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Macedonia and pre-Hellenes known




Ein OL’ these things are very old, o the pre-Hellenes known and their culture and their language, but not deprived for’ this out of interest.
In science the old and the new are equivalent and equally.
Because the old is the Foundation of the new, and the new relies on old and identified by this unequivocally and perennially.
That is why I am not, speaking of the pre-Hellenes known in front of cultured public, to say things alien to his interest.

The Caucasians, that part is the Greek race, It was as the 5th Millennium b.c.. X. one of the many linguistic tribes inhabiting in Europe.

But this race seems to have been endowed with a possessive and assimilate capacity, that the results could be spectacular qualifier.

When after the 5th Millennium b.c.. X. began to break and their individual Indoeyrwpaikoys schimatizi folks, i.e.. the Greeks, Indoiranoys, Thrakoillyrioys, Italokeltes, Teutons, Baltoslaboys k. a., and it spreads to all geographic directions, the other language tribes of Europe and Asia found in steps of, other late and other fast, have not been able to avoid subjugation and linguistic assimilation by the indoeyrwpaioys.

Tyrsinoi, Tomba dei Tyrrinoi Leopardi, Tarquinia

So Asia Indian they took the moggolikoys peoples who inhabited the vast country of Indian pentapotamoy.

The Chettites, the peoples of palaioteroys m. Asia. In Europe the Teutonic assimilated peoples of Northern Europe palaioteroys, the Celts of Gaul and the Ligyes the Pritu, i.e.. old British of England,
the Italians the etroyskoys etc..

The Greeks, After the proto-Greek, as the saying, period in the plains of Hungary and Serbia, plithynontas numerical and geographical spread to such an extent that n ° archisi their language differentiated into dialects, appeared around the 20 ° century b.c.. X. in the present northern border of the country that was destined to famous re’ These should Greece and the definitive historical cradle on 4 000 years incessantly, from then until today.
The entrance in Greece was not made at once, but in three waves, with three successive conquests.

First came the Ionians 1 then, around the 17 ° century b.c.. CH., the achaeans, and last, around the 12th century b.c.. CH., the dorians.

The new and final home found the Greeks not uninhabited.

The countries bordering the Mediterranean is, as we all know, archaiotatwn peoples residences and birthplaces of ancient civilizations.

And of course you couldn't otherwise with the symbi country more Center and most favored by the nature and climatic conditions, the Greece.

First dark Mediterranean peoples 2 with skin grilled over millennia by the Sun and the salty kayton of waves, racially and linguistically irrelevant with xanthogalanoys Indoeyrwpaioys, putting arts, maritime trade and piracy in the seas that connect the three old continents, kosmogyrismenoi thalassokratores, It was already established by the Millennium 47p p. X. on the shores and Islands of the Aegean Sea peribrechontai, the Libyan and the Ionian Sea, i.e.. in the West of Mongolia. Asia, in Greece and in Italy.

Were the carriers of culture in archaeology is called the Minoan aigaios. Of culture with the huge and rich Royal palaces, the painted with lilies and garden of leiria and with the yolks of the mountains, with the new psilolignoys and yperkompses ladies.

The angiography with marine plants, animals and shells, that creates more dull shade of bythwn4.

When the centuries went out from the memory of Greeks every remembrance of the descent from the North, o simple Greek people thought anymore that has always been indigenous to this country, and coined the embezzled from them as hellenized now predecessors, locals "big bang" myths, they were natural born and bred in the land of.

The pre-Hellenes known for the people is just the ancient ancestors, and the perception of this place once and finds in poetry that reflects Street beliefs, as λ. x. in Hesiod and Aeschylus's Suppliants, and the simplistic Historiography of Herodotus (1,56), that identifies the Ionians with pelasgous, i.e.. with the pre-Hellenes known 5.

Other Greek writers, and especially historians, It was not re’ those who could escape their attention to such an important event, even though they had passed so many centuries from the time of the first descent. Nor was it possible to avoid the barrel impression that as their season saved here and there between the remnants of alloglwsswn Pregreeks. Already the poet of ' Odyssey telling about Crete :

Has arithmitoys residents and ninety countries.
Kabe people and the language of.
Live at Achaioi, zoϋne Islanders Cretans, pallikarias sparrow hawks, and Kydwnes and Doric, and Pelasgians lebentes 6.

Herodotus says that the Greek nation was originally but then grew thin, because coalesced together of the Pelasgians and many other barbaric fyla7. He saith to the attic that was formerly the pelasgic, that language was barbari8, that then also changed glwssa9 in Greek, the Imbros and Lemnos was inhabited by Pelasgians 10, and that the entire Greece formerly called Pelasgia 11.

Thucydides testifies that on the peninsula of Athos in the years of, Besides the Greeks colonists from the “Andros and chalcis, was and other towns that were inhabited by a mixed population of bilingual barbarians, that was largely pelasgian and descended from the same Tyrsinoys who inhabited those older and Lemnos and Athens 12.

Strabo writes that the oldest of hecataeus of Miletus mentioned that in the Peloponnese before the Greeks inhabited by barbarians, and adds o Strabo that the whole of Greece has long been a dwelling barbarians 13.
The commentator of Apollonius of rhodium (I 608) He says that the older inhabitants of Lemnos was pirates Tyrsinoi, i.e.. Proellines14 thing that agrees with that Homer calls her residents Sintias agriofwnoys 15.

And the other islands of the Aegean old residents Greeks stood out from their own ethnic group.
And the Islanders, written by Thucydides, It was pirates, Kares and Finikes because those inhabiting most nisia16.
And Strabo adds:

"From what has been eipwthi for kares, that they receive the most is that the Carians….was then Leleges and inhabited the Islands» 17.

The ancient Greeks distinguished writers pre-Hellenes known from the real Greek, sometimes with the name Pelasgians 18, and Tyrsinoi the Tyrrinoi, sometimes with the names Carians and Leleges and sometimes with local national names, complex with the epithet eteos (= alithinos, native): Eteokrites, Eteokarpathioi.

But what,What was considered very old in Greece the pelasgic characterised. Ancient walls, the built in ogkolithoys, the thought "pelasgian".
Larissa in Thessaly called Pelasgikon Argos. The very old temples, as of Zeus at Dodona in Epirus and Hera in Thessaly, but in the era of the Pelasgians :

Oh Zeus of Dodona, Pelasgike, that you are resident off us! 19

Additional presumption for the ethnological distinction Greeks and Pregreeks, that was the time when composed the Homeric epics still felt, is that in’ the Pelasgians, those still in extreme places swzontan then anafomoiwtoi, presented as allies of the Trojans, together with other non-Greek peoples of course m. Asia and Thrace.

These I mentioned merely to Fani :

1) How the Greek authors were assured for’ what science today with its own archaeological and linguistic evidence testified, that i.e.. before’ those resided in Greece another, stranger to them, and alloglwssi clan, and

2) That the ethnological and linguistic absorption of Pregreeks by the Greeks took much to symplirwthi in all regions of the country, After the time of Herodotus and Thucydides, i.e.. as the 5 ° w. X. century, There were remnants of Pregreeks which had not yet afomoiwthi, even though they had spent fifteen centuries since the time of the first descent of the Greeks.

The culture that brought the first Greek breed in Greece was incomparably lower than the culture of Pregreeks.
And as usually happens when a people uncivilized conquest a civilized people, Greeks face the prehellenic culture.

But not lost a culture entirely with the looting and burning of palaces and shrines.

The Department of simantikwtero, the animate material, that was o alive body of cultural goods, not burned, but he stayed with all of spiritual cultivation, triangulated racially, religious, even linguistically with the Conqueror, and from this junction, that in hindsight it seems that stood one of the biologically most favorable associations peoples, took two superb scores :

The first was a new, organic renewed, robust and beautiful breed, endowed with exquisite spiritual gifts, combination of physical vigour and freshness of the conquerors with the aesthetic and spiritual refinement of a people exhausted organic of a long-standing advanced life form.

The second was the beginning of a new culture, that is not starting from scratch, other new power continues, transforms and epoikodomei a ready, finished culture religion, legends, traditions and art, and gives the robust form of, with whatever is presented to us in the full bloom of the first Greek civilization in the buildings and artifacts of the Mycenaean and late Minoan times and in the Homeric epics.
This intersection of the spiritual stands for better ap'dla the Greek pantheon, where the male gods of Greek indoeyrwpaiwn presented zeygarwmenoi with female deities, that almost all are proellinikes.

There are in the history of the Nations many examples of conquerors that are ethnically and linguistically assimilated by the nation that enslaved, especially when, as usually happens, The Conquerors is numerically and culturally inferior by the conquered.

So e.g.. their Norse origin was with Rws(s), that ekslabistikan from the Slaboys vassals of.

The same was with the German Franks (Frangais), When speaking of the Gaul ekgallistikan kyriepsan.

The same was with the Mongolian race and language Prwtoboylgaroys toyrkotatarikis, that ekslabistikan from between the Danube and the Slavs Aimo vassals of.

The same was with the Scandinavian katagwgis Normans, When he conquered the b. Ekgallistikan France, and when England conquered exagglistikan ap'ekei.
The same end was with the Romans occupiers of the Greek East, i.e.. of Byzantium.

So no strange thatan not although the Greeks were digested by the numerically and culturally superior of pre-Hellenes known, and even after I went to Greece together, but when three waves that divided the centuries. And yet this was not.

The first Greek tribe that found among pre-Hellenes known, the Ionians, not assimilated, but they took a large part of the Pregreeks, so that, When after three centuries, downloaded the achaeans, they found a largely Greek-speaking country, and even more, When following other five centuries came the dorians 20.

But eplirwsan otherwise the Ionians groundbreaking glory for localisation of the country:

Not only spent the their possessive Alki from uneven mixing them with their pre-Hellenes known, so when downloaded the achaeans were no longer the Ionians as tribe exoflimenoi conquerors, and for’ This easily another succumbed and repulsed by the achaeans on the East Coast and in the Aegean Islands, but their language was stronger and deeper effect of an ancient”, While the language of the achaeans and Dorians stayed katharwtera Greek.

When the 17 ° century b.c.. X. Greece descended into the second Greek wave, the achaeans, the political leadership of the country immediately passed into their hands.

The Ionians were, the pre-Hellenes known as, civilians merchants, artisans and professionals, limited i.e.. in a totally small projects for heroic age, for’ This and the Homeric epics, where is the glory of Achaeans, the Ionians nor even mentioned as contributors of the Trojan war, If luck should be for’ These reason, featured with antiirwika adjectives.

Not eyknimides, chalkoknimides, chalkochitwnes, ariifiloi, filoptolemoi, megathymoi, as the achaeans, but elkechitwnes, i.e.. people with long dresses, frequenting the fairs, of course as traders and craftsmen, occupations that will give them again later, in historical times, along with economic and colonial superiority,
and the spiritual leadership of the Greeks, but certainly keep them on the sidelines of the epic story.

The effect that were Greeks from the pre-Hellenes known extends to all forms of life and is quantitative incalculable.

And this is why, When merging the two peoples had gone a long way, Greeks were no longer only genuine, nor only two or more races, but the sheer pre-Hellenes known, that no exellinismenoi as to the language, There are ethnologically from genuine, and incorporated into their character Formation keeping, the special way of life, the old legends and traditions, and many elements of their old religion, These built-in piano dla at a Greek life, language and art.

And because they mirror the life of the past is always the language and art, This resort today to know what AP’ those who are for us today the archaio Greeks are genuine Greek and what comes from the pre-Hellenes known.

Archaeology is today able to broadly inform us what elements of the residence, tools and utensils and decorative in ancient Greece is fermena from the North with the descent of the Greeks conquerors, and what are the elements of culture proellinikoy.

My Commission will, as a non-specialist, not to speak for them and to focus on those elements that the Linguistics acknowledges in the ancient Greek language as the pre elements.

Although the Archaeology and Linguistics are cooperating in this field of research, and very often their findings coincide, the Linguistics, as you might need, is that the light illuminates with zaiirotero aspects of ancient life, where the two ethnic groups met.

So I will tell you a few things about the pre elements of ancient Greek language.
How these help to distinguish through the words and the cultural elements that are pre, You'll find yourself.

But before we get to the individual teacher you query, is it able to xechwrisi Science today
What of the ancient Greek language is purely Greek and what prehellenic ;
And with what can research method petychi ;
The answer to this question is Yes, anepifylachta.
And the method of research is as follows :
Today, Thanks to the tremendous work done by linguists around the world in the area of Comparative Linguistics, It is known in General what words every Indo-European language keeps them from the time when the indoeyrwpaioi was
yet a people and which borrowed later from other non-Indoeyrwpaikes languages, on the other hand’ until every nation stood out from the trunk of indoeyrwpaiwn and lived in another geographical environment.

So and especially for the ancient Greek language, linguists have made the separation of the material with the following method.

Any word and any grammar element is found in all other Indo-european languages, or in most or many of these, the previously adistachta and sometimes considers with great degree of probability as genuine Greek, carried in Greece by the Indo-european homeland.

But any word any grammar element has no corresponding to the other sisters languages, This, If mporesi to exigisi as newest creature Greek, go well. “But if you don't mporesi, then seek to 2000 the origins of one of the non-Indoeyrwpaikes languages of peoples with whom the Greeks came in commercial intermixed and general historical contact.

As for the method is negative.

Is not indoeyrwpaϊko, It is so from another language. But the positive verification of what language is that you must complete the presumption and arming with peithanagki and here two things can happen :

“The brethi will be the source of any non-Greek word in one of the neighboring languages that have written delivery earlier in Greek, as are the Semitic languages of Western Asia (Assyrobabylwniaki, The Hebrew) and the chamitikes of North Africa (ancient Egyptian) and then longer problem solved,

the brethi will not be nothing relevant in these languages, and then you need to the following syllogismos should :

Greek is not, Semitic is not, chamitiko is not, It should therefore be the tongue of Pregreeks.

