But it is unlikely the property of chthonioy God to came from the other capacity, the Herald of the gods and psychopompoy. So, like a preacher could transmit news or wishes of the Upper world in down or relocate the souls in chthonioys, and therefore it was considered himself chthonios. The Hymns Of Orpheus, Hermes chthonios leads the "immortal souls" to hell and back to the upper World brings (for new incorporations). As an entertainer-also refers to the "Choiforoys" of Aeschylus ((f). 622), Although Orestes expects him not just to forward the wishes of others chthonioys and the dead father, but also to help him in his quest to avenge his father's murderers ((f). 727-29). The divinity of Chthonic testifies and Pausanias, who says that he saw in Cassation Mercury's statue next to statues of other great gods ' ypogaiwn '.

For the excellent position of mercury among the gods of the underworld and Plutarch informs us, as in the celebration of Plataias Eleftheria used first to pray to Mercury and in underground underground Zeus at the sacrifice of a bull and then call to "aimakoyria" the souls of those who had been killed in battle against the Persians, the 479 e.g..

Hermes though, as awesome underground God, the invoked the Greeks during the 5th b.c.. century. and on so-called «katadesmoys» (defixiones), i.e. the invocations to the dead or gods chthonioys, to harm those who loathed. In the archaic period each tomb was dedicated as the "statue" of the psychopompoy God of the underworld. Pindar, a stone sculptural work erected over the tomb the calls "Aϊda" statue. However, noteworthy is the fact that Homer does not mention the porthmea Hermes, After the souls of the dead and in the Iliad and Odyssey put on Hades ' without the help of a floating craft, certainly enough to have burned». As we mentioned in the previous section, the role of porthmea (of peramatari) in the subsequent (methomiriki) time will be charged the Charon (Charontas), which transferred with pleoymeno of the dead on the opposite bank of the rivers of the underworld (mostly terrible Styx) and Lake Acheroysias.

The story of the god Hermes is perhaps most instructive for the development and the constant renewal of the content of all chthoniwn gods. Even the case of Hermes justifies the latest scientific research, According to which-as above- each study or presentation of Greek religion should start from the pre-Homeric Greek religion. In this well the rich ' popular ' religious tradition and ritual, one can detect the abundant each Olympian God payments boundary and record the evolution and gradual renewal, which in some cases are so important, so from the original deity not only survives the name, as l. x. the case of chthonioy God Hermes, in the evolution of which is worth to do a brief reference:

Hermes, in the early years was connected with the roadside lithoswroys that was either graves or "terms" (milestones). And the Greek name Furthermore means literally "one who pleads through the pile of rocks". There was an old habit of the ancient Greek farmer who, When he found in the street a pile of stones, throw another stone on top of, because he believed that some divine power (God-demon) resided in’ These. THE M. Nilsson considers that’ This habit were concealed traces of old litholatrias, and notes that these stones called "Ballast" and the greatest of them-at the top of the heap- called "Mercury". And the W. Burkert notes that various, like the primitive delimitation of areas with phallus, they always had the same deterrent.

The various ones, i.e. "Herma", why rural people used it as a "ododeiktes" for travelers, but as landmarks of fields and private estates, It seems that constituted mosques of chthonioy Mercury, who indeed punished anyone who dared to trample on foreign land. Although the "presence" of the God of the "border" (Hermes) prevent illegal trespass, neighbors seem that our employees moving borders, to expand their own land, as a result the owners of estates to use as landmarks even more prominent upright stones. On top of these lithoswrwn (either "terms" was either graves) stinotan an even larger stone, the "ermaϊki column". Pausanias reports that they were also used as various country borders.

On stone or wood were later "Herma", which subsequently placed at street intersections, in the squares of cities and at the entrances of houses or temples, kept emphasizing the falloi. By the presence of fallwn, symbol of his property gonimikis, Herodotus concludes that mercury was prehistoric God, which the Athenians had received from the Pelasgians. End, the 520 e.g.. the son of Pisistratus Hipparchus proposed to the Athenians the stone form of mercury that later imposed generally.

It is worth mentioning at this point highlight m. Nilsson that from the perception of rural peoples that resided in the stones some divine "power" (a demon) that was in need of exagnismoys and choes, created the concept for underground House of the dead, the dark Hell somewhere deep, under the Earth. Consequently, through the "demonic rituals of rural peoples ', born faith in a God who receives the souls of the dead, to the leads to the underworld or sometimes it will reset in here life. And he was the god Hermes Psychopompos or an entertainer-.

As psychopompos, Hermes, first mentioned in "second-" Odyssey 11 references to receives the souls of the slain suitors and, with gold and beautiful magic wand of, to the leading directly to hell ("in’ kelentha ' eyrwenta) until the asfodelon pasture, «naioysi psychai ibid, kamontwn ' idols and not as reported by subsequent beliefs and show attic lekythoi leads the souls in dinghy («akatio») porthmea's Charon.

The Hermes psychopompos on vase paintings show to return to the upper World Queen of Hades, her daughter Persephone, to transfer the dead Alkmene from Thebes to the Macaronesian Islands and accompany the Priam during transport of Hector for burial. With the same capacity Hermes transports and Helen in Egypt, leaving in its place a fake of. Also, Hermes, is depicted in the famous bas-relief of Orpheus to recalls in Eurydice, holding of slight of hand, that should permanently return to the underworld.

