As it known, Alexander died in Babylon the 323 e.g.. Εκεί οι νεκροί κατά τους Ηρόδοτο, Στράβωνα και Στοβαίο δεν μουμιοποιούνταν ούτε καίγονταν αλλά θάπτονταν τοποθετημένοι μέσα σε μέλι ή κερί. Το ίδιο έγινε, as for the bunch of Alexander who was destined to be buried in Macedonia led the x 321p.. from Damascus as violent by Ptolemy (a)’ in Egypt (Παυσανίας, Arrian, Αιλιανός). There in mainstream information was buried in the Holy City of Memfi “According to Macedonian law provided for cremation” (Παυσανίας, Πάριον Χρονικόν, Κούρτιος Ρούφος).
Another view is that he was immediately taken to Alexandria where he was buried (Διοδ. Σικελιώτης) is considered impossible for the reason that it was technically impossible to prepare the magnificent mausoleum intended for his burial and for other reasons.
Queen Roxani with her infant child “they arrived the same year in Macedonia and in 311 BC. they were murdered by Cassander at Amphipolis and their bones scattered” (Διοδ. Σικελιώτης, Strabo, Justin [Apt]). The city of Amphipolis is relatively close to Vergina and it was easy to transport them to the royal tombs.
The first cremation of the dead Alexander in Memphis is confirmed, among other things, by the fact that according to. Anthropology, (A). Bartsioka “…the skeleton of the deceased of grave II was cremated dry (land), freed from his flesh”. If this is accurate, then it means that in Vergina we probably have a reburial of the same king.
Another serious anthropological finding about the bones of the same grave is the fact that according to Prof. Anthropology, N.I. Dry cheese, “this skeleton was almost complete, even the very small pieces had been collected. The bones had been carefully washed and the ashes cleaned. The remaining bone fragments were sorted by size and length and placed anatomically upright in the urn. In the upper layer were found the fragments of the skull, in the middle layer the small bones of the postcranial skeleton and in the lower layer the long bones of the limbs were placed diagonally” (Greek Archaeological Journal, 1981).
Instead, according to him again, the female bones of the vestibule of the same tomb “they were fewer and stained with ashes and could not be completely rebuilt”.
This in my opinion is interpreted that these remains were transported and buried in Vergina from two different places as is the case with M. Alexander and his wife Queen Roxani whose bones as mentioned above “they had dispersed” and it was next that they had not all been collected.
According to the resulting data, all the personal belongings of M. Alexander and Roxani as well as his weapons followed on Antigonos Gonatas, after 274 BC, the royal family in the tombs of Vergina, where they were found. It was a sacred tradition for the Greeks in ancient times to move the bones of kings who died in foreign lands to their native land, and the remains of M. Alexander could not be an exception to this tradition..
As it also turns out, the ancient Macedonians “after two unsuccessful attempts, in 321 BC” they finally succeeded -as all the facts mentioned in my book show- to remove probably from Memphis- the remains of M. Alexander (Διοδ. Σικελιώτης, Αιλιανός). This, as I believe, was done before they were transferred two years later by Ptolemy A’ or even more years than Ptolemy II’ στην Αλεξάνδρεια, (Παυσανίας) replacing them with other foreign relics or an idol (effigy) of Alexander they saw, if they saw later Roman emperors.
We say idol (mummy) because as mentioned above the body of M.Alexander was not mummified but was burned beforehand and therefore the mummy they saw could not be real.
Egypt was known since ancient times as a country of amazing idols (Διοδ. Σικελιώτης). An opinion on this matter can be formed from the book of the Egyptian archaeologist Abbas Chalaby which includes amazing idols of Egyptian princes and kings.
The discovery 1887 in the so-called Sidon of Lebanon “Sarcophagus of M. Alexander” I think it might not be unrelated to his relic adventure. Of course, no ancient text was found that refers to the reburial of M.Alexander from Egypt in Aiges (Vergína). However, they are mentioned by: Arrian, Plutarch, Strabo and other historians that ancient Greek authors wrote among others about “the death and burial of M. Alexander”, but all these were lost as was the 7th book of Strabo, which referred to Macedonia.