But here too we have on hand only the negative presumption of an ancient origin. The positive, that would be to find the word you are looking at written in the pre-texts, This does not exist, why the proellinikes inscriptions, In addition to minimum, It is written in an unknown alphabet far and, with all the efforts that have been made and are made, We found a way to read.

Us stays well for Greek words proellinikes only the negative presumption, that is not entirely without merit, near this though and a few other auxiliary items that gives us the sense above all, but the Geography and the Story.
Let's look at some :

To be entirely coincidental that the words of the ancient ellinikis, that is not indoeyrwpaikes, express things and concepts that were certainly not known in the cradle of indoeyrwpaiwn, and you need so the Greeks to the met for the first time here in Greece ;

All the plants that do not grow their own further north from Greece, are not in the Greek language onomataindoeyrwpaika.

Consistency requires to accept that they first saw the Greeks here and their pre-Hellenes known asked how are these plants.
The pre-Hellenes known told them the name they had in their own language, and Greeks together with the new thing they got in their language and the new Word.

All fish names, birds and other animals, that is not Indoeyrwpaika, It is those who live just around the Mediterranean and southern Europe.

So it was very natural to not have Greeks, When I came here, words for such fish, birds and other animals, and knowing for the first time here. to learn their names had given the pre-Hellenes known.
Because it would be really strange thought that neither their own Greek name but had to give in such animals, Neither the prehellenic only but see fit to get, but expect to spend centuries, to get to know the ancient Egyptians the Palm trees and ask them how to name these animals.

Ancient Greek words that express objects and concepts somewhat advanced for the era that civilization is not indoeyrwpaikes. A few of these are the aigyptiakes23 foinikikes22, and entered the Greek when the commercial communication began with the Phoenicians and Aigyptioys.

But other than that derived; It is reasonable to accept our here that came from the language of Pregreeks, afoy archaeological findings showing that the culture of the past were much more advanced than the Greek. May is supposedly completely by chance that Greeks, people who always excelled for the overly developed sense of form, but never about the music of feeling, had musicians conditions is not Indoeyrwpaikoi;

The ancient Greeks their karikoys ethaymazan hymns and lydika members, i.e.. music origins. It is therefore extremely strange droi musicians of ancient Greek to be proellinikoi.

The toponyms of ancient Greece, i.e.. the city names, Islands, mountains, rivers etc., It is in the 9/10 inexplicably with the help of Greek vocabulary 24.

No IE. no importance in Greek. Many of these are older, and just what the ancient Greeks the pelasgic characterised. What the logikwtero well than to accept that the toponyms found these Greeks ready in the language of Pregreeks and have not felt the need to change kammian.
The preservation of place names of prokatochoy people from the occupier is phenomenon General on ethnologikes changes of all peoples.
And the Italians (l). x. retained proitalika, the etroyskika places of their country, and the Turks the Greek toponyms of m. Asia, with minor grammatical adjustments in their language:
The City did unto Istanbul, the EIS Amison, Samsun, the in Kos, Istanköy, the Izmir, Izmir, the Adrianoy(polis), Edirne, the ikonion, Konia, the Proϋsa, Bursa, the Sivas, Sivas, the “Ankara, Ankara, the Trapezoϋs, Trabzon, the Kerasoys, Giresun etc.. So always.
What strange well although the ancient Greeks did the same for pre toponyms ;

The pre-Hellenic toponym origin of these becomes physically bebaioteri, When we find the same and comes in pre-Hellenic endoteri m. '' Asia in the era that had not yet egkatastathi there Greeks.
Larisa here, Larisa and ekei.
Pidaaos here, Pidaaos and there.
Parnassus here, Parnassus and ekei.
Pindos here, Pindasos and ekei.
Mykallisos here, Mykalisaos, Mycale and ekei.
Ten olympoi here, others so olympoi and ekei.

The same thing happens, When we meet in Greece and in pre-Hellenic m. ' Asia toponyms inexplicably and etymologikws morphology rather than Greek, in-ACE, -SGP, -nthos, -rna, -Mina, as Parnassus, Knossos here, Alikarnassos, Telmissos ekei, Laria(s.)(a) here, Mylassa, Bargaoaa ekei, Korinthos, Nϋos Tiryns, Zakynϋos here, Layrandos, Lnkandos, Soandos ekei, “Arna, Alasarna, Falasarna here, “Yparna, “Abarnos, Aiarni, Pasarni in m. ' Asia, Rethymna in Crete, Mithymna, Changed to kalymna in Islands of m. ' Asia.

Nor of course is without importance for the origin of such place names that the endings-s(s.)ND-nthos and the encounter and in prosigorikes words proellinikes definitely,
as kyparissos, Narcissus, asaminthos, apsinthos, erebinthos, lebinthos, olynthos, yakinthos.

Mycenaeans, the first Greeks in Italy

Positive presumption for the pre-Hellenic origin English words have when words of ancient Greek, not explained as Indoeyrwpaikes, the encounter and in the language of the proindoeyrwpaikwn inhabitants of the Italian peninsula, i.e.. of etroyskwn, that was language relatives of Proellinwn25.

The Etruscan we have about 7.000 inscriptions and a book, written in a variant of the Greek alphabet, i.e.. material not only quantitative incomparably ploysiwtero from the prehellenic, but easy-to-read, in order to be able to boithisi in our study of Proellinikis26.

So e.g.. for the Rector to find corresponding Greek Etruscan epuruni, for the tyrant, the etroysk. turan, about opyiw -(I am espoused with), the etroysk. puia (= woman), for the ieros (' iaros (Isaros), the etroysk. aiseras, about Tyndaridai (= the sons of Tyndareus), the Castor and Pollux, the Tina etroyskika (= Zeus) and tur (= son), about trytani (= scales), the etroysk. trutnut etc..
Also the testimony of the ancients that the old prehellenic Tetrapolis of Attica but only was Yttinia, i.e.. with the ancient pronunciation Huttenia, He finds wonderful explanation to the fact that the number four in Etruscan was called huth.

This is in short the method, with which linguists, sometimes by chance, sometimes with certainty, divide the ancient Greek words in genuine Greek and proellinikes.

It is the same method, setting and other brothers of Greek language proindoeyrwpaika elements, i.e.. the proindika of the Indian, the Italian proitalika etc..
With the implementation of this method we have longer today resolved an important amount of ancient Greek words with pre-Hellenic origin. The overview is in many respects interesting and’ a wider audience of non-eidikwn, Why

1) It teaches us the historical origin of a significant part of ancient Greek vocabulary,
2) gives us a, faint even, Idea of arthrwtikis and sound format that had the language of Pregreeks,
3) It shows us how many and what the pre-Hellenes known concepts and things there were masters of the Greeks, and
4) He teaches in’ those who feel AWE and disgust at foreign words of modern Greek, that owe him some understanding to the historical fortunes of our language, seeing how much the foreign Word is the fate of kaite history language people, the inevitable outcome of cultural communication and cross-fertilization of cultures on Earth.

I present here a selection of proellinikes words of ancient Greek, reclaimed from various regions of ziois, where they give a general impression for the chapter of our linguistic history:

(A) '. NAMES

CR-nthos : Amarynthos, ‘ Arakynthos, Wormwood, Erymaniyos, Zakynthos, Zyrinthos, Cerinthus, Korinthos, Koskinthos, Maze, Aebinthos, Probalinthos, Pyranthos, Saminthos, Syrinthos, Tiryns Yen. Tirynthos.

CR-p(s.)ING, ttos and the(the)(a) : Amnisos, Dirfwssos, Ilja(s.)ING, Kifis(s.)ING, Knwasos, Mnkalissos, Parnassus, Praiaos, Termissos,— Ardittos, Brilittos, Gargittos, Lycabettus, Sykalittos, Sfittos,— Laris(s.)(a), Marpissa.

CR-mnos and-Mina: Kalymnos, Rethymnos, Sedamnos, Larymna, Míthimna.

With symphonic cluster PN: ' Alasarna, “Arna, Falasarna, Parnis, Harlots ", Parnassus.

Cr ·Ana: Athana, Mykanai, Pirana
Miscellaneous: Gaϋdos, Thassos, Thira, Gokceada, Karpathos, Crete,Kos, Leros, Lesvos, Limnos, Milos, Naxos, Iti, Olympus, Paros, Samos, Skiathos, Skϋros, Symi, Tenedos, Tinos, Chios.


“Apsinthos, erebinthos, kalaminthos, koloknnthi, minthi, dlynthos, Pistacia terebinthus, terminbos, hyacinth, akalifi, amygdala, anithon, arakos, asfodelos, afaki, brabyla, Laurel, ELEA, ϋymbra, ϋymos, Cactus, kapparis, kegchoos, Cedar, kerasos, kinara, kri and barley, kyminon, kipárissos, leioion, malachi, Narcissus, onwnis, origanon, orobos, rice, palioyros, pisos, rafanis, rodon, roia, selinon, sisamon, the Romans (= Willow), sikyos (= cucumber), sinapi, sirfi, wheat, sogchos, sykea, Maple, sfoggos, lentil.


Atherini, bolinthos (= Wild ox), galeos, eledwni, thrissa, ixalos, sheath, kwbios, laros, membras, nebros (= neonate lafioy), drfws, perki, pilamys, salpi, sargo, sialos (= choiros), siserinos, skaros, skolopendra, skombros, smaris, smnraina, annular sea-bream, aynagris, sfix, teythis, trigli, fagros, channi.


Sea, Zephyr.


Abyrtaki (= kind of sauce),anax, arbyli, asaminthos (= bathtub), Scutum, barbiton, King, baϋnos (= Kamini blacksmith), vetch, brabeys (— judge struggle), brattimis (= type of bread), bysaos, geison, depas, dithyramb, slave, peace, booth, God, troupe, thriggos, IAMB, clean, kalws, Tin, Guitar, risk, people, lebis, pycnometer, Megaron, mirinthos, sword, pessary, plinth, trumpet, Sambuca, aandalon, iron, sicinnus (= Dance Satyrwn), sisyra, tube, friend, copper, chrysos28.


' Athens, Apollo, Artemis, Venus, Ermis, Hephaestus.


Giant, Hercules, Pegasus.

But clearer impression for the external form of an ancient language can be read proellinikwn submit us or inscriptions, written by Pregreeks residues in historical times, When they had gotten longer than laboring Greeks the Greek (Phoenician) alphabet, and so their inscriptions read numbers today with the same ease where read and s ancient Greek, even if, as in the content is incomprehensible. I quote well and some phrases from the pre-Hellenic inscription of Lemnos, and then a few sentences from inscriptions of etroyskwn of Italy, two things to watch out for:

1) They have nothing the Greek, nor are reminiscent of kammian other Indo-European language, or in the words eϊte in joint, and

2) How look like sound amid the Pre-hellenic or with the Etruscan. Rich and soft in two bodies, continued in accordance and poor in rugged and stigmika. And at two absent after as b, g, d.
Are two languages with numbers and apalotita, one might say, Womens.

Someplace somewhere are common or similar words, e.g.. proell. aFiz — etroysk. avils, proell. sialchFiz — etroysk. sialxus, k. s.

(A) '. from the inscription of Lemnos, the 6th BC. century.

Or correct reading is facilitated by volume that s words in inscription divided or one of the other.
Their intonation is unknown to us.

Or inscription begins so:


(B) '. from etroyskikes Tomb inscriptions. (To x is observing. x):



But let's turn to the Greeks.

Their life after installing them in Greece, come abruptly to an entirely new phase :
New country, with lush mountains and seas switching, so different from the joined with the horizon Plains of Europe, different, mild climate, unknown plants and animals, new housing styles with unknown far amenities, frequently working with lifestyles and dominant position of shipping, strange customs with dominance of the woman inside the House, new spicy Mediterranean blood in their veins than racial interbreeding with indigenous, new vocabulary for so many new things and concepts unknown far, strange and akatalipta sites names to their every step.
And because for us today mirror of this profound change of things is mainly the language, It is perhaps an exaggeration what it says

The French linguist a.. Meillet, that passing do the Indoeyrwpaiki in the Greek language appears that ushered in’ a kainoyrgion world 30.

Apart from foreign proellinikes words for accepting this the Greek language, There was need and from pure Greek to dismantle some, Why pretend not semantic sight, and other adapted semantically and to take on new importance.

I will confine myself to a few examples :

The word fratir Indoeyrwpaiki for omopatrio brother was not longer sufficient in new family hierarchy, where, from the mitriarchias effect of Pregreeks, the ierioteros sisterly bond was the one that existed between the omomitrioys and not in omopatrioys.

Therefore found need to articulate a new Greek word from the cumulative and delfys = uterus, i.e.. a delfos. Another example : Pontus esimaine originally in Greek. language «passage» and «way», importance of the maintained the corresponding India panthas, the Latin. ponspontis, the slab. roii etc..

Epeidi in Greece the most frequent passage and o most straight road was the sea, the point took the meaning "sea".

The methy was a drink of honey and water, importance that maintained the corresponding India. Madhu and slab. med.
When the Greeks were here another afthonwtero and best sweet drink, wine, the named Ki aytomethy, and because, Unlike the old, the new zalize methy, coined and verb methyskomai.

These, in General, It was a few years ago as our knowledge of the pre-Hellenes known and Greek relations with them. It was a scientific faith dekaetiridwn, that was for the Gospel of the famous book of r. Kretschmer, Introduction to the history of Greek glwssas31.

But suddenly the problem of Pregreeks created a fuss, the opoia, from a phase that will be one called epic, threw in a phase of dramatic.

Archaeology, the opoias the findings are valuable for all historical sciences, did a very interesting finding, the Linguistics couldn't agnoisi.
With systematic excavations testified that in Greece there are below the first Greek cultural layer, the mykinaiko, not one, but two successive pre layers culture, distinctly different among them in terms of style in the decoration of vessels, as well as the anthropological form skeletons of anthrwpwn:

The ENA, the deeper in the ground, and more old so, only in Greece and extends to m. Asia, and Eastern, Asia minor origin.
Called it a n a t o l j k what (Anatolisch).