In mythology, Hermes, modified winged gold sandals, with which as a Seagull to slip over the waves, whenever needed, While holding the miraculous rod, that whenever he wants and arresting speech or wakes up from sleeping people. For’ This also is honored as ypnodotis, sleep protector and oneiropompos. When Diogenes Laërtius (8,31) Pythagoras called Hermes ' divine Treasurer of souls», «pompaio» and «portal and underground», because it came with the souls of the dead to the infernal Kingdom through the "Gate of hell", they took care of Hermes himself to gather the clean souls to "higher place", While the dirty be found in "shackles" inextricably with the Furies.

In Thessaly had prevailed the habit in Hellenistic and Roman times to Chase or to paint underneath the name of the deceased, at the bottom of column epitafias, a small ermaϊki column with the words "Ermaoy chthonioy", that meant that the column with the name of the deceased was devoted to underground Mercury. And Plutarch says local residents ' habit of Argos, thirty days after the death of their sibling person sacrificing for mercury, who "accepts the souls of human beings, as the soil accepts their bodies». A similar Memorial for their own dead and the Athenians were in celebration of Chytrwn, the third and last day of Anthestirion, so they sacrificed for the Hermes Psychopomp, and not for the Olympian gods.

Mercury's popularity grew greatly in his later years of antiquity, then complete and the transformation of, multiple properties acquired as completely foreign to its original Chthonic nature. So, by chthonios God of the underworld and the dead souls psychopompos will evolve up to God of fitness and sport, Patron Saint of sports competitions. Many high schools pledged then to mercury in agwnio or enagwnio, which usually venerated together with Hercules. Several high schools have found many votive offerings with the inscription ' Iraklei ' and Ermii, While, as Pausanias informs us, in megalopolis was their common Church for two gods, near Stadium.

Great feasts in honor of mercury, as the patron saint of athletes and sports clubs (Ermaia said) were held in many cities of Greece and Rome, While the fourth day of the month was dedicated to Hermes, as in Rome Wednesday, day of the week. The Romans first transformed into God mercury Commerce, the Mercurius, with full pockets in hand. However, gyms with the long lost its original character of physical education, as to their special halls, after physical exercises and theory classes were. Indeed taught distinguished scholars of the era (especially orators and philosophers), resulting Hermes automatically become patron and letters and rhetoric (Hermes logios).

Also changed radically and the art of expression: While archaic aggeiografoi, by expressing their perceptions of post-mortem era, depicted in white the cheerless underground Mercury vial may be found, as bearded Psychopomp, Venerable, during classical and Hellenistic times paristanotan in particular as nice teen with stunning figure! (praxiteleio) body, as can be seen by the naked statue found in Andros (only one snake that meanders into an adjacent tree trunk, testifies to the underground nature of the). Besides, m’ This form of mercury is made later, along with Eros and Hercules, the God of youth and sport athloymenis. "The praxiteleia this image of mercury is so far from the venerable form of the old God chthonioy, so it seems as though pretending to be another God», Notes o n. Papachatzis.

Mercury commonly depicted with winged sandals and wide-brimmed hat, the petaso, symbols of God's Messenger aerinis speed and keeping the magic golden rod, the kirikion, the ancient symbol of pastoral nature and abundance. Other sacred symbols, Apart from the phallus, fertility symbol, is the invisible hunting, the sword and the Drepano, symbols of nature's chthonias, the disk, symbol of the God protector of gymnastics and sports competitions, aulos (Syrinx), the lyre and kithara, symbols of nature's music, and finally the balantion, symbol of the God protector of Commerce and trade.


7 Archeologists write about the secret of Amphipolis

By Archaiognwmwn F

The puzzles and mysteries surrounding the tomb of Amphipolis remains and excavation efforts bit group before the end of the excavation is focused on artificial excavation that was detected in the third Chamber, below the height of the floor, on a surface of approximately 8,5 square meters.
The Sphinxes, the Caryatids and the mosaic is, According to scientists, findings show that this is Tomb.

A pwrinoys stone flooring, described as a sealant and floor underneath which is the excavation that is
opened onto the schist rock of the Hill Kasta. The depth is calculated over 1,5 measure and there is, as in the other booths funerary monument, backfill with silty sand.

In apochwmatwsi that has reached a height 140 centimeters below the floor have come to light in the excavation of a series of findings, at last the second marble leaf dimensions, 2 x 0,90 x 0,15 m. and weighing approximately 1,5 tuna! In particular the Earth have also been found, initially, the head of the right-hand Sphinx, the northern part of the marble threshold, fragments of wings, and part of the neck left of the Sphinx.
Where matching the above findings has provoked many questions, with some archaeologists, as Professor of classical archaeology and Director of University excavation in Vergína, Chrysoula Paliadeli, to speak of ' control ', to which at a later time than the construction of the monument were gathered and buried pieces of sculptures left behind by Tomb robbers, in an action of purification that aimed to restore their ierosylis Act.

The marbled leaf found in good condition during excavations last week on the Hill Kasta.

Unanswered questions

Shortly before the end of the excavation and while always remains unanswered the big question about who was the "owner" of this impressive and unbelievable monument, the "Sunday" ethnos "newspaper" asked well-known personalities of the archaeological world to make a more comprehensive assessment of the excavation of Amphipolis.
Speculations about the identity of the deceased expressed until now is many, But what is noted by most is that this was certainly a notable person who lived and died at Amphipolis in the end of the 4th BC. century until the early 3rd BC. century. Yet that all the finds of funerary monument are characterized by eclecticism, consistent with the turbulent that time and shows the power, the power but also the financial soundness of the successors of Alexander the great, something imprinted and artistically.