The other, that stretches up to the previous, It is therefore younger than’ This, covers Greece, the whole of the Balkans and the Danube basin as the Hungary, passes and in n. Italy, but absent from the m. ' Asia, and has meseyrwpaiki origins.
The style of the vessels is the so-called Bandkeramik.

This layer named Doynabiko (Donauländisch).

The first Greek cultural layer, the mykinaiko, crashing down, as we said, and these two cultural layers,
the Greeks thus had predecessors in Greece as two different peoples.

What is going well;
Which of these two proellinikoys them peoples and cultures is the real proellinikos, where gave i.e.. to the Greeks the blood and the cultural and language elements where we saw; the mikrasiatikos or the meseyrwpaϊkos, or two and, one inside the other;

The problem where it was born so it was inseparably bound with the question of the origin and character of an ancient language of.

THE R. Kretschmer, that has always been the biggest pundit in the pre-issues, leaned back onto the new problem, and from the 1925 He wrote various treatises 32, their findings are summarized in 1939 in a large work titled : "The pre-linguistically and ethnologically layers» 33.

Minoans in Thira.

In this treatise he tried to symbibasi the findings of archaeology with Linguistics, admitting that the two met proellinikes Greece ethnicities:

1) A palaiotati Mediterranean, starting from the m. ' Asia, that was the last vestige of the Carians and Leleges the coast of Asia minor and of our islands, and

2) a newer European ethnicity, but not the indoeyrwpaikis language family, with some perhaps distant affinity to indoeyrwpaioys numbers, analogous to the distant kinship with the Semitic language family with the chamitiki.

As pithanwteros stroke of descent in Greece set o 25th Century BC. CH., i.e.. 500 some years ago the Greeks descend.

These are the p e l a s c o t u r n o r I, the direct, the real pre-Hellenes known.

' Re’ These stems and the pre-Hellenic linguistic heritage we saw, combined with elements of the predecessor Eastern language layer.

Aytoi maintained and forwarded to the Greeks and the ancient toponyms that had left the previous ethnological layer, adding and some their own.

They wake from Greece and Italy have passed and formed the Proitaloys, i.e.. the etroyskoys.

This stopped the r. Kretschmer, considering any other finding as early, before an ancient key brethi writing and read the proellinikes inscriptions, that would certainly solve the problem permanently.

But immediately they sprang the impatient and adventurous, the adventurers of science. Because what else but tychodiwktismos is in science, When Len frontizi research to go by pressing on solid ground, but it is in the air ;

The Bulgarian linguist Vladimir Georgief, disciple of Kretschmer and Professor of Linguistics at the Sofia IIanepistimio, immediately rested on accreditation of teacher, that direct European origin is pre-Hellenes known, and added:
Not only European origin, But language is the pre-Hellenes known indoeyrwpaikis, and during, nothing less, Thrakoillyrioi.
It is known that the Bulgarians consider themselves as their bodies of blood thrakoillyrikoy itself in the Balkans, because their ethnicity slaboboylgariki spread onto substrate thrakoillyriko.
Localisation of the Thracian and the ancient colonial Greeks of Thrace did not acknowledge him.
The same loipon thrakoillyriko guise, with which struggled to assert their ancient Macedonians are ethnically, without to achieve, because it turned out that the ancient Macedonians were linguistically and ethnologically irrelevant with the Thrakoillyrioys, Although met territorial with them, the strefoyn now in rear of Greek history, trying to represent the presence of the Greek race sii n. Balkan as a parenthesis within a thrakoillyriki eternity, It begins long before the Greeks come here and continues from the current Thrakoillyrioys ekslabismenoys.

"From ancient times, written by V. Georgief, the Thrakoillyrioi lived in the Aegean region. '' Here created a splendid culture, that culminated in Crete, at Mycenae and Troy, until, folks barbarians (the Greeks) raided by the North and subjugated them» 34.

Anyone who knows how the Bulgarians obsessed inferiority complex of ethnological and how the looting of foreign History stood rule in thought and in action, will not be affected for the new ekplagi.

But certainly I will ekplagi and lost his temper, When the Government has the following claims of V. Georgief:

Because the historical case of Hellenism from the Thrakoillyrioys with the Pregreeks and Thrakoillyriwn recruiters can leave very long historical presence of the Greeks from the 20 ° century b.c.. X. as the 20 ° m. CH., i.e.. 4.000 years, The pincers of history should be systeili more.

THE V. Dimosiepse in Georgief 1937 in Sofia a work in German with the title : The bodies of krito mykinaikoy culture, their origins and their language " 35.

In this work tries to support that not only is pre-Hellenes known Thrakoillyrioi, but all earlier in Greece Greek tribes except the dorians.
Only the dorians were Greeks.

The first and only Greek descent is the Doric.
Earlier Greek tribes, Achaeans and Ionians, was Thrakoillyrioi.
Not well from the 20 ° century b.c.. CH., rather than just from the 12 ° starts the presence of Greeks in southern Balkans.
In Troy Thrakoillyrioi besieging Thrakoillyrioys. And the katapliktikwtero: ' In prwtoillyriki language originally poiithikan and Homeric epics " 36.
That has experienced the world only in Greek language means nothing.
Is a translation made by the Greeks from the Illyrika originals, to praising the klei they of their predecessors.

Of Course, to be consistent with o V. Georgief, I had the etroyskoys of Italy, as relatives of the Pregreeks language, to the bgali them Thrakoillyrioys.

And he did it in three successive treatises adistachta toy37, published in Sofia in German 1938, 1941 and 1943. The arguments of the, written o r. Kretschmer38, It is largely so arbitrarily and deprived of probative force, dso and their pre-Hellenes known about.

Feature is that among linguists dloy of VMS code only three were found to agree with the opinions of V. The pre-Hellenes known Georgief.

One is the Bulgarian D. Detschef, the other is o Jugo m. Budimir (Arcades ambo!), and third o Austrian W. Brandenstein, He just with unbridled imagination and boldness had argued in 1937, periodiko39 in Turkish, that etroyskoi was pre-Hellenes known and Turks, and they had come and then in the Mediterranean, like the younger Turks back to the middle ages, from Central Asia.

But science does not have any importance the good the bad, the selfish the selfless intentions.
The truth is, and this, as luck, blind, and indifferent to what is harmful and what beneficial. Let us therefore in essence erthoyme.
The insurmountable obstacles, You should not allow it to accept the theory of V. Georgief, that is pre-Hellenes known Thrakoillyrioi, is:
1) That nothing at all from the linguistic residues of Pregreeks we saw above cannot be apodeichti as thrakoillyriko. The proellinikes sign-boards, as read, they do not have a Word to be found in any thrakoillyriki inscription.
In order to counteract the basic obstacle o V. Georgief what does; The outlaws are simply.

In a recent work 40 claims, without any argument, that the inscriptions were not written by the pre-Hellenes known, but once in Wales were transferred from place unknown of a non-indoeyrwpaikis area, the, says, graftikan by people unknown, non-indoeyrwpaioys, from unknown

part migrated to ancient Greece in an unknown era, and agnoista cause, and for whom no ancient author doesn't make it anywhere reason. The unknown well by unknown. Id est ignotum per ignotius explicare, they say Latinos.

The indoeyrwpaioi and is pre-Hellenes known for another reason, saith o V. Georgief 41, because none of the ancient Greek authors who speak for them not saying that is not indoeyrwpaioi.
As if it was possible the ancient Greeks, I didn't even know that there is even indoeyro)paiki language family, nor that they belonged s'ayti, nor that the language is related to another language kammian, to find out what language the language resembles that of Pregreeks.
Argumentum ex silentio "could never be chrisimopoiithi with worst way.
Then what do you think o paradoxical and unbelievable claim of V. Georgief, that the Greeks to descend on their crossed Thrakoillyrioys in Greece’ the entire Balkan ;
We know that all peoples spread into territories Indoeyrwpaikoi language-non indoeyrwpaika.

So the Greeks only stamp the bad luck, Once they move in the South, to find the entire Balkans caught by Thrakoillyrioys ; but whether or not, Suppose this was, Although nothing supports.

But then what would be fysikwtero by the Greeks to remain in place in Central Europe, to subdue, If they could of course, some of their neighbors Thrakoillyrioys, with the opoioys first came into contact in the plains of the Philhellene;

And what the most unnatural and most odd and most unlikely to accept, so apla, with absolutely no presumption, that once appeared on the horizon the Greeks, the vast world of Balkan eskistike thrakoillyrikos by magic like Red Sea in two, to perasi unhindered o Hellenic Moses marching towards the unknown and transito impasse South, and immediately closed again behind the steps of ;

What precedents were the Greeks with its southern, down from Olympus Thrakoillyrioys, so paratrechontas dloys others, rushed up to show only in’ those on their Mania possessive;
And one more thing:

If pre-Hellenes known was a simple extension of Thrakoillyriwn of Balkanikis, why only aytoi supposedly developed culture, art, writing and what,What other show us their archaeological remains, own people while the Kuroshio current and their Thrakoillyrioi nothing omoglwssoi than’ not gnwririsan, nor in the same season, or later ;

Where are the palaces of Kings like the like the Minoan mykinaika, that their treasures, the murals, the pots, their inscriptions;
It was never possible to partition an Olympus so unequal in terms of culture a large omoglwsso nation ;
How such asystata, bizarre and strange things, He was certified and would cause consternation, to accept when presented astirichta and anapodeichta ; 42.

And if all this House of cards on the Thrakoillyriwn Pregreeks was assembled just to dikaiologithi voice oddity a few words of ancient Greek, that, While it is indoeyrwpaikes, are supposedly not purely Greek, but thrakoillyriki morfi43, Why not accept that those words were broadcast in Greek during the Greek geitoneias and Thrakoillyriwn meseyrwpaikis;

The "panillyrismos" he, as the ironically named the Kretschmer, It is also historically slim, Why, as himself, impute in numerical strength and geiografiki Thrakoillyrioys area of colossal onto the Balkan, the Italian peninsula, and Mongolia. ' Asia, that in such an ancient time kommia ethnicity could not have.
Them for their recruiters can of Pregreeks with Thrakoillyrioys. For the other, the despicable Allegation, that and the first Greek tribes, i.e.. the Ionians and the achaeans, were these thrakoillyrikes, and the first great Greek civilization, the mykinaikos, and the Trojan war, Thrakoillyriwn projects, the Homeric epics, thrakoillyrika creations, that the Greeks supposedly translated and hijacked, one can kagchasi the to PI along with a judge of the Georgief claims that courtesy requires that silent (die Höflichkeit gebietet zu schweigen), the agreed upon with the r. Kretschmer that V. Georgief allegations of them bumped into such an fantasiwdi despotism, that prevents us to take him seriously but the history and the logic is more eyglwttes than the kagchasmo, the polite silence and contempt.

And here's why:

How ever could alone be the dorians Greeks, that prwtoirthan in Greece on the 1100 e.g., afoy and others, the older, the Dorians Greeks had preserved the memory of the late Doric descent, I called descent of Herakleidai;
And the main :
The Greek Ionian colonies and overseas of the achaeans outside Greece starting on 14 ° century b.c.. CH., and to involve these long-standing tribal stay in Greece and overpopulation.

The Greeks they are verified that brought colonists to their new homelands language Greek, opios p. x. the achaeans in Cyprus. But how could we ever so early Greek language from Greece in the overseas colonies, If the Greeks in Greece just prwtokatebikan around the 1100 p. X ;
Finally, the claim that the Homeric epics were translated in English by prototypes thrakoillyrika testifies to astonishing ignorance of the problems that presents the gradual genesis of poems of the Homeric and generally of epikoϋ circle.
For’ What and who is involved with the Homeric question is not considered his opinion Boylgaroy linguist worthy of even mention oyie revise.

It could only be one rwtisi:

The Greeks, I so much respected the pre-names, that happened by dragging in their language the epic glories of Thrakoillyriwn not to maintain in the Homeric epics, nor a thrakoillyriko only but the Greek hero ;

The last secret of the ethnic origin of the Pregreeks is inscribed with an unknown alphabet and in an unknown language on thousands of proellinikwn epigrafwn45.

The difficulties to read once the inscriptions these are during the. Evans forever insurmountable, When r. Kretschmer and others, very large.

We want to solve a problem with two unknown coefficients, the language and writing.

In order to know the language, You must first find out what the symbols represent the letters of the inscriptions.

But also to find what pronunciation has the letters, We need to know the language. From the vicious circle that just finding a bilingual inscription, as was done for the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta stone inscription, could bgali us.

The difficulties these prosiethike last another :

The latest excavations at Pylos, at Mycenae, etc.. bring to light more and more signs with prehellenic alphabet, belonging to 14 ° and 13 ° century b.c.. CH., i.e.. at a time when the these citadels possess Greek tribes, so it is very likely that these inscriptions to depict language Greek *.

In this case those experimenting with hypothetical readings of these inscriptions, Greeks and foreigners, do not know which language to support the hypothetical readings.

When, as was done for other unknown writings, the sfinoeidis of Assyrobabylwniwn kaiiws and the hieroglyphic of the Egyptians, brethi the key and an ancient writing and katanoithi of the language of the inscriptions, the nationality of the Pregreeks — whatever it is — I should a detail • potty inside the exquisite spectacle of an unknown, ancient and exotic world, that overdrawn will glow in our eyes and our milisi himself will be in the language of.

*. Nb. Before my speech above typwthi got welcome news, whereas in Sweden and in England at the same time found the key to an ancient writing, that began to diabazwntai the inscriptions of Mycenae and Pylos that are undoubtedly Greek language! It is the language of the achaeans of the 14th and 13th aiwna p. CH., long before the dorians in Greece descend (the first and only Greeks in xöv V. Georgief), those IE. just that the Bulgarian linguist struggled to the presentation as Thrakoillyrioys.


1. That s Ionians went first in Greece and not s Achaeans, as they thought ol e. Meyer and Busolt, see. R. Kretschmer Glotta validate 1, 11.
2. For the dark color of the Pregreeks see. R. Kretschmer in Glotta25, 5.
3. That s was blonde and galanoi indoeyrwpaioi see. W. Sieglinq, Die blonden Haare der indogermanischen Völker des Altertums. Eine Sammlung der antiken Zeugnisse als Beitrag zur Indogerinanenfrage. (München 1935). Gp. R. Kretschmer Glotta validate 27, 4 kex.
4.See. R. Uussand, Les civilisations prehelleniques dans le bassin de la ruer d'Egee. (Paris 1914), S.. N. Sunrise, the ancient Cretan culture. (' In Athens 1927).
5. Irod. 1,56. «(Croesus] No Lacedaemonians and ‘ Athinaions proechontas, some toy Doric genus, and of them iwnichoϋ. Not the prochechrimena γάρ Taϋta, eonta volume archaϊon the Pelasgichon, the "ethnos" newspaper "is not ellinichon. Gp. and DPS saith for laboring Ionians s Islands 7, 95 «and tonto "ethnos" newspaper Pelasgichon, iwnichon eklithi * not ysteron.
6. So when tou translation tion s. Eftaliwti. The ancient text (Odyss. T 174) is:
a d’ people a lot, apeiresioi, enenichonta and polies. “Alli d'allwn memigmeni ýí although Achaeans language, a d’ Eteochrites megalitores, a de Kydwnes Dwriees Te dϊoi Te trichaiches Pelasgians.
7. Irod. 1, 58. "The ellinichon of michrou telecommunications Hat’ all pliuos ethnewn ormeomenon iyzeto s, Fact proschechwrichotwn aytf user pelasgon other frequent eunewn barbarians ". Gp. Thoykyd. 1, 3, 1.
8. Irod. 1, 57. «”Diplomat iesan de Intina s atrecheois I eipai ouch Pelasgians’ We were eati techmairomenon debt is not… regulations were Pelasgians diplomat ientes barbaron».
9. Irod. 2, 57. "Volume" ethnos "newspaper Attichon, the Pelasgikon, If the change in the Greek and the language is changed» .
10. Irod. 5, 20 «What otanis… GF Limnon user imbron eile, even then under the Pelasgians ampsoteras oicheomenas *.
11. Irod. 2 56 "of nϋn ellados, erstwhile de Pelasgiis chaleymenis *.
12. Thoykyd. 4, 109 «oichyϋntai xnmmeichtois ethnesi ai barbarians bilingual, and what short Chalchidikon EMI, the tree mostly Pelasgikon, s and Limnon never Tyrsinwn oikisantwn user ' Athens *.
13. Strab. 7, 321 "Hecataeus of Miletus on hand s of Peloponnese psiain, that pre s pschisan this Greek barbarians. Almost the whole of what de or Hellas was the new barbarians residence *.
14. N.. ' Apoll. Rod. I 608. "Wchisan blaptichwtatoi Tyrsinoi γάρ this being * .
15. ' Odyss. Θ 294 «(“Ifaistos) oichetai s agriofwnoys Limnon after Sintias *. And the commentator of Hellanicus of Mytilene odysseias interpreting the same verse characterizes residents of Limnos € mixellinas».
16. thoykyd. 1, 8 "Oych ioson And robbers were s nisiwtai, Carians being and palm trees” Tash pleistos of outoi already wkisan Islands.
17. Strab. 14, 661 "Many reasons eirimenwn on Karwn de o malisth’ BIOS omologonmenos Ochi, that s Kares…, then known as Leleges, Tash Islands have».
18. The name Pelasgians interpreted today by volume * Pelagsgoi, and toϋto by the sea, where originally meant omali surface», (GP. Alos ýí pelageasi, alion Beach, poniion sea) and "plain". They were named by Pelasgians Greeks initially the indigenous kampisioi, s pre-Hellenes known where possessed and cultivated the Plains.

19. Ltte. P. 233 «Zen per, Dwdwnaie, Pelasgike, chilothi naiwn,Medewn dyscheimeron IDwdwnis» .
20. From the multitude of related tasks see. C. Schuchhardt, Die Indogermanisierung Griechenlands. Die Antike 9, 303 kex., 4. Debrunner, Die Besiedlung des alten Griechenland im Licht der Sprachwissenschaft. Neues Jahrbuchfür kl. Altertum 21, 433 kex.
21. Pre-Hellenic effect in the iioniki dialekio believe some turn in the makrou (a) tou, the turn tou t< in SI (Poseidon Potidawn, eikoii twenty, ichonti echoysi) k. s. 22. See. (E). Ries, Quae res et qua vocabula a gentibus seruiticis in Graeciam pervenerint. (Breslau 1890), MussArnold, Semitic words in Greek and Latin. Trans, of the Ann. Philol. Ass. 23,35156, A. Müller, Semitische Lehnworte im älteren Griechisch. Bezz. Beitr. 1, 273, where and earlier literature. 23. W. Spiegelberg, Aegyptische Lehnwörter in der älteren griechischen Sprache. Kuhn's Zeitschr. 41, 127 kex. 24. R. Kretschmer, in Glotta 28, 252. 25. R. Kretschmer, Pelasger und Etrusker, in Glotta 11, 276 kex. 26. Or study of Etruscan got strong growth especially in Italy from the 1928, with the establishment of Etroyskikwn Studies Committee», where publishes the magazine «Studi Etrusci». New material for the Etruscan gathers the e. Vetter in Glotta 28, 117231. 29, 205219. 27. See. R. Kretschmer, Einleitung in die Geschichte der griechischen Sprache. (Göttingen 1896), A. Fick, Vorgriechische Ortsnamen als Quelle für die Vorgeschichte Griechenlands. (Göttingen 1905). 28. ΒΛ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΌΤΕΡΑ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΊΓΜΑΤΑ. G. Glotz, La civilisation egeenne, o. 441, (C). N. ΧΑΤΖΙΔΆΚΗ ΣΤΉΝ “ΑΘΗΝΆ 42, 83 kex. Gp. //. FRISK, Grekiskan och det egeiska substratet. Apophoreta Gotoburg V. Lundstrom oblata, s.. 171185. 29. See. C. Pauli, A Greek inscription of Lemnos. 2 ΤΌΜΟΙ (Leipzig 188694), A. Torp, The pre-Greek inscription of Lemnos. (Christiania 1903), E. Nachmanson, The Greek inscriptions of Lemnos. ATH. Mitt. 1908,47 kex., S. P. Cortsen, The lemnische inscription. Glotta 18, 101 kex., P.Kretschmer,The Tyrrhenian inscriptions of the stele of Lemnos. Glotta 29,89 98. 30. A. Avoids, Apergu d 'une histoire de la lanque grecque', s.. 32 «en passant de l ' indoeuropeen au grec commun»., on entre un monde nouveau dans».. 31. P. Kretschmer, Introduction to the history of the Greek language. (Göttingen 1896). 32. P. Kretschmer, The protindogermanische layer. Glotta 14, 302 kex., ΤΟΰ ΊΔΙΟΥ, The oldest levels on Crete, Glotta 31, 120. 33. P. Kretschmer, The pre-Hellenic spoke and grass-roots classes. Glotta 28, 234 278, 30, 84 218, 244 246. 34. V. Georgief, The winners of the design Mycenaean culture, their origin and their language, I (Sofia 1937). Summary. Gp. ΤΟΎ ΊΔΙΟΥ, Before Greek Linguistics. (Sofia 1941). 35. ΣΤΌ ΊΔΙΟ. 36. ΣΤΌ ΊΔΙΟ. «In urillyrischer language also the Homeric epics were first drawn up.. 37. Georgief, The language of the Etruscans.(Sofia 1938),-The fate of the idg. Ο declination in Etruscan. (Sofia 1941),-The linguistic affiliation of the Etruscans. (Sofia 1943). 38. Kretschmer, in Glotta 27, 3 «his etymologies are largely so arbitrarily and without probative value., as in the I. Part».. 39. Brandenstein, Linguistic to the prehistory of the Etruscan and Tyrrhenians. Bulletin, Istanbul 1937, s.. 745 kex. 40. Georgief, État actuel prehellenique of the études de linguistique. Studia linguistica 2 (1948), 71. 41. Georgief, at the same, the. 71. 42. For the story and only needs being simeioithi here that as things argued and the Thomopoulos, "Pelasgian", i.e. on the language of the Pelasgians (Athens 1912), where is trying to exigisi the pre with the help of Albanian, and the n. ' Eleftheriadis, Pelasgian Greece, s pre-Hellenes known (Athens 1931), where does pre-Hellenes known Semitic them, and the Homeric epics epwn proellinikwn Semitic translation. but two bodies and had the ayioi mitigating that neither linguists, nor do philologists were, were occupied i.e.. with the issues as amateurs, so irresponsibly and asynorista. (See. crisis of c. N. Hatzidakis in Athina 43, 41 kex.). Nowadays other amateur fan of n. Eleftheriadis, Mr. (D). THE. Tziortzogloy, through unique supply volume dictionary of Turkish tou o Fresh, publishes a series of pamphlets, with the title "pelasgikis etymologiai and explanations of the origin of Greek words»(Miitilini 1949 kex.),where he explains everything the prehellenic to Arabic ! 43. As a sample of the neurosis which method works the V. Georgief ii for having supporting his theory that it is pre-Hellenes known Thrakoϊllyrioi numbers, because supposedly a few Indo-European words of Greek form thrakoϊllyriki show, mention the following : The word asaminthos — bathroom bathtub ii associates with the HELLEN. edged = stone and accepts that a virus caused in turn by tou in the, satem languages where is, as in Indian, where the edges became asman. but the bathtub, like certifying or Archaeology has always been from clay, of metal or wood, but never from stone. Stone, however, and that was, It is not thinkable because I had being called stone or stone. MR A. Mayer in Glotta 32, 58 produces the aoaminthos from volume assyr. neroϋ container = assammu. Most etymologies tou oi V. Georgief», written by Kretschmer Glotta validate 27, 2, "it is so arbitrary and obscure, ΏΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΌΤΕΡΟ ΕΞΑΣΘΕΝΟΎΝ ΠΑΡΆ ΕΝΙΣΧΎΟΥΝ ΤΉ ΘΡΑΚΟΪΛΛΥΡΙΚΉ ΘΕΩΡΊΑ ΤΟΥ».. 44. R. Kretschmer Glotta validate 27, 2. «It is me but incomprehensible»., like Galbano the aiolischen dialect of Illyria, the Homeric epic for the folk epic of Urillyrier, the Achaeans and hence the carrier which may explain raykenischen culture for lllyrier. Here he versteigt himself to a fantastic will cure, that no longer be can taken seriously».. ΠΑΡΆ ΤΙΣ ΚΡΊΣΕΙΣ ΑΥΤΈΣ, Ο V. Georgief reverts to his theory through perseverance in a recent work with the title D actuel des etudes de linguistique prehellenique, Studia linguistica magazine in Swedish (Lund) 2 (1948) 6992. 45. From the great number of relative dissertations see. (F). Xanthoudidou, Prehistoric writing a Crete. AOina 18, 560581, (A). Evans, Scripta Minoa I (Oxford 1909), G. Ipsen, Der Diskus von Phaistos. Ein Versuch zur Entzifferung. Indog. Forsch. 47, 141, (C). (E). Miller, the enepigrafos amforeys of eleysinos and eterostomos or Greek writing. Arch. Efim. 1936, s.. 61 100, G. Puqliese Carratelli, (C),e preelleniche di Haghia Triada inscrizioni in Creta Peninsulare e della Greeia (1945), B. Hrozny', Kretas und Vorgriechenlands Inschriften, Geschichte und Kultur. Ein Entzifferungsversuch. Archive Orientalny'14 (1943), ΤΟΰ ΊΔΙΟΥ, Les inscriptions cretoises II. Archive Orientalny’ 15 (1946), P. Kretschmer, The inscriptions of Praisos and eteokretische language (1946). ΠΕΡΙΣΣΌΤΕΡΑ: http://www.Schizas.com/ site3/index.php?option = com_content&view = article&ID = 57091% 3Amakedonia-kai-proellines&CATID = 32% 3Amacedonia-i-elliniki&Itemid = 211&lang = el #ixzz3SYk3enXt


Beauties of Pageos – Old Mesolakkia

Dissakia Cave, old Mesolakkia, Serres

The cave is tucked away near the half-deserted village of Mesolakkias, at the foot of Mt. paggeo. Has form entry, 3m around and need bracing or rope. Then becomes horizontal with some decoration and many gramena in rich spilaiothemata.. Marble in which opened up the cave belongs to the geotectonic mass of Rodopi and in particular in section of Paggaio. Striking the diaklasi on a piece of the cave. The cave visited Proteus in the context of the 5th Seminar.