Professor Emeritus of Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Don't make assumptions

MechriS here who arrived the excavation, We are facing a very important and impressive funerary monument. In addition it is very attractively all questions posed, from when and by whom was the sylisi by who can be the lodger or why was this monument. It's good to not make assumptions, not to push things, why in the investigation there is no need. All our show and demonstrate the tangible items. It takes patience and a lot of work and I want to point out that now needs the support of the State because the monument is very weak, so caring and financial support required to be attributed to the public, following an long course.

From the data so far have a very impressive decor that reflects many centuries. The third Chamber filled expectations from the cries of admiration that there were. The Macedonian tombs show us something different every time. We are happy with the sculpture and decoration in former wards. All the finds are characterised by eclecticism, consistent with the turbulent that time and captures the power, the power, but the financial soundness of the successors of Alexander the great-what is impressed and artistically. In this we must stand up now and not because it is empty the third Chamber. This will be answered by the research.
In Philip's Tomb in Vergina, the surprise is in the front and not in the burial chamber, who was very simple. Of course gave us the Golden casket, but the rest of the space was not something special. So we can not say that I had the third Chamber in the Tomb in Tomb Kasta had something more impressive, more remarkable than,What we had seen.

Kathigitis Emeritus of Classical Archaeology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In the soil of the third enclosure responses

In’ There is some data in the first Tomb not disputed Kasta. As that monument is burial and not sacred, that dates back to the last quarter of the 4th BC. century, that is sylimeno and that is impressive and unprecedented. The excavation is coming to an end and will gradually begin the study of the monument. But I make it clear once again that this is not a sanctuary in which believers came to leave votive offerings. It has the form of the sanctuary, No votive offerings, is arguably one funerary building, unprecedented, which also arguably fits the type of Macedonian Tomb. Further proof that this tomb is and the fact that it was covered with dirt and Hill, of course there was a hill, but added soil, and on top of the large hill was placed the lion.

The next step is cleaning and revealing in its entirety the third Chamber. The soil of the third enclosure may reveal some trails that will lead us to the sex of the resident or residents. There just might find something usable, I wish of course to find Larnaca, but any hint that there would be value for the body-snatchers and left behind them will be valuable for research. Have made many speculations about the identity of the dead, This is certainly a notable person who lived and died at Amphipolis in the end of the 4th BC. century until the early 3rd BC. century.
Common sense says that whoever was buried there is directly related to the area. It came from someone else. I've told’ repeating that the grandiose monument can be built for Alexander's wife Roxana and their son Alexander IV, or Admiral of Alexander Nearchos. But these are all assumptions, speculation, and as such I would be mistaken not to misunderstandings. Will not be very disappointed at all even if you do not find anything else, would frustrated expectations and have kept those scenarios on scripts without knowing. The monument is unprecedented, a remarkable and very important for the science of archaeology, will enrich our knowledge and will give rise to investigations of many years from now forth. I would also like to make a comment, the excavation should be scientific, When I see bulldozers I highly doubt…

Archaeologist, Head of the Inspectorate of Antiquities of Ioannina

I do not exclude other tombs found

On the occasion of this excavation we focused our attention to a very interesting site, the Amphipolis. A city due to its location had access to the gold mines of Paggaio and a safe haven, for’ This and claimed many Macedonians to prevail. It is no coincidence that this was the burial monument, as it is visible from a great distance. However it is a spectacular and grandiose funerary monument and refers to type of Macedonian Tomb, with the naoschimi facade and its location next to the road.
The three elements that the stand is undoubtedly the Sphinxes, the Caryatids, these daughters involved in funeral ceremonies with choes (Erechtheion), and the mosaic, a new find with figurative theme similar to what private homes in Pella. These three together with the characteristic marble doorway leading to the Macedonian Kingdom and although only assumptions we can make, I appreciate that the deceased has a relationship with the nobility of the era.
Likely to be buried there the Commandant Aristonoys, Commander of the Macedonian garrison of Amphipolis, or perhaps the son of Alexander the great, Alexander D '. It also doesn't rule out within the precincts to there are other graves, because the yard is too small for this site only. However, even if you do not find anything about the identity of the dead, the study of excavation will lead to strong chances. A question that needs answering is whether in addition the desecration was only for the enrichment of tymbwrychwn, If IE got gold, Silver, copper objects and only those. Certainly the desecration was in many different periods, because the monument was a separate.
The archaeological community would be happy if the cleaning of mortar reveal letters or some traces which show something more, even that it is a Cenotaph or had multiple burials. Where and when and if lead the study, It is a unique, impressive and grandiose funerary monument which we expect everyone anxiously to know when and by whom was used.

Chemical engineer, t. E pikefalis of the Center Stone of the Ministry

The vindication of schoolteacher Lazaridi

Amphipolis was perhaps the first "mission" that I took once I was hired the 1977 in the archaeological service. Super teacher Dimitris Lazaridis, even for non-archaeologists, constantly referring to the Tomb robbers of antiquity and in modern lathranaskafeis and looters, they had ravaged the entire Eastern Macedonia. Maybe that was one of the reasons that we had dealt mainly with the Organization of the city: wooden bridge, drainage system, fortification.
In June 1978 I had the opportunity to see the area a few weeks before and immediately after the great earthquake of Volvi, focusing almost equidistant between Thessalonica and Amphipolis. Then empedwsa that the geological upheavals (izimatogenesi, earthquakes) had played an important role in the history of the region. About a month ago I saw on the Internet a gravure of Amphipolis of 1831 that showed the Kasta hoisted Hill on the shore of Lake (more correctly, swamp) Kerkinitidas, with the Struma to fills. It was also impossible to accept the ad hoc padding of the tomb with sand. A search in the literature for the earthquake of 597 a.d. in Philippi, for whom was it changed the riverbed of the Struma, was the key to the assumption that since the Lake was found for centuries under water and filled with simple sedimentation process.