Beautiful spot with plenty of decoration
The entrance of the cave

The diaklasi
Fairly narrow point (Foto. G. Sotiriadis)
Point opy moved seed and created plant, where It takes energy from the kotylydones of
The team
Old Mesolakkia

The ancient myths of the Serres Prefecture, Greece

This here place, hiding a big secret. It happened at times of high past, then you and the gods were still kids and toyed.
In a meadow that precedent in beauty can't be seen today human eye, play nymphs and goddesses. The Nysio field called, like “desired” I would describe myself Hostage and grandfather will tell us the names of young girls who were playing amerimna there. It was the Electra, the Fainw and Leucippe and Rodeia, the Ianthe, the Kalliroi, the Iachi and the fate, the Ianira, the Meliti, the Chrysiis, the Akasti and Milobasis, the rodochroi and Wkyroi Admiti, the Plouto, the Styx and the Rhodope Mountains, the ravishing Calypso, the Urania and the Galaxayra the welcome and the egersimacha Palace and the toxotria Artemis!
The wind caressed their rich hair, the Sun did shine, anakateyontan of the Meadow scents with the voices and the laughter of little girls. As that among the beautiful and fragrant flowers that have been collecting the girls, singled out one like this ever not made the Earth. Daffodil said later. From the root of xefytrwnan stalks one hundred, and so eywdiaze, who agalliazan the gods, people, up the deep sea theoskoteini.
First “the daughter”, the only one not you I named before and Helene Persephone, He bent down to pick it up and put it in the basket of. But all of a sudden started a rumbling chilling, all prairie began to tremble, the Earth opened and long beach emerged a chariot with terrible noise. Was he the King of the underworld. Hades and his name means he who does not seem. She grabbed her daughter and went to his basilio, to make her his wife. The daughter turned out great voice and tears, but no one listened.
Is the myth of Persephone. The Mpoyrkert, the Nilsson and Kerenyi, of the greatest researchers of Greek religion and mythology would write unequivocally, that he see the myth is the most ancient of human thought. Probably dates back to the Neolithic era. The Mpoyrkert in his book “Ancient Greek Religion”, We write that Mannhardt and Frazer gathered a huge amount of world mythology, in cases of fruit cycle. Nowhere could find something to connect with the mother and daughter relationship.
Why I write all this; But why this beautiful world that was suddenly and scary, It is somewhere in the plain of Serres. The NysiAN00069818_001_lthe field, where was the abduction of her daughter is somewhere North of Paggaio as we write the Appian. In this place the Greeks had the oldest maybe legend. Why does; Does and it's that ancient King Pelasgus of Argos, Aeschylus described to us and that we wrote in an article on the history of our country;
But it's not the only legend that connects the mythic thought, of the ancient world with the Valley of the Struma. God Strymon River as we write in the Theogony Hesiod, the chaste Struma as we write Aeschylus, flowing side on guitars pangeo, in igatheon Nysiion, in the Nysio field, the Territory Sylews… God Strymon River which is the father of one of the nymphs that were playing along with Persephone that terrible day. He is the father of Rodopi. Oh and all the “lower Struma” called “Dance of the nymphs”. The Rhodope Mountains the acquired smigontas with the Muse Euterpe, with the Muse of music. Rodopi has two brothers. Two basilopoyla of Thrace. The Olynthos and Riso. And if we don't know the Riso, It is because we have not sufficiently Greek religious tradition. The religious tradition of our nation, had the hero at a level between gods and humans. Each city had the hero's protector, each Guild also, but the neighborhoods, families, There was the teichofylakas Hero who protected the city walls, the policeman who protected the boundaries etc… The heroes of the Greeks had been affect so much the barbarians, the Persians as they come to Greece, they made libations to the heroes of Troy. There was but a single hero who was a hero of all Greeks. There was no tomb. He found him everywhere. The worshipped in all cities of Greece. Shrines and temples are scattered, wherever you set foot in Greek. The cult of surpassed and Greece. Romans, Etruscans, but in the East yet, his name and worship of traveled beyond this empire still m. Alexandrou. The Greeks the hoisted on Olympus. They did two libations for him, one like God and one as a hero! He was the Hercules.
Such was the hero for the Rhesus of Thrace Thracians. The sophist Philostratus the younger, passed from Thrace, the third or fourth century, He wondered with prices etychaine from the Thracians the Rhesus afirwismenos anymore, and timwntan as doctor, God of the hunt, of horses, soldiers and like alexikakos generally. But the Athenians and after the Spartans in Amphipolis had the Riso for prostate Hero. The mythical Riso, through the Greek poetry first encountered him in the Iliad. From the plain of Serres travels to Troy to fight on the side of the Trojans but cannot keep up. Evening arrives and falls to sleep. In the camp of Trojans, pass secretly Odysseus with Diomedes and the second kills him while sleeping. More will learn from the swmeni tragedy which attributed to Euripides and which has named Rhesus.
First of all also clarified the origin of:
“Re’ the winds dernomenos
the pageroys of Thrace, Paionia and”
“Around the Pangeo
and the Paionioys Plains”
But through the tragedy that takes us the myth of the hero, Learn interesting aspects of both the myth, and worship that obtained at the place of. Muse's mother speaks and says:
“After, When I gave birth to my sisters I was ashamed that I was without a husband and I got and let the dancing waters of your father. And not in the Struma gave human hands to grow but to anathrepsan the daughters of sources. And become King of Thrace, first among all men, my child.”
I stress that the Struma gave the Riso on Pupae to raise and to revert to the lower Strymon is dancing Nymphs, The nymphs who play along with Persephone in Nysio field (that is called Nysio of Nysiidwn, which are the nymphs who raised Dionysus). Filled with Grubs (with several names like for example in the Darnakochwria call kalotkes) is the modern folk tradition in this place.
Diomedes destroy
the Riso in his sleep.
But after the tragedy, gives us some weird religious cult of details Risos. The companions of the bring to his homeland to bury him, but his mother will ask for pardon from Persephone for her son:
“He won't get on the all-black earth soil,
This request will make the bride of katou world,
the daughter of the goddess Demeter who gives all the fruits,
Let my soul to this here…”
And below will tell us, What will be the position of the Risos within eternity:
“Hidden in the bowels of the Earth asimoflebis
like anthrwpodaimwn It lies and will be alive, like
Prophet of Bacchus left the cliffs of Pageos,
kalodiathetos God for those people will know him well.”
The translation of the text is from the Zitros and anthrwpodaimwn versions translate as “anthrwpotheos”. But the Greek tragic in our prototype the Group clearly teaches:
“…kryptos (d)’ chthonos ypargyroy in antrois of
anthrwpodaimwn keisetai Gazer faos,
Bacchus Prophet so Paggaio rock…”
As anthrwpodaimwn well cherished the Rhesus in place and across from the sanctuary of, There is the sanctuary of the mother of the Muse, in another version is the Cleo. There are three other versions of the mother of Risos. Three Muses. The Calliope (EC of the: good + wps = this with beautiful eyes), the Muse of Epic poetry, the Euterpe (EC of the: EV + terpw, Welcome to terpw, Thanks), the Muse of music and Lyric poetry, and Terpsichore (EC of the: terpw + dance, the dance by terpoysa), the Muse of dance and Orchisews. The Shrine of Clio which has been found in Amphipolis, as has been found outside the walls, near the Struma, a shrine of the nymphs, with a jar at the Center, of which has removed the bottom and which has sunk to the rim of the, in the Holy Land. And in Pangeo know that there was an Oracle of Bacchus.
We turn again to the beginning of the myth that we began, in thanks that makes Persephone to the hero of the land from which he was kidnapped. But the strimon Valley has inspired the mythical man, and around the Meander forming, We have to tell many wonderful, bizarre and sometimes grotesque stories, for which you will write soon.
Just before I close this text, I would like to write to you and something I have not noticed many researchers, but certainly knew very well the Greeks and maybe the great interest and the cult in Riso. The Rhesus you say, According to Homer as a human rather than divine origin (divine origin of his father Struma), He was the son of Iionea, who was the son of Thessalian Magnes. And here is our secret. Magnis is one of the six children of Aeolus and Enaretis. Not of Aeolus, the God of the winds, but the Aioloy of Thessaly, the son of Greek! His grandfather Risos, He was the grandson of Greek!
The Rhesus is the Greek triseggono, the progenitor of the Greeks!
The sanctuary “the nymph” located
outside the northern wall of Amphipolis, a few meters
by the North Gate.
In the Center we distinguish
the submerged jar.

“… and now you raise Paggaiw as botani, Guitar called, the aitian in lifelong: Orpheus Diasparaxasai, members of the proeirimenoy at the ebalon River ebron, and the head of man, When pronoian gods, at the Dragon changed the form of the body, the Lyra katestiristhi, When Apollo proairesin, EC no blood enefani botani reystantos, Guitar called, the Rule is not performed, without this guitar anadidwsin, the d’ Home peribeblimenoi thyrsoys ktratoyntes nebridas, adoysin ' hymns, and then froniseis, When average fronwn, as full time c Kleitwnymos’ the tragic”.

Plutarch “On Rivers”
Onto our Pageo says Plutarch grow a herb called guitar. It is a result of basting of the mountain from the blood of Orpheus, When this dismembered the Maenads. This woman turns out guitar sounds, when committed the Dionysia mysteries and then the locals are wearing animal skins, and keeping thyrsoys chant hymns.

Priestess of Bacchus in painting
in the 19th century, dressed with
and keeping thyrso pelt.

It is the birth after death, It is the eternal circle of life, as he saw the Greek national tradition. The guitar and music, made from the blood of the dead Orpheus.
But the same pageOn so named from a mythical hero who looks on Oedipus. Is another ancient myth. And I will explain, After the recount.
THE Paggaios was the son of the God Mars and Kritoboylis, and unwittingly became a tragic aimomiktis, not with his mother as Oedipus, but with the daughter of. To punish himself, instead for voluntary blindness chose death. Suicide mpigontas the sword in his insides, on the condition that until then was called Karmanio and from there and after she got his name.

“The first thygatri’ edramen s Karmanion syggenomenos agnoian term spasamenos and exceedingly regrets the sword itself aneilen…”
Plutarch “On Rivers”
This myth is ancient, because it is a myth prwtosyneidisis. Is the man who understands the affinity. While the animals, from where comes and our species, mated once adults between them. so the Paggaios, didn't kill himself, But kill the animal inside him, When acknowledged paternal relationship with daughter.
This term well, pangeo, They both praised, We know that had an Oracle of Dionysus. This worked and in historical times. It was under the supervision of the Thracian sheet name “Satres”, While according to Herodotus were famous Satres Bissoi, his priestly sex God Dionysus. The relationship of Dionysus in our place we know that was a special. We know that the gods they worshipped particularly in our area were four. Aris, Dionysus, Artemis and their Royal houses of Hermes. For Dionysus now the Manti and our place, We read a story of Homer from g’ Rhapsody of Iliad:
“…What neither the Lycurgus was able, Dryanta son of anchovies,
happy birthday to live, as the ' Vale with the gods in the celestial.
The holy mountain of Nysas Once they put the Dionysos,
bakcheyti of God, kynigise᾿ and eytys these all
cast their thyrsoys toys᾿ underfoot and Lykourgos antrofonias
with the goad of the stirred, and Dionysus fobithi
and in shore boytaei᾿ and Thetis in dechti in agali
skiagmeno᾿ what the voices were shaken in excess of Lykourgou.
With this triseytychoi gods were angry but then,
and the son of Saturn the etyflwse᾿ happy birthday again.
But not lived, what the immortals in all ochtreytikan.”

Of course mount Nysa, (Igatheon Nysiion, Nysio field) We know that it is in our County, but he swmenos from apollodoros myth won't leave us in no doubt:
“Lykourgos de Pais Dryantos, Hedoni King, the Strymon River paroikoysi, first exelaben this ybrisas. Whilst at sea and Dionysus to Thetin…”
The legend who is saved from many sources, It is a classic myth disrespect towards the gods, which leads naturally to crash the mortal, in tragedy. Besides this legend inspired the great tragwdo Aeschylus to write a trilogy with the tragedies Edoni – Bassarides – Neaniskoi Ki a satirical drama named Lycurgus.
Lykourgos well, Our region's typically Thracian King, It showed disrespect trying to banish worship of God from his Kingdom (in some versions of the myth, means to kill him). God left momentarily from place of terrified and found protection from Thetis. But Lykourgos with this Act aroused the wrath of the gods who echthreythikan. In conclusion the Lykourgos blinded, While most tragic narratives, Mad God and like another Ajax, thinking that cuts klimatsides, kills his relatives, his own child, and came to the logical when they started to beat with the axe and his own foot. When he saw what he did then was blinded. A third variant wants God to dry the land and this not giving fruits. He sued through his Oracle, that will not xanaginotan fertile land, If not punished with death Lykourgos. Then they took the King of the Edoni and imposed to horrible death in Paggaio, where “katasparachtike from horses“.
But if the oldest myths we have the perpetual cycle of nature, the consciousness, in the myths of mortals, the fate of standing there and lurks with tragedy. No one can be quiet and only one should be sure, that any joy in life, is obligated to pay with equal regret. And as a great pleasure, so greater and the regret. Such story will tell you in next post. A tragedy that happened in these soils bask and don't know, If it inspired someone big or smaller tragwdo, to be taught at the theatre of Amphipolis.
The attic is the tragedy have been more considerate product
that saved to create man on the planet,
throughout its history...
(D). Liantinis
The Attica tragedy created through myths, like him that took place in the land of pure Struma. A legend that you relate immediately now.
“Why est᾽ ἀrchaios ἀnthrwpwn apparent hand,
as if aIwn᾽ ekmathois brotwn oyk, If before
thani the, christos oyt᾽ eI eI oyt᾽ tw bad;”
Thus begins the Sophocles tragedy of women of Trachis, you go to tell the new performance, How
“There's a reason why ancient Greeks,
that of people living, before anyone dies,
good if it was poor, you know you can't.”
And our story begins inside the belly of the Trojan horse. There along with Diomedes, Odysseus and Menelaus, It was crammed and the most brave lads of the achaeans. One of them was the Demophon of Athens, son of the hero Theseus and Faidras. His name means Dimofown = Demophon of Athens municipality (place, people) + fows (light, Flash), “the light of the people, He illuminates his people”. The Demophon had on the side of his brother the Akamas. In Troy led them a shared secret. When the evening opened the hatch and antrokardoi the Achaeans came out from the wooden horse, ran at the gate of Ilion, the opened and poured inside the army of Agamemnon. Screams and fires and looting, but the two brothers were not taking anything, I wanted something to their left hands, had the eyes nailed in women, until in the bonfires and the crowd, They recognized the person who longed. Aethra was, their grandmother. Had kidnap the Paris, When kleftike with Helen. The Aethra had gone in Helen's Palace the Castor and Pollux. The two lads didn't get any loot from Troy. Only their Grandma. Such agreement made.
The brothers Demophon and Acamas
liberate their Grandma Aethra.
So the Demophon took the road of returning to Athens. On the way back from the land of Odomantwn, who exoysiazan the plain East of the Strymon. There the College hosted Fyllis, daughter of their King of Sithonia. Was fulminating love of basilopoylwn. They say how did two guys together and that means in the fertile plain, ruled by the foothills of Pageos, until those conditions Menoikioy.
As that one day came a news on dimofonta, how the throne in Athens emptied and that we should hold sway. Cold sweat washed beautiful Fyllis, as the Demophon gave oath, that will turn into a month that and if you qualify. We take care to be given safely to his homeland the throne elsewhere and he will turn to reigned together with his beautiful wife, in this place. Fyllis gave him to have with him a box, I asked though to open only if you decide not to turn back. It was the same Rhea strange this gift.
But on the street caught Gale, than the angry Poseidon after the Trojan sent in all the achaeans, with first Ulysses. So his ship arrived in Cyprus Demophon. The days went by and the Sun had set 29 times on Mount Dyswron, forming those rough and majestic Sun dyseis. Such that make the pain of NOSTOS, to become heavier in the breasts of lovers. The thirtieth day which was the last of the deadline he gave himself the Demophon in himself, the Princess, got the Strymon and reached up to the sea. Vainly waited as I caught the nychtia. Any ship not seemed Strymon Gulf. Took the road of returning, dianyktereyontas in the first city of the Kingdom of the sea. Nine streets called the city and gave nine fyllis curses to the Athenians, within the infinite sadness. But the bore in love not news to turn the Palace of. They found the morning, throughout an arid one almond tree. Others said he died of grief, other how hung in this almond. However, the gods transformed itself in almond. From the top of the nine streets, to gaze from the sea, did and turned her beloved, on the other hand believes the Kingdom left.
The Demophon does not ever forgot the promise to his beloved. So although it was returned to their Kingdom. In the nine streets though the sued the bad news. Then ran and embraced with such momentum dry almond tree that she pulled out again leaves. Amid the sadness of the Demophon wanted to see what was the box that gave him the beloved, Although she told him to open it, only if you decide not to turn back. Just opened the box, While he was riding on his horse proud Thrakiotiko, that afionistike and threw him onto his own sword.
The Odomantes in honor of their Queen, They called around that place East of their Prefecture, Phillis, and even today that the State province name province Fyllidos.
They say that the first of the nine Fyllidas curses the Princess was suicide, just found out about the death of her grandson. But historians in the future, the saw clean. The one place that say Nine streets, the Athenians settled him after centuries and named Amphipolis. Nine times the Athenians were defeated in war. From the Peltasts of Drabiskoy with ten thousand dead, until the crash and the death of Cleon and as they gave the Amphipolis victory of Sparta in the Peloponnesian War, driving the great Athens in decline.
The Demophon gave oath to the gods, for something I did not know that he will be able to perform, instead of giving a nice reply and ask the beautiful woman of patience and faith, on measures of mortals. So as closes the Sophocles ' tragedy Antigone, will close and I this myth that I narrated:
Wisdom in happiness is the most important.
Have the gods not to show disrespect.
Always great words of mortals
with great misfortunes will be paid,
so that the passage of time
will teach the wisdom.
  • The myth has many variations. For example – the suicide, about his brother Demophon, the Adamas and indeed in Cyprus. My own choice is to tell him so with excerpts of versions, instead of dry academic presentations of these scenarios. The myth is mainly what: Narrative.

…the Trojans together with Cretans are the settlers of Great Britain

British and Scots are looking forward to their origin, through the emineia of the picts. Let's say someone that Trojans and Cretans were the first inhabitants of their land and that the word is Greek picts. Note that the Romans never stepped foot in Scotland and therefore is not onomatisan the sites with ellinoprepi names.

Taking a look at the map of Scotland, We can clearly see Greek names:

Clipboard12 Clipboard01 Clipboard02 Clipboard03 Clipboard04 Clipboard05 Clipboard06 Clipboard07 Clipboard08 Clipboard09 Clipboard10 Clipboard11

and of course the island just as the Stroma because it resembles a mattress



Written historical sources of the Greek and Roman world are minimal. As originally reported by the people Ekataio the Milisio in his work "Geography", the 5th century BC.

Julius Caesar in his book "on War" the ancient Gauls, a book in the form of memoirs gives us the following information : that religious ceremoniesthe Celts and Gauls were identical to the Greek, While in the language where the Dryides was also epselnan the Greek. But officers of the synenooynto with the priests of the Celts, the Dryides, Greek speakers. Like the gods had same or paraftharmenes names Greek, as That Pater – Deys [Zeus] Father.

Greek mythology States that when Hercules was campaigning in the West, Orion Galatea, a nymph where with her had two sons the Celt and Galati. Where these two kids came the Celts and Gauls.

First in Ireland and after Britain.

The capital's Celtic traditions in Ireland and never echathisan not ellinikotites. Where this is shown by the Celtic mythology, and first were the Danaoi onwards Milisioi.

Reports : "After the second battle of Toyred Magk [etymology of English words], the Danaoi [the Danaoi mentioned in Homeric epics, where is the other name of Achaeans Greeks] ekybernisan to Ireland until the coming of the Milisiwn, sons of Miletus [The Athenian colony Miletus Ito]».

The Irish legend says that this breed ancestors from uncles katigeto.

Continues : Ito Thursday, Mayday and 17th day of the Moon [Lunar calendar], When the Milisioi arrived in Ireland. May day apobibasthikan and Parthalwn on the Islands.

The Irish legend says that King Parthalwn, He came to Ireland three centuries after the great cataclysm. It is said that started from Macedonia or Middle Greece accompanied by a small group of people. Among them were 3 Dryides from Dodona, that Fios onomazonto, Aeolus and Fomoris.

An ancient Irish poem of Amerginoy saith :

' Append the land of Ireland.
Serene is the fertile sea
fertile is the mountains with fruit trees,
filled with fruit trees are the cool forests,
cool are the waters of waterfalls,
by waterfalls formed deep pools,
deep lakes are the sources of slopes.
A tribal source is the great meeting,
the meeting of the Kings of Taras.
The Tara is the Acropolis of the tribes,
descendants of tribal Militoy,
the Militoy with its many boats and dinghies.
A magnificent boat is Ireland,
the magnificent Ireland, the polytragoydismeni.
An appeal to a great art
Append the land of Ireland».
There is still a number of Irish myths mentioned in the Greek tribes who colonized.

Even today the Irish pride themselves for their Greek ancestry, where the dominant war song of the Irish revolutionary army [I. R. A.], titled "a nation United, Once again», among his lyrics, their hymns 300 of Leonidas who ethysiasthikan for freedom and urges Irish to remember their ancestors and to imitate them.

Today there is also the city with the name Ireland Salonica, i.e. Thessaloniki, in the square where there is a statue of Alexander the great.

Secondly in Britain, the myths and traditions are and here too many.

The Aeneas after the fall of Troy, escaped to Italy. His grandson Brutus, at the age of 15 years, He was forced to leave the country where she was born, and Abbot with 3.000 young Trojans, started to find his luck. In his campaign that followed him and the Greeks of the Cretan colony of Calabria [region of South Italy], led by Tefkros.

After many adventures he decided to colonized the Great White North Sea Island, as onomazeto then Britain.

They arrived there after exiting the Hercules traveled West, synantwntes 4 trwϊkes colonies which ruled the Tranios.

They arrived on the White Isle, They called Broytania, by the name of Brutus, where they founded a town and named it New Troy, which is the current London.

In accordance with what Homer mentions in Iliad, the Trojans together with Cretans are the settlers of Great Britain [corruption of Broytania ;], but the founders of the first civilization on the White Isle.

[Romance, Chapter 5 – the Celts have Greek ancestry, pages 51-58, Stefanos Mytilianios, Releases New Position 2000]

SOURCE = taken from his book author Homer Ermeidi titled "Greeks or Ellinizontes


"100 years of excavations at Philippi" – A unique exhibition in Switzerland

The exhibition will consist of ancient documents and material from the photo archive of Paul Collart

To mark the 100th anniversary of the start of excavations in the city founded by King Philip II’ of Macedonia, father of Alexander the great, the 356 e.g.. in northern Greece, the French school at Athens organizing exhibition in Switzerland in collaboration with the universities of Lausanne and Geneva.

The exhibition will consist of ancient documents and material from the photo archive of Paul Collart (1902-1981, Professor at the universities of Geneva and Lausanne).

The ancient documents will be presented in the form of large panels that will include archival photographs and reviews, While two videos will animate the presentation. At The Same Time, many conferences and events in Switzerland will accompany the report, which started yesterday, at 19 February and ending on 6 May.

Archaeologists of the French school of Athens began exploring the area in ancient Philippi, close to Kavala, the 1914, the year of the start of the first world war. The work continued after the war and held until today.

Swiss Teacher team has guided much of the scientific research being done at Philippi and has published fundamental works on the history and archaeology of the region. Modern excavations at the archaeological site of Philippi, made largely from Switzerland and members of the University of Lausanne.

The site of Philippi is a candidate on the list of world heritage of UNESCO.


To such burial gold plate Ippwnioy

EImi and pais Oyranou Gis ἀsteroentos:

By Mnamosynas tode • epei if melliisi thaneisthai
eyireas εἰς Ἀidao surfaces, of d est '<(e)>xiἀ krina,
Despite aytan estikua d ' kyparis light<s.>ND •
psychai katerchomenai nekywn cooled within.
tas kranas taytas eggythen elthiis schedon mide.
tas Mnamosynas prosthen he eyriseis from limnas
ydwr proreon psychron • epyperthen easi he guards.
ἐν eIrisontai oI o in<i> frasi peykalimaisi
ot<t> I Ἄidos di exereeis murk orf<n>ientos.
• Gis pai eIpon<ò> eImi and ἀsteroentos • Oyranou
eIm ' dipsai d ' ἀpollymai and • ἀl ayos<(l)>a dot ' wka
ydwr pienai psychron of Mnemosyne by Lake.
and partner di ereoysin {(j)}ypochthoniwi Kingdom to life!<century>•
and {partner di} piein tas Mnamosynas ἀp dwsoysin[o] limnas
and di and piwn odon erchea sy<(j)> Te ἅn and ἄlloi

bakchoi and Ieran steichoysi mystai lock<(e)>inoi.

Calabria, Ippwnio [I]

This is the work of Mnemosyne.[ii] When is to die
(and to go) to well-made lofts of Hades,[iii] on the right there is a fountain[iv] and the side of the white Cypress stands.[v] Here like descend of dead souls are cooled.[vi] This fountain or even to approach!
Further you will find water cool rolls
by Mnemosyne's Lake.[vii] Security guards stand in front of.
I ask with sagacity spirit
What are you looking for in the bleak darkness of Hades.[viii] To say: "I am the son of the Earth and the starry sky.[ix] Stegnwsa of thirst and perish. But give me
quickly drink cool water of the pool of Mnemosyne ". And will ask the Queen of the underworld[xi] and I will give to drink from the pool of Mnemosyne.
Like drink, and the sanctuary will take the road [xii]

marching and other mystics and glorious bakchoi.[xiii] [I] From gold foil rectangle found in Tomb woman (around 400 e.g.), at the top of the breast. Perhaps it was fastened at the neck with a thin chain. Together with another group of similar findings by the Sicilian entella, the Petilia and Farsala constitute a relatively coherent description of the arrival of the soul of the deceased to the underworld. Someone (a priest, the Mnemosyne, the text itself;) addressed to the dead in second person and gives him instructions on what to see and what to do, When found in hell. Shortcut similar texts we have from Thessaly and Crete.

[ii] Mnemosyne is the mother of the muses, the deity of memory. Mnemosyne is associated with Orpheus pedigree through her daughter Kaliopis, which is the mother of the great musical. For the expression "the Mnemosyne project» GP. the beginning of the Homeric hymn to Aphrodite, where the poet invokes the Muse to sing the works of Venus, i.e. the sphere of influence of the goddess and aspects of its action (Mousa polychrysoy Ἀfroditis μοι ennepe projects / Kypridos…). Here the ' work ' of Mnemosyne is the swtiries instructions and words you need to memorize the dead man's soul, i.e. the text itself, like the inspired or dictated the goddess of memory. The text is in verse, just to facilitate the memorization. The guidelines apparently were given for the first time as the dead was alive, in some initiation ceremony. The man entrusts the goddess of memory, order to the underworld to remember what she learned during the myisis of the upper World [GP. orfikoi hymns (= TH) 77.9-10): makaira thea͵ mystais ἀlla͵ memory epegeire / eyieroy teletis͵ twnd΄ ἀpopempe by lithin IV].So the Mnemosyne becomes patron of the soul and the posthumous journey Guide. In philosophical circles the memory considered organ of human salvation. The Pythagoreans, closely connected with the Orpheus, gave great importance to memory and took care to practice with different techniques. Pythagoras remembered a lot from previous incarnations of. The same and Empedocles. The remembrance of past lives was necessary, for anyone to know his true self. The recollection is a cleansing of the soul. The unnamed deity who speaks in Parmenides and reveals the truth (Re. (B) 1 D-K) Perhaps it is the Mnemosyne. For Plato the drink from the water of oblivion (Oblivion) means to lose the memory of perennial truths. In the Greek ἀ-litheia is literally the absence of amnesia, therefore to remember means to know. Oblivion is the water of death, Mnemosyne is the water of immortality. The memory ensures the dead soul the ability to remember the divine origin of the, to depart from the circle of time and life and not reincarnate again.

[iii] One who dies is the adept (or the ' Hero ' to other sheets). Death is perceived as a passage for the soul, that is why the corresponding rimathaneisthai is written as if it were a verb of motion (εἰς Ἀidao surfaces). The text must be written at the precise moment of death, to avoid the terrors of Hades soul. At this critical moment the soul faced with options, other desirable and others do not. The texts do not explain why the soul must make a choice and not another, or why should I say certain words and not others: knowledge of the causes for the specific options suggested for the initiated and you don't need to be developed in detail by the authors of the texts. This lack makes it difficult for our interpretation of laminates.
The Palace of Hades described as well-built (Earth eyireas Ἀidao). The designation reminds us of the shows with the dead to the underworld to standing in front of a building with columns.