Professor of Classical Archaeology at the University of Athens

The architecture is phenomenal

After two and a half months the excavation remains the same the great monument, which extends our knowledge in relation to the Macedonian architecture of burial. Although this is another Macedonian Tomb in a hundred that we investigate, He displays architectural features which are unprecedented…
My feeling is that the work itself was under very tight conditions not helped perfect the process of research and study. The people who brought the work carried out is admirable. Whatever though there was, with such conditions, could not do a better job. We must not become so excavations and were not mathimenoi be made in such a way the excavations…
From now on you should see every detail on the monument. And especially in the third ward with full floor cleaning, with control of loose or vacuum chamber, so that there is certainty that the monument is finished. The chance to have a basement or maybe an underground Crypt for the dead is important. But because we saw that found there, within the intersection, a leaf, means that Tomb robbers have been researched and the likely basement space… You might think that if the underground site there were some massive marble objects, e.g.. a marble bench, a sarcophagus, they could easily get. Only what I could expect, If this underground area is made by the creators of the tomb and is not the result of tymbwrychwn attempt to check if there is something under the floor.

Professor of the Department of history and Archaeology at the University of Athens

You are not allowed to make any predictions

This is a very important finding and expect everyone to learn how to finish this excavation. How you'll study objects that has given the excavation. What else could be said as to guessing things if they are not Digger; It puzzles me that question as I too am Digger. I know the method by which made excavations and surprised with the question. There is a technique of excavation which I've taught 13 years students. This technique tells us one thing: When you start an excavation must be sygkentrwtheis to a system whereby digging until the cum. And when they cum the excavation with all strwmatografika themes to gatherings and will study, I get mobile and fixed artifacts. After study will reach the conclusion as an archaeologist.
From a scientific standpoint I can't say something else. This is the scientific technique of excavation. We are not allowed scientists to predict. Is outside the scientific ethics. There is a specific method which I didn't see anywhere in the press. It is like he is in front of the microscope observation and no waiting to show something, but making assumptions. The audience hopes to see what further, but he's doing the excavation and has responsibility must be carried as scientist, not as the man who can announce several things, hopes, etc.. My Professor Nikolaos Kontoleon, who has died for many years, said: «Ο,What make the hoe. Beware of one thing, don't any say something for which you should therefore contradict later. You have to wait patiently until the end». So I don't want to predict, because the forecast is outside the scientific work.

Associate Professor of Archaeology at the ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY of THESSALONIKI

The mosaic can enlighten us

O Tan cleanse the third Chamber, Anyway we will know much more and will resolve some of the questions that we currently employ. However, the combination of three elements is new to us for funerary monument. In’ all the Sphinxes, a purely funerary item, showed us from the beginning that it was Tomb, Secondly the Caryatids and thirdly the mosaic with figurative theme the abduction of Persephone by Pluto. The simultaneous existence of these elements brings out the monument as great and unique. If you don't find remains or other evidence that would lead us to the identity of the dead, This is indeed a problem that blights the archaeological community.
The architectural form and the individual structural elements leads to the conclusion that the tumulus Kasta was for some important person or persons, as neither number is known. About mosaic, I can talk more, I note that the creator was a person with talent and knowledge of a great artistic tradition. The abduction of Persephone gives eschatological content in monument, that further confirms that this tomb. It is an excellent show with figurative theme, similar to those found in houses of Pella and more specifically with this in "Helen's House», that has the theme of Helen's abduction by Theseus. It would be desirable to find out the artist of an exceptional mosaic in Kasta tumulus of Amphipolis, This may give us and other, valuable information for other issues. But this is the magic and charm of the excavation, that always surprises us and teaches us something new.
The Macedonian tombs in particular give many new elements and the excavation is an exciting experience for archaeologists. So I feel very lucky fellow in Amphipolis and coming daily confronted with a new surprise. However, I would like to make an observation on the course of excavation. I can understand the haste to get apochwmatwsi, but in trying to accelerate this pace used machinery that might destroy the monument and this should give a little more attention.


Peristeri for Amphipolis: Pretend to be archaeologists who haven't seen excavation or in poster.

Σχετικά με τις απόψεις, heard and written in recent days about the course of the project the anaskafikoy tumulus Kasta of Amphipolis, the responsible excavator, k. K. Peristeri, Director of the Inspectorate of Antiquities Serron, expressing the whole excavation team, made the following statement:

"Some of the often occurring in the media, who consulted on the project, which fulfils our team, nor is archaeologists, Neither have been found in excavations similar to our own, However, neither, as far as we know, and in any other type of excavation. Is,at least, unscientific, through an Office to give someone view, so for a subject of an investigation which has never worked, and an archeological site which has never visited.

The excavation is performed with the best scientific way, in necessary time, obeying absolutely needs project and findings. THE,anything that is said to exercise any kind of pressure, It is chicanery. We work on the basis of archeological layers, they removed gradually and with particular attention the sandy soil. Film is used for removing, controlled throughout the course and then sifted. Where necessary, Depending on the texture of the soil, use shovel or scoop to remove the.
Special attention will be removed, in thickness 0, 20 m. the trailer soil, on the mosaic floor, which gradually revealed, When incisions, taking into account the tasks sidebar of retaining wall and stringing/wiring, carried out in parallel, so for the safety of the monument, and employees. Careful reading of dileptoy video,confirms these but sloppy commentators outperforms.
In point, where an experienced conservator uses "gouge", the mosaic floor is not cleaned up but removed, carefully, stones and iron mass, which was glued to the surface, so then to clean the floor.
The space who excavated the tomb's Interior has nothing to do with smoothing soil area, as mentioned , but with excavation layer.