[iv] This is the fountain of oblivion. Here is placed on the right, While the fountain of memory is not left, But beyond the same (right) direction. The same pattern exists and in sheets from the entella and Farsala. In the foil from the fountain of oblivion Petilia is located on the left, While the fountain of Mnemosyne is located on the other side, that is to the right. In sheets from Crete Mnemosyne water is to the right. One of the signs of Thourion the soul must move to the right, to be saved. Generally the soul must follow a course to the right, When found in the Underworld. It is known that the Pythagoreans regarded the left as something bad. In Plato (State 614C) the souls of the righteous after the crisis the right path, which leads to the Macaronesian Islands (Gorgias 524A).
In the basement of Oracle Trofonios the priest takes the visitor to the sources of the river. There must drink first from the water of oblivion and after the Memory of water (Παυσανίας 9.39.7), a representation of the treaties of the underworld.

[v] Cypress from the most ancient times associated with Hades and death in many cultures. Cypress here is white, without explained why. Several interpretations have been proposed:
(a)) In various cults of the dead were buried with white attire [e.g.. Kea (Sokolowksi 97 A, sacred law of the 5th century BC), Lebadeia (Sokolowski 77 C 6, 5century BC), Messinia (Pays. 4.13.3), Orphic burial in Thoyrioys (Timpone Grande)].
(b)) The Mystics wore white clothes (see. l. x. Eur., Cretans re. 472, 16 Kannicht).
(c)) Cypress shines in the darkness of the underworld, attracting like beacon the souls of uninitiated dead in the water of oblivion.
(d)) Maybe the white here has the meaning of "spectral", After the color is associated with ghosts. In The Odyssey (Oh 11) the souls of suitors Lefkada petrin encounter on their way to hell.
(e)) Maybe Hades to be arrested here as the inverse of the upper World, where the Cypress is dark.
(f)) The orfiko-Pythagoreans wore white garments, When attending funerals, While it was forbidden to make coffins from kyparissoxylo, because of this wood was made the scepter of Zeus (Iamblichus, Vios Bottom Shell Area. 155, Hermippus re. 23 Wehrli – the Cretans of Euripides the Holy Temple of Jupiter is made out of Cypress, Re. 472, 4 k. on. Kannicht).

[vi] The dead man's thirst is global pattern. So I made in honor of the fallen wet offers or tipped vessels with water on the graves. Without a friend or relative to remember, the dead suffered from hunger and thirst, as we mention Lucian (Concerning mourning 9). In The State (621AB) Plato describes the road that leads to the plain of oblivion as barren, pnigiro and very hot. The Tantalus suffers from eternal thirst in hell for his crimes. Thirst can lead the soul to do wrong and drink from the water of oblivion. This is bound to make the uninitiated souls: cooled, but so forget and trapped in a new incarnation. The verb in the original is cooled (cooled). In ancient Greek language "psychw" also meant "blow", but "give life" (GP. soul = the breath that gives life to the body). There maybe etymologiko game: the souls who drink from the water of oblivion do not only cooled, but literally get life for a new incarnation, anything negative about the optics of Orphic.

[vii] In Homer the souls of the dead are ordinary shadows who don't remember anything. The soul of the Seer Tiresias in Odyssey 11 references (Rhapsody (l)) be able to remember and prophesied only when drinking the blood of carcasses. Odysseus tries to keep other thirsty souls away. In Orpheus blood shall be replaced by the Memory of water, with score to cut so any bond with the bloody carnal Over World.

[viii] The image of deities-guardians that protect a sacred and secret place is common and in antiquity and in the Judeo-Christian tradition. To the Gnostics the Lords, Junior Centuries, have negative role, After trying to prevent the rise of soul fylagontas the planets. The soul passes, only if you know the appropriate password. Similar ideas found in hermetically texts, the neoplatwnikoys, the mithraϊsmo, the Zoroastrian, esoteric Judaic and Christian texts, etc..
The keepers here make a question and waiting for a password ID., an image derived from guarding the camps or portals. The slogan that needs to know the soul also refers to covert or synwmotikes groups, whose members are recognized between them with special gestures or words. The Orphic texts don't tell us if some punishment awaits the soul who doesn't know the slogan, but from corresponding Platonic pictures (State 363C, Gorgias493B) We can assume that the disciplined soul. At amphora from Italy (42nd-3rd century b.c.. -Vulci), which unfortunately has now lost, was depicted a prosperous Prairie, which was separated from the place of the damned with trees full of birds. A hill stemmed a fountain and before her stood two young crowned with Ivy and keeping thyrso, Dionysian symbols. An Archer was depicted on hand to throw DART. The two young people are obviously Mystics, While the Archer-keeper is not leaving them to spend, If you don't say the right password. On the other side of the vase a demon tormenting with torch a woman, type of ypochthonias of punishment. The lack of reference to the Orphic laminates in punishments may be because that would be inelegant to recall something to a dead adept who hopes to salvation. Moreover the lamina with the instructions accompanying the dead, but the initiation that has received during his lifetime, Maybe considered capable weapons, to avoid forgetting the password and soul be punished.

[ix] The soul recalls the divine origin of the (Since Hesiod the Earth and the sky is the primordial divine pair, While gods and people have common origin-GP. Pind., Transmission New Projects Department. 6.1-2, Eur. Re. 1004 Kannicht), Hence the kindred with the guards, Hades and Persephone and the other gods. This shows the guards that remembers the origin of, but and that is entitled to share in divine State primary. However the weight seems to falls on the descent from heaven. In other similar texts the body belongs to the Earth (Titanic element in such legend of Zagrea) and the soul in heaven (Dionysiac element). The adept must renounce the earthly element of, even his personal name, to enter the world of the gods. The starry sky is the place of heavenly fatherland for the Pythagoreioys, While for Plato the redeemed soul returns to the star that corresponds (Timaeus of locri 42B). In another such sheet the dead calls himself Asterios, probably a secret name for the initiated and not his real name. A series of parallel passages in different traditions highlight that the recollection of celestial origin of some is necessary for salvation: see. l. x. Fr. Oh 1-2, Emped. Re. (B) 119 D-K, Ippol., Against all sects 5.7.30, Gospel of Mary (P. Berol. 8502, I 16). However we are not sure if the Orfikoi who wrote the Golden plates considered that the final outcome of the lytrwmenis soul is in heaven or in some part of Hades especially guarded about her, something like the Champs-Elysées or the Macaronesian Islands, where you will live in an eternal happiness. The redeemed soul refers simply to follow the road that got the other Mystics or bakchoi or heroes, without specifying where this road leads.

The dead indicates indirectly that the guards be versed, After the thirst of due to the fact that his soul drank from the fountain of Oblivion, as the souls of the uninitiated: as adept already knew from the myisi to the World that it is forbidden to drink from this, the remembered posthumously (with the assistance of laminae) and even managed to beat temptation, When passed from there. In many ways, well, is a capable fighter who deserves to be rewarded by the gods of the underworld. Thus the thirst here is a key part of ID as password and the reference to the celestial origin, but the call for xedipsasma from the source of memory (also a sign mystical knowledge held by the dead, Since he knows the importance of, but also that there is such a source to hell and even immediately after the source of oblivion).

[xi] The keepers must consult the Persephone, After ultimately aren't they, who will judge if the soul is entitled to drink water, but the Queen of the underworld.

[xii] The sacred way which leads to eternal happiness. The image is of Iera Odos to the underworld can be inspired by the operational path of terrestrial initiation or from the sacred processions of initiates l. x. the eleusinian Mysteries, where the course was long and difficult, but the adept does not feel fatigue with intervention of the gods (Eur., Bak. 194, Aristof., Gourmet Frog Wants To. 402 Mr. SEM.). Plato notes the similarity between the ritual practices and the journey of the soul (Faidros 108a). But we also have fabulous and philosophically in tandem: in Pindar, the road of Jupiter leads the godly souls in the Macaronesian Islands under Rhadamanthys (Ol. 2.68 k. on. -GP. Pal. Anth. 7.545). The Parmenides travels the path of wisdom ((B) 1.2-3, 27 D-K), to find the redeeming truth.

[xiii] The adept who arrived in perfection is identified with the God of, Dionysus-Bakcho and therefore rightly calls himself this title. But while those involved in simple Dionysian rites of ekstatikes cities are satisfied with a temporary identification with God that lasts as long as the ecstatic ceremony, the Association of orfikoy with the divine is permanent and in this life and in the posthumous condition.
The adventure of the soul seems to us ending elasma here. The text from the entella implies on-unfortunately- damaged end of that at a later stage the soul appeared in front of the same Persephone.


The transatlantic voyage of Hercules

Historical person who arrived to Canada was the Hercules of Greek mythology, According to Professor of geology Elias Mariolako.

Arrived a thousand years ago by the Great Alexander on the Indus River. Passed from Ethiopia, arrived to Greenland and perhaps to set first set foot in America. One of the most famous Heroes of world mythology- Hercules- It was not only a great plumber, engineer and ydrogewlogos, as evidenced by many of the twelve labors of, but the first who did act on globalisation and the architect of the Mycenaean kosmokratorias, as I argued last night in his speech, at the University of Athens, the Emeritus Professor of geology and a member of the Central Archaeological Council Elias Mariolakos.

"Hercules is not a person to amuse the children. Neither the Greek mythology a tale about a fantasy world ", says Elijah Mariolakos. "Hercules is an historic- and not mythical- person, an unknown great conqueror, Hero- founder of cities, first link of the common European cultural matrix, of the Mycenaean and consequently of Greek culture. And the mythology is the story of the distant past of the inhabitants of this place, who much later would be named Hellas».

First under the microscope of the Professor entered the feat by grabbing the Seizing of oxen, the three-bodied giant three-headed and who lived at Gadeira, today's Cadiz Spain, near the Strait of Gibraltar.

"Most believe that Hercules traveled to the Iberian Peninsula to bring a good breed of oxen in the Peloponnese», explains Mr. Mariolakos. "If we read carefully Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. e.g.. though, We see that in any other part of the world has not been found so much gold, AG, copper and iron. And the oxen are justified because there was testimony that the "sifting" of gold from the sands was on skins steers».

The founding of the city of Hercules is commemorated in the coat of arms of the city and today. Hercules accomplishes the feat and continues North towards the Celtic and founds the Alesia (also known as a city of Asterix), whose name comes from the word Kızılırmak River (= wandering). City of strategic importance, connected via navigable rivers to the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the English channel and the North Sea, where Julius Caesar the Gauls katatropwse. Even founds the Monaco and the Alicante – the football team called Hercules.

What you seek in Gaul Hercules; «Gold», answered by Mr. Mariolakos, "since Diodorus tells us that in Gaul there are rich deposits of chrysofora». Hercules, however, reportedly- According to Plutarch- to arrived and to Ogygia located five days West of Britain.

"Five days shall be equivalent to 120 hours. If the average speed of a are of the time was 4 miles per hour, then the distance is 890 km., Hence it present-day Iceland and continued to Greenland, While the Sea of Cronus, referred, According to the calculations identified with the North Atlantic»

"To bring the golden apples of the Hesperides (i.e. the gold) Hercules from Egypt arrived to Ethiopia and then in the Caucasus- to seek the help of Prometheus- and in Libya before returning at Mycenae "

Hercules has arrived, According to Professor Elias Mariolako, as America. «Read sources that fit his attachés "by the mouth of the Bay is in the same line with the spout of the Caspian". A Bay only cover these conditions: of the St. Lawrence in Toronto of Canada». Stated that stayed "in the Islands to see the Sun hides for less than an hour 30 days»- the Polar circle.

What seek there;

The answer lies in the discoveries of the excavations carried out around Lake Superior in Michigan. It suffices to think that they have mined over 500.000 tons of copper in the area, When the pesky copper source par excellence- Cyprus- quarried 200.000 tons.

The extraction was the period 2.450 e.g.- 1050 e.g., stops suddenly, When collapsing the Mycenaean civilization. And all this in an area where the natives were in the stone age!

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The goldmines of m. Alexandrou

The goldmines of m. Alexander ~ What happened to the amythitoi treasures of the Persians;

Alexander the great arrived at the edge of the then known world. The history of conquests and discoveries are pretty much known. Few-about the project- men and a lot of determination. -But how was the campaign of Alexander the great; -Had hidden resources; -Maybe unknown goldmines; The information is conflicting. Most sources indeed, talk about huge debts he left Philip. Other where he got very little money with him in Asia. And others for more money and sources of revenue from gold mines in northern Greece initially and then in Asia. Did when Alexander, When he became King, He reiterated the well-known "Chorus" of Greek policies: "We received burned land from the previous Government"; Though Philip is not left at all "burnt Earth". Left an organized State, with conquests that yielded revenue, and particularly gold mines and argyrwrycheia who constantly gave metal for coins.
Ο Φίλιππος, knowing the need for money, in order to implement the campaign who dreamed in Asia, She had taken care of very early to find and understand places that promise revenues. Perhaps the most decisive Act was the 357 e.g.. (even before born Alexander) When captured Amphipolis using conqueror Rams. Along with Amphipolis won and the goldmines of Pageos – What,What better had to offer the land of Macedonia and Thrace from a financial point of view. Those mines formed the backbone of financing any activity of Philip. Had for the Kingdom of Macedonia, the same position they had argyrwrycheia of Lavrion on democracy of Athens a century before: Provide stable income. Fixed, but not enough for the designs of Philip. Until the death of Philip organized, planned, ekstrateye and conquer. And every conquest cost. It wasn't just the usual military spending, as Philip was modernist in martial art he learned to use war machines, which at the time were the recent inventions of Syrakoysiwn: Crossbows, petrobola, catapults and elepoleis (battle towers). All these cost, and Philip made without considering the costs, as many and conquer a city after another, so okay everyone in grandiose plans.

Philip still secured in Thrace goldmines – near the city Krinides, captured and renamed to "Philippi". It is said that only the goldmines in Philippi of attributed 1.000 Gold talents a year (26 tons). Thanks’ These began to Mint gold coins were the most prevalent currency in the Greek world.

Alexander continued to use gold and silver coins of Philip, but then highlighted in silver coins which followed the Athenian pattern as to their weight (with Hercules on one side and Jupiter on the other). The preference in silver shows maybe some possible shortage in gold. So, When came the time of Alexander the great ", He "inherited from his father, along with the Crown, and not a few debts, "according to the Koyrtio and Arriano. Arrian says that Alexander found in the vaults a few gold and silver objects. From money, Neither 60 talanta. From the other, Philip's debts reached in’ other Member 500 and in’ other Member 800 talanta. The talent as a unit of weight was 26 grams, but as currency amounted to 6.000 Greek drachmas, so the 60 talanta was 360.000 drachmas of that era. With the buying power that then had the Drachma (a penny then tantamount payday and a low purchasing power equivalent to 10-20 Euro) a man bought the necessary for a poor day. I.e. 60 talanta was salaries 1.000 poorly paid people for one year (somewhere 5-10 millions of current euro). But Alexander had with him when he started for Asia at least 35.000 men. This implies economic need for more than 2.000 talanta. Had Alexander does «hidden» resources; Unknown sources or financial backers began with what,what had. When started for Asia, got the 60 the talents and food for 30 only days (as reported by Plutarch, based on a source that calls Chieftain). The relevant sources give slightly different numbers, but all agree: money was not plentiful. The Onisikritos talks about debts 200 talanta (NB:military loan while Sarantos Kargako), While Aristobulus writes that the cost of preparation was 70 talanta. All of them are located far from the (to a minimum) necessary 2.000 talanta. Of Course, in Asia things changed. Go conquering the richest country in the world and ensure the necessary from the spoils of the enemy . The conquered satrapeies ' offered ' and they all,what they could from their own revenue (Alexander made sure not to change the administrative structure of the conquered land in order to continue to function smoothly in ' State '). Also, It seems from the narratives left by people who had accompanied the experts together prospectors (researchers Placer or geologists, We would say today) Why send to "follow" any rumor about gold meet. Search the resources employed until his death, even when he was no longer at the disposal of all the gold of the great kings of Persia – an incredible treasure. He died while the ships were ready to launch ekstrateyontas in Arabia, called that was rich in gold.

Can the start for Alexander it was difficult from an economic point of view, but the end was without such problems and, extra, brought a new epoch in economics. When Alexander swept away the Persian rule of Darius, the 329 e.g., and entered in the palaces of the Persians, found in front of the greatest treasures of history.

The treasure of Darius was essentially all the treasures of all the States of the Mesopotamian stacked since the dawn of history.

The gold 3.000 times! From the years of Sumerian, and as a people conquer another and States and empires of the region succeed one another, the gold and the treasures of each change every time. Darius had treasures and spoils which originated in Greece, taken at the time of the Persian wars and especially of Xerxes and fermenoys of the Kings before him. Had, yet, treasures from the various peoples that he and his predecessors had conquered.

These, though, was nothing in front of the treasures that had found the Validity, the first King of the Persians, by Medes, and the treasures they had grabbed the Medes from the Babylonians when face Babylon. And of course the Babylonians were treasures and spoils from the peoples they conquered, Assyrians and others.

The treasure of Darius showed that money does not bring victory. Neither the buy, If the opponent is Alexander. This was one of the courses that I took the Persian King.

When Alexander decided to ship the treasure of Darius, It took 20.000 mules and 5.000 camels. More wealth than he had ever seen of the Hellenic world, called that tantamount to 12 millions of pounds of silver. Only the scene with the throne gave Darius to Alexander treasure worth 3.000 talantwn (more than half a billion euros). Darius course perhaps was looking for revenge: Using a, unknown probably, form of psychological warfare, the loaded along with the gold and the women of. With the treasure Alexander found the mother of Darius, his wife and his harem!

The treasures they, that was more than the gold they had ever seen the Greeks, finally determined and Greek history, because these were "financed" the endless wars between «Epigonwn» – the successors of Alexander the great.

Are still "station" and the history of Economics: The existence and release of first created "inflationary trends». The history of inflation begins when Alexander started to pull out the gold of Darius from warehouses and distributes to the Greeks!

The consequence was that the Greeks were (athelitoi) inventors and inflation. With so much money and wealth to have come out of the vaults and be placed on the market, in conjunction with the military requirements that create campaigns, attracting new soldiers and endless wars between the successors of Alexander the great caused increases in everything. Salaries quadrupled, the same and the prices and cost of living.

Mining and argyrwrycheia of Philip and Alexander gave impetus and in the cutting of coins. Alexander's coins continued to be "cut" for years after the death of. They may be able to give an indication of the geographical location of the sources of precious metals.

Just as he lived there Alexander 25 different cuts of coins: two in Macedonia, one in Egypt and twenty-three in Asia. It becomes obvious from the minting of coins that the Centre of gravity and the sources of precious metals had moved East.

However, in quantity it seems that higher production came to Macedonia. There was the older gold coins, While other smaller and silver. This shows that the major source of gold was still in Macedonia.

After the death of Alexander mints made 31, and still 100 years later "tetradrachms of Alexander pods» 51 parts, which shows that & sources of the metals was too rich and continued to feed coins Greek world who had indulged in an unprecedented allilofagwma ignoring the "clouds from the West", the rising power of Rome.

The bulk of the treasure of Darius went to Pella.

Alexander sent enormous quantities from the Persian treasure back in Macedonia. We know that even 150 some years later he had left large quantity in Pella, enough to impress the new conquerors, the Romans.

Plutarch in his Parallel Lives (Timoleon-Aemilius Paul) Describes the treasure brought to Rome, the Aemilius Paul after his victory against Perseus. The spoils were passing in procession for three days:

"The first day passed 250 carriages loaded with statues, images and statues. The next day passed and again coaches with Macedonian for weapons and followed 3.000 men who would carry a silver four per pot full of silver coins, while others carried various precious objects and decorative. On the third day they say 77 Gold containers within which there were gold coins – as he had done with the silver!»

More from 150 years xodematos in equipments, wars, wastage and "excesses" that characterised the Hellenistic era of successors of Alexander the great and the treasure was still so large, to dazzle the Romans.

How would say at the beginning, When Alexander saw him;

For some unlikely reason nor Perseus, in front of the biggest danger the life and reign of, nor before that Kings of Macedonia "cashed" their "treasures" of Darius to strengthen their defense or to finance their war plans. The Romans found both gold, that if Perseus had used, You may not alter Macedonia. However, people always behave strangely with their treasures.

May go hungry, but the gold they inherited often refuse to part with.

Learned and the lesson he had learned Darius before them: that is not always the richest defeats. It is ironic, but the Greece seems to be drowned in the gold of. When he had more wealth "beyond imagination", then it was lost.

The goldmines of Alexander there were. It wasn't myth, nor were unknown. Found to finance the most foolhardy expedition of centuries and helped to create the largest State in the world so far. That the State that ultimately do not "kept" is another story, Maybe not completely unrelated to the wealth that had. From this point of view, It would not be an exaggeration to say that the gold mines of Alexander played the role of "life and death" in the history of mankind in General and in Greece in particular.


The relationship of Alexander son of the gods! with the ancient Amphipolis

Η σχέση του Μ.Αλεξάνδρου  ο γιος θεών! με την αρχαία Αμφίπολη

Ιστορικά ντοκουμέντα κρυμμένα απο τους θνητούς, άφησαν να εννοηθεί σαφώς ότι ο βασιλιάς Αλέξανδρος ήταν ο γιος ενός Θεού, as some other great heroes, He was also descended from the gods, one can only remember between the Achilles or Heracles!.

The very top commenting won't hear from any history especially Greece and archaeologists of the conventional story!, comes from sources that have few access, and of course outside Greece ! When we say the gods as they are not joining billion people today!It was invisible and ubiquitous !!! but they had direct contact with people! mortals for them! the Greeks 12 some of these gods! as he and others worldwide! (Some people would be horrified if they knew the truth!,AETOS)below text that says “experts”!!

The Alexander's relationship with ancient Amphipolis. the region has a direct relationship with the Grand Commander.

At a distance of about 100 km from Thessaloniki, going to Kavala, beyond the bridge over the Strymon, between low hills, the ruins of ancient Amphipolis.

Amphipolis was an ancient city built in Eastern Macedonia, on the banks of the river Strymon, in place of the city formerly called “Nine Roads” or very close to it. Amphipolis was founded by Athenians the 437 e.g.. with the aim of controlling the area rich in raw materials and was abandoned in the 8th century a.d. Today the area is built namesake modern settlement, located approximately 60 km. Southeast of Serres.

The excavations took place for the first time 1956 from the Greek Ephorate of Antiquities.
The ancient city of Amphipolis was built on a strategic Hill, 5 km from the sea, on the Eastern Bank of the Struma, just below its egress from Lake achinos, (which has now been drained). A turn of the Strymon protected the Western city walls.

The part which belonged to the Edonians of Thrace was originally called “Nine Roads”, because, According to Herodotus ((g) ', 114), Xerxes was passing bridges buried alive nine young boys and nine girls. The place was colonized and Amphipolis by the Athenians the 437 e.g.. There had been a failed attempt 28 years ago.

As stated by Professor, Panos Epirus, Amphipolis drawing wealth from the gold mines in Pangeo, It was one of the most important areas that had conquered the Athenians, and this explains the trepidation that prevailed in Athens during the war when he reached the Peloponisiakoy news 424 e.g.. that the Spartans led by Brasidas had encircle and besieging the Amphipolis. The historian (and General) By thucydide managed to rescue his fleet at the mouth of the Strymon but because of his failure to save and Amphipolis, ostracized for 20 years from his hometown (Thoyk, (d) ', 104-6; (e) ', 26). The 421 e.g. the Athenians made another failed attempt to epanakatalaboyn the city. In cavalry battle, the Athenian general and Cleon and his opponent Brasidas were killed.

Amphipolis subsequently conquered by Philip II’ the Macedon 358 e.g.. After the battle of Pydna in 168 e.g.. Amphipolis became the capital of one of the four English provinces who founded the Romans. The Apostle Paul passed from Amphipolis as go to Thessaloniki and preached Christianity. The city was also a parking place for travelers who used the Egnatia highway, and it was even the observer's seat of the Romans during the first Cristian period.

Trademark and emblem of the region but also the whole of Macedonia, is the lion of Amphipolis
It is one of the most important monuments of the 4th century BC. they survived and so far is the only one that was restored and stands today next to the old bridge over the Struma in provincial highway Amphipolis – Serraϊkis Coast.

The funerary monument of the lion is connected inextricably with the funerary tumulus signal that in fact is the Foundation of and is placed in the middle and at the highest point on the basis of geometry that gives the grave yard.

The Tumulus Kasta and lion
The Tumulus Kasta Amphipolis and the Lion Monument are two monuments that converse with each other by combining comparable architectural features and us theirs in the last quarter of the 4th BC. century.

“The latypes (fragments of marble processing) found around the burial mound on top of mark Kasta, indicates the existence of a large marble monument, which is no other than the Lion and the basis of”, the head of KI’ Ephorate of prehistoric and classical Antiquities Katerina Peristeri.

The excavations of burial grounds of mound “Kasta” the 2013, revealed that a large part of the enclosure has apoxilwthei in Roman times to score pretty marble architectural members are not in place. A wider archaeological research carried out in the region of Amphipolis of archaeologist Katerina Peristeri and partner of architect Michael Lefantzi, in their quest to locate the lost architectural members, led under the site of the monument of the lion of Amphipolis where found either scattered, είτε εντοιχισμένα στη βάση του Λέοντος, μαρμάρινα αρχιτεκτονικά μέλη με προέλευση τον ταφικό περίβολο.


Storm of reactions following the statements Xydakis for Amphipolis

Crease in the eyes of his new profile Greek Deputy Minister of culture after his statements in the newspaper to Vima.

What he said "the promotion of Amphipolis did bad in the excavations ' cause storm reactions which are expected to reach up to the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Twenty-five companies from the field of Arts and literature of the Prefecture of Serres in an open letter voicing their strong protest, for the statements made, While their actions are expected to continue with the petition and protest through the Internet.
So beyond the call to revise the said Nikos xydakis is not excluded that the requirement of the Greeks for his resignation from the position on the grounds that it does not reflect the culture of Greece.

The signatories of the letter of request from the Minister to continue aproskopa neoorkismeno the excavation on the Hill of Mesolakkias Kasta while consider brutal attack after capping each multidisciplinary team, from guardianship. At the request of the Government to protect the excavation by scientists of emerging “fraternal” rivalries, undermining and interventions

Nikos xydakis seems that endorses the view of a group of archaeologists whose names are better known, as the motives from which possessed.

The proposal of guardianship are promoting two executives of archaeological services of Northern Greece and some academics who question the excavation politikopoiisan few days before the election in order to flirt a place in YPPOA.
One of Directors bolidoskopei the position of the General Secretary in the Ministry while another strain archaeological service already indicates a closed circle that working informally on behalf of Nikos Xydakis.
These "opponents" of the excavation of Amphipolis in their assets have neither an excavation activity, but I just happened to have occupied the positions serving for many years due to circumstances and because of the good and close relations with all previous Governments.
In the guardianship of Amphipolis burned to come so many persons from the fields of Archeology in order to have a reason to exist and if they already know that the evolution of the excavations on the Hill Kasta holds many other surprises.
The issue of Amphipolis to the space of archaeologists and mainly of academics is very simple. Some people cannot understand that an archaeological service as the KI Ephorate of Antiquities Serron managed with systematic work to bring to light a so great monument.
So without have substantively critical arguments with the pretext to now communicating excavation supporting the fact that it was harmful and disregard for the educational nature throughout the audience that watches. In short, adopting the view of privacy investigations while excavations elsewhere streamed online on the Internet. Of course you should not go unnoticed that behind this story is hidden and the battle for the distribution of funds.
The recent statements of Nikos Xydakis in "Vima TIS kyriakis", apparently not finding the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras Pact which manifested his interest last August, and indeed are expected to visit the Hill Kasta in Central Macedonia Apostle Tzitzikosta voivodship, something already agreed.
Perhaps the main Xydakis ignores all these as well as the great interest of the Greek people after shows that the estimates with very low criteria.
by George Rodakoglou


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