Note that it is sad, for such an important excavations, the polyemfanizomenoi non-archaeologists in the media, and especially in electronic, being limited to wryly comment on the way we do business, without being able to articulate a good reason for all the effort and struggle of people, all specialties, working everyday, under difficult conditions, in the tomb ".


The excavation work in Amphipolis will be completed within the next ten o, the study of the monument but only starts

Work will continue in parallel until the excavation. I made apochwmatwseis in artificial excavation and pwrolithwn but removals and measurements and ypostylwseis.

As all shows, the excavation work will be completed within the next ten o, but the study of the monument once it starts. Great attention will given from here and beyond the Ministry of culture in the surroundings, whom will explore in detail.
In the first phase, However, with non-excavation way, but making a "x-ray" to determine whether there are other tombs and to decide how to continue the investigation. And not only this. To study the best ways of intervention in the surroundings, as regards the emergence of the Tomb excavated now.


The Ministry intends to cooperate with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in order to soon become the Hill Kasta geomagnetic or Geophysics. Method will decide after meeting with the participation of scientists and specialists.
The investigation thereby deemed necessary, in order to determine with precision what is there around the formation. If IE, Apart from the iron age cemetery that sits on top and was partly excavated by Dimitris Lazaridis, We have and Macedonian or other tombs, especially near the Tomb excavated now. Certainly should be considered to be part of this cemetery is akataskafo.

It is recalled that the Hill was basically natural Kasta in antiquity, demonstrated and the iron age cemetery. But that point had built the tomb which now excavate Jamie's team Peristeri was artificial backfill, in order to create the tumulus.

The Earth has lessened now, After you have removed tons of soil, but there is still enough backfill, which is likely to obscure monument or monuments.

Many archaeologists, the excavation team, have wondered if the great funerary precinct, It was built around the Hill, has other burials inside. Others consider it extremely likely, Judging by the large "somersaults" in Vergina, which cover two and three tombs – among them, the cluster of tombs of Philip, Alexander d and "Persephone".

Others hold some reservations, Noting that maybe the original intention was to make there and other burials, but for some reason were not. So, This may be the only burial.

In any case, the "x-ray" of the Hill at the moment is imperative in order to know the Ministry of what it has to face in the future. It is not necessary if it turns out that there are other points of interest to start the excavations immediately, but it is necessary to know, in order to plan properly and maintenance tasks of the Tomb has been excavated.

Then, If you need new excavations, Why should I take the Central Archaeological Council, which discusses requests for systematic excavations.
Geological prospecting has been done in the past in the region. But, as told in "" ethnos "newspaper" the Honorary Curator Coucoulis Chaidw – Chrysanthaki, There was no possibility for great Imaging accuracy. The diaskopisi that had she done had shown that something probably existed at the site of the current excavation, but gives no details about other points.

Angelic Kotti

Alexander the great flies for the u.s.

The largest collection of ancient Greek treasures that ever came out of the country, with 543 archaeological remains from museums and Committees across the country, It starts in a few days for a trip nearly two years in Canada and in the u.s..

The Myrtle wreath of Midas gold, wife of Philip II, the marble head of Alexander the great, the effigy of Leonidas and other masterpieces of ancient Greek art are included in the exhibition "the Greeks: By Agamemnon to Grand Alexander», to be hosted at four Museums of the two countries on the other side of the Atlantic.
The exhibition will be inaugurated on 12 December at Point a Calliere Montreal. From May to October will be presented at the Museum of the history of Canada in Ottawa and then will "travel" in the u.s.: Field Museum of Chicago (November 2015-April 2016) and Washington's National Geographic (May-October 2016).
"The aim is to revitalize the forms of mythological and historical persons», identified by the Director-General of Antiquities and cultural heritage, Elena Korkas, today in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, While the report's coordinator, Honorary Director-General of Antiquities, Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki announced that "the findings now paketarontai and the journey begins».
The Mayor of Thessaloniki, (C). Boutaris, He noted that this is an open invitation for Americans to visit Greece, with Canada's Ambassador in Athens, Robert Peck, It adds that the summer will be increased flights between the two countries.
The modules
The central theme of the exhibition are the Greeks as forms through the excavation data, starting with the mythological King Agamemnon, Special mention to the famous aristocrats of the early iron age and ending at eminent personalities including Plato and Aristotle and historical figures like Philip and Alexander the great.
Chronologically covering the period from the stone age to the Hellenistic period (6.000 e.g.. to 2nd century b.c.), the report takes as its central theme the Greeks as forms through excavation data.
The report is divided into ten thematic sections, starting from the "man in the prehistoric Aegean», where presented inter alia, Gold periaptos by Arabisso, Bronze and clay figurines, vases and linear a signs. In "Myceneans" included jewelry, utensils and weapons accompanying Myceneans dead and unity for Homer forms his heroes as depicted in Attiki angiography.
Amature male burials from the archaic cemetery Mansion Pellas-Golden visor helmets, sword, cutting edge spear- will be exhibited in the section "Aristocrats", While the "Athletes" will reflect the competitive spirit of the Greeks, as depicted in the headstone of diskoboloy.
Kouros from sanctuary of the Ptwoy Viotia and daughter from the Acropolis Museum presented "Kouros and daughters" and the effigy of Leonidas in the section about the legendary King of Sparta.
The aytostefanoymenos of the National Archaeological Museum, enepigrafoy epikranoy part of the Acropolis, marble head of an athlete, portraits of Sophocles, Plato etc.. is the section "Athenians and Democracy», While those for Philip and Alexander include the Golden Crown of the Aigai, Alexander of Pella, the Gold Medal of the Olympic Games, Philip's arms, Silver Symposium etc..
Source: (B). Ignatiadis, Nation, New

How deep is the third Chamber of the Mound of Amphipolis;

By “Machiavellius” Anonymous

Amphipolis PROJECT

Without a visible end seems to be the third Chamber of the funerary monument to the Tumulus Kasta. The excavation continues with great care and under adverse conditions due to cold and dampness- in the last compartment of the Tomb. Although …
the excavators have reached the 8 meters ' depth ' counting from the roof, There is no indication as to how exactly is the height of the space.

As to the findings, According to information arriving at, There's something else besides fragments of stone pwrinwn of the so-called "stamping" flooring. So far there is no trace mobile find, Neither organic (ashes or bones), Neither mineral (sarcophagus, Larnaca etc).

As the excavations where there was a large artificial excavation in the third Chamber, the need for stringing/wiring of the roof and the side walls are retaining more and more pressing. For’ This and work within the monument, the excavation and the prop, go parallel, where before all must ensure that static channel balance.

The investigation continues with the hope that it will reveal the,anything that could contribute to the identification of the deceased to whom it was dedicated the majestic monument. Anyway, though, than,What seems, There are only a few days until the present, first phase of excavation. Probably next week will be made official announcements from the developers, the who will also announce the Greek University which takes the Mound diaskopisi Kasta geologic.

The excavation that is heading toward the end of the witness also environmental conditions, a and within the monument moisture touches the 80%, While the temperature is already under the 10 degrees Celsius.

(A). Gerekou: Amphipolis is treasure, regardless of who owns

On the significance of the findings to the Deputy Minister for culture spoke of Amphipolis Angela Gerekou sidelined her visit at the 55th International Film Festival. Ms. Gerekou stressed the importance of the discovery saying features: "The Greece is full of treasures. One such treasure is and this monument irrespective of what will reveal the continuation of excavations, the discoveries that I discovered and to whom it belongs ".

The Deputy Minister of culture said satisfied that Amphipolis except one very important finding is one reason that our country becomes known to the world for its culture. "I am delighted that the findings across Greece are the cause to all learn and especially children the values of civilization and Greek roots», underlined Ms. Gerekou.

Finally Ms. Gerekou stressed that Greece's is the best place to find fertile ground triptych culture-extroversion-development, especially in the crisis period.

Spiros Germany. Lykoudis: The truth about Amphipolis


In difficult times for Greece, the protective forces of the, from the cosmic environment, because krinane that it's time, thelisane be revealed now, the ancient great Temple of Amphipolis.
Aposbolwmeni humanity, follow the discoveries of the excavations of the site of Amphipolis, and stays ecstatic, in front of them slowly revealed, and that is unique in world archaeological periods.
All the ancient Greek sanctuaries, all sacred centers, that dinane true, the ancient knowledge to the creation of the world, on life and death, and for the purpose of human existence on the planet Earth, have damaged soil until.

Σπύρος Γερ. Λυκούδης: Η αλήθεια για την Αμφίπολη
Have damaged, the sacred places of Eleusis, of Dodona, of Dion, Delphi and all the other excellent construction creation, anepanaliptwn sacred edifices of the ancient Greek world, not only in the main Greece, but also at Thebes, in ancient Greek province of Seiriadas land, now called Egypt.
The various foreigners Tomb robbers, have put the label of world thief in soiled their front, and sadly returning the value of the beast, Once released from their component synoiko, that is the essence that characterizes the actual man, i.e. the intangible, the spiritual, the asarki cause, that is kat'eikona and likeness of the creator, boasting that they are descendants of thieves, that arpaxane from the bowels, for two thousand years Greek tragedy, the Greek masterpieces, and epideiknyoyne the swag, without shame, without contraction, without pride, without a concept of law, and prospernane the path of Virtue, and move the path of Rapture and of dishonour.
So the forces of Greece sympantikes patrons, apofasisane now, in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, to reveal the ancient Greek Macedonian architectural jewel, of Amphipolis.
Is the entire, almost untouched, as originally constructed, to see that it was the ancient centres of knowledge and truth.
Global deniers of truth, International diastreylotes of history, her name on the idea, that something very big, something very true, will be revealed by the excavation of mound of Amphipolis.
All this time, We hear from the media, various << Special >>, to say various welter of words, What is the anaskaptomenos space, with permanent chorus the word Tomb.
Tomb is a place of dissolution and decay of matter, While the space is being spiritual and space is far, from the meaning and content of a tomb.
This sacred space revealed, the didaskotane monument is the great truths, the great spiritual values, It is mystical place in the sense that there didaskotane science, the arts, the letters, why the Greeks Macedonians, apeichane light years away in spirit and knowledge, from the ancestors of today's fences, of public and shrines of the Greek race.
The anaskaptomenos site of Amphipolis, There is a tomb even majestic, It is a representation of sympantikwn give Center from the beginning of creation, until the time of Philip and Olympias, the parents of Alexander the great, so the image of the woman with the red hair is of the Olympiad, and from this image, It seems the similarity of Alexander with his mother, This is the reason that they gave some the wrong initials, and they told us that the picture is of Alexander.
There is a claim adokimos, that the manufacturers of the monument, to the prostatepsoyne, the gemisane sand and soils, no place on Earth, It has been protected by the original manufacturer of the, in this way, This is a mildly funny claim.
The truth is that the gemisane monument with dirt and sand, in later times, those who dioikoysane, to prostatepsoyne from intruders, as alarichos, They destroyed all the ancient shrines in the rest of Greece.
They were true patriots and thelisane to prostatepsoyne the lovely sanctuary, from their conquerors of Greece and Macedonia.
What in the end will be revealed, and I hope to be allowed to be revealed, It is a stunning monument of the spirit, a sacred space, the Olympiad and Philip, in collaboration with the 4.500 Greek philosophers, It was the first masters apokalyptes truths, He taught and didaskoyne mankind, to come out of the darkness, from the lethargy of tholoyras who have lead the eternal lovers, the exploitation of a few people, for the many people of the Earth.
The site of Amphipolis when fully revealed the construction of reality, will give to mankind to understand, Why katastrafikane the large libraries, by overriding the library of Alexandria.
The monument is Greek, but it is also Ecumenical, because the teachings of the Greeks are universal.
Amphipolis in the era that operated the monument, legotane << Nine Roads >> and resided in Greek the Irwdoi sex, then the city flourished, and the many philosophical schools to iche, He was famous.
Once you uncover all the space anaskaptomenos, and shine his glory with all his force, will be revealed and the scientific and philosophical work, Irenaeus in telestirio that of Amphipolis, with proexarchontes teletoyrgoys, the Olympias and Philip, and with exceptional pupil Alexander the great.

By Agamemnon to Mega Alexander

Greek masterpieces in the u.s.

The exhibition will be inaugurated on 12 December in Point a Calliere Museum, Montreal History and Archaeology Complex in Montreal
"From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great", Greek masterpieces in the u.s.


"Tour" in the United States start Homer, Agamemnon, Achilles, Herodotus, Leonidas, Pericles, Sophocles, Plato, Demosthenes, Philip, Alexander the great-ones that led to the creation of the historical and cultural background for the development of Western societies.

This is the report «The Greeks: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great» ("Greeks: by Agamemnon to Grand Alexander»), that includes 543 exhibits-masterpieces of ancient Greek sculpture, painting and kosmimatotechnias, derived from all the museums and Antiquities of Greece committees.

The exhibition is organized by the Greek Ministry of culture and the Consortium of Museums with official North American representative of the Canadian Museum of History in Ottawa. As pointed out in the presentation of the report, It is the most representative "Panorama" of Greek culture who has never traveled outside the Greek borders.

The exhibition will be inaugurated on 12 December in Point a Calliere Museum, Montreal History and Archaeology Complex in Montreal, they will remain until the 26 April 2015, to be transferred and presented then in History Museum of Canada in Ottawa, from the 5 June 2015 until 12 October 2015.

Will follow the Field Museum in Chicago (24 November 2015 until 10 April 2016) and the National Geographic Museum in Washington (26 May 2016 until 9 October 2016).

The structure of the report

The central theme of the report, It is divided into ten thematic sections, are Greeks, as forms through the excavation data.

The report starts from the anonymous illustrious dead, continues with a central reference point the mythological Agamemnon and anakta famous aristocrats of the early iron age and closes with eminent personalities of the spirit, like Plato and Aristotle and historical figures, like Philip and Alexander the great.

The chronological framework covers from the stone age to the Hellenistic period, i.e. from the 6.000 e.g.. until the 2nd century. e.g..

Rare exhibits

"The report represents a far-reaching, ambitious organisation, aimed at presentation of the top personalities of Greek history and mythology, nodal role played in the formation of the historical components of culture "identified by the Director General of Antiquities of the Greek Ministry of culture Helen Korkas, representing in the presentation of the report the Minister of culture, Constantine Tasoula.

"Our goal is to revitalize the activities of the great archaeological historical forms of Greece, starting from the beginning of prehistory, with personalities that emerge from the beginning of the legend, as Agamemnon, and finally in decisive for world civilization historical form of Alexander the great "added.

"It's the greatest Greek exhibition ever presented in North America," said Canada's Ambassador in Athens Robert Peck, Noting that "many of the archaeological finds do not have ever been exhibited abroad».

The r. Peck expressed the belief that in a long time that it will take the report, It will attract many people who will want to discover where born democracy, the philosophy, Theatre and the arts. Mentioned, Indeed, and the benefits that can arise from exposure to tourism, Recalling that the next summer the Greece and Canada will be linked to 16 weekly flight schedules.

The Coordinator of the report, Honorary Director-General of Antiquities Maria Vlazaki, He pointed out that the Greek culture is an amalgam of ideas, Customs, knowledge and beliefs that are beginning to emerge in the Eastern Mediterranean since prehistoric times and the tour of the exhibition will contribute to make known the Greek culture and the achievements of the Greeks, during the entire chronologikoy framework covering the report.

Report on the Aboriginal peoples of Canada

Notified, Moreover, that as ' Holy bread ' of the report the Canadian History Museum in Ottawa, with the collaboration of the Canadian Embassy in Greece, will offer, in order to bring in a Greek Museum, one very interesting temporary exhibition, where is the Canadian Aboriginal art.

Those who visit the exhibition, the biennium that will run the tour in b. America, you will learn everything about the Greeks, identified by the Director of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Polyxeni Veleni. "The feature of the report is that it is more personified, because of funerary ensembles, many times people branded "said, explaining that "thematic reports have been too many, but the whole panorama of Greek culture through Greek personalities is a report done for the first time».

Excellent featured the report Mayor Thessalonique Yiannis Boutaris, Whereas essentially constitutes an invitation to u.s. citizens to come to Greece.

Special application

In support of the report created the special application for mobile, which will be available to iPhone and Android users, at 12 December 2014, the opening day of the exhibition.


British archaeologists in the footsteps of the legendary Trojan horse

Two British archaeologists from the Boston University, Chris Wilson and Christine Morris argue that discovered pieces of the mythical The Trojan Horse, stating that the findings of archaeologists give them ' high probability ' rates are actually parts of the Homeric wooden horse that built the Greeks to be able to invade Troy.

The wooden horse – crypt, construction inspired by Ulysses, It was designed to mislead the Trojans and take as a gift and as a token of peace and goodwill from the achaeans. In fact it was a building that was hiding within the major ancient Greek heroes.

Those, After entering the horse in Troy, came out from him and opened the gates to the other, in order to start the sack of the town.

The excavations by the archaeological team from the University of Boston executed on the Hill of Chisarlik in Turkey, the historic site of Troy, recently brought to light a great construction lengths of almost 15 measures, from Woods which originally belonged to ships, but then used to create a prototype built unparalleled hadn't met again archaeologists. Near the wooden structure was found and a worn inscription on bronze in which indicated "The Greeks dedicate to Athena for their return home».

The findings, that laboratory analyses place chronologically on the 12th and 11th centuries BC, have transferred to the Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.


Excavation Of Amphipolis: The second gate in the Northwest did solve the mystery;

The excavation continued today without results

Written by Theodore If. Spanelis

With a steady pace and resumed the excavation in artificial excavation of the third Chamber and up to one and a half measure that has reached the archaeological hoe, has not yet identified any findings. The unique material that has been identified is the strymoniki sand, which increases even more the mystery of what serving this construction, While the absence of any trace of burial, reduces the hopes that this can be a crypt where was placed the urn of a deceased. However remain possible to it is the entrance of a tunnel that leads to the inner apartments, which would hinder the work of Tymbwrychwn or for any impasse sump which sole purpose, you might have, to mislead the would-be grasping...

But does all this monument that has all the features of the Tomb, constructed next to the funeral chamber, but is isolated, in order to serve the memorials and the pilgrimage of the famous dead, but without reaches the burial place of; And this is so you can find the dead for whom build this monument and is the access point;


The second gate

The best responses will give it a few days ago the result of geophysical research, enough of course to expect first learn what Greek University will conduct. Issue that probably will be closed until the end of the week. At the moment you need to settle in so far known data originating from the study which conducted the University of Patras, the 1998, which study though prepared fifteen years back, gave significant results. One of these is the possibility that there is a second gate, which estimated – according to the newest survey data – that is located in the Northwest. For those who have visited the Tomb, is the spot right behind the gate of the construction site, There is also the post of entry.

On this subject Prof.. Lazarus Polymenakos said in a related report in the PROTO THEMA, at 5 October, the following very revealing words:

"The publication of the 2004 had already marked the most important geophysical "anomalies" and their relationship with possible anthropogenic structures inside of the Hill. However, the accumulated experience in the application of seismic tomography (but modern technology) provides the ability to see the image "with other eye». Beyond possible graves, to see items that have to do with the structure and stability of the Hill, elements critical for very difficult internal approach of excavation. Composing anew the old items, and the already existing entries, Configure a new comprehensive interpretation. In a more simplified form, formed the adjacent three-dimensional image of the inside of the estimated Hill (Picture 1), score of painful efforts and critical synthetic thinking.

The picture is very-very interesting. Reveals the configuration of the terrain from the manufacturers of the monument, in order that the Office may accept the structures that have been designed to place there and to "protect". Form (not very deep) dugouts which at some points will accommodate burial or other structures, and then will be "streets" to access to and from these. These roads are chosen to access the Interior from the South, the other from the Northwest. The reason for these guidelines should be important both from the perspective of symbolism, as well as the functionality and manufacturing excellence.

The structures inside are completed and then covered by a terrace with dimensions and volume of similar magnitude occupy the structures at the base of the Hill. But of course to create a monument that will symbolize the importance of content. And, of course, the whole band is "stable profile" and resistant to internal and external forces and aggravating factors in the passage of time ".


In a nutshell the k. Two roads access detects Polymenakos to buried beneath tons of sand, funerary monument. One is he who excavated and the second is in the Northwest where we identified.

How likely is the second entrance gate; Resorting to aerial photos from the video published by the ENA CHANNEL a good observer will see that while the perimeter of the Hill and along the marble enclosure, has been dug the Hill and from the inner side something similar doesn't happen on the northwest side of Mound, where it stops abruptly. It is very likely already have found some stone edge construction, as indeed happened on the South side, There they found the gate with Sphinx.

On aerial photographs shown very clearly that it has stopped the digging around the Mound and part of the northwestern side is left untouched, pending the continuation of the excavation from the side. Would not surprise us at all if confirmed this assessment and identified a portal, which you might as well not have any decoration or some other distinctive – deliberately so as not to draw attention – and is ultimately the main entrance that will lead to the solution of the mystery and the answers we all dipsame to learn.

Kasta Tomb copy

Kasta Tomb 2 copy

anaskafi amfipolis (2